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Pathfinder 1E [OOC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


I'm having trouble also. I was thinking of the Childhood Crush thing but I didn't want there to be too many similarities between this character and my witch from the other game.

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First Post
Arr. Well, your crush doesn't have to be Ameiko.

I am considering the crush or the best friends...target of the trait could be any of them, but Ameiko would be my first choice due to character background reasons.

I seem to recall our oracle has a crush on Ameiko. It might be fun to play a Cyrano riff, where I take the Best Friends thing for her, and then the Oracle comes to me for advice in wooing her. Hee hee.


Ok, I think I know what I'm going to go with...

CG Human Female Wizard (Universalist) with the Foster Child (Koya) and Dangerously Curious traits. Stats and more detailed background coming soon.


Guest 11456

What are your thoughts on Cold Iron, Tailspinner? Does it loose its properties after being heated in your world? (I'm considering making his iron bar Cold Iron but, being an oracle of flame, his weapon's going to get heated up fairly often, I imagine (his Light spell, as an alternate SFX for Touch of flames (or Magic Weapon when he gets it), etc)).

Shayuri is correct. The only mention of temperature is that it is forged at a lower temperature than normal iron. I doubt that anything you would produce could rival the temperature of a forge and especially not for the length of time that is required for forging a weapon.


Try to have characters mostly complete by Monday, March 10.

I am shooting for a start day of Monday, March 17.
That’s a long ways off yet. ;) When is the RG thread going up?

I am pretty confident that my summoner is mostly error free. Here is the updated character application that also includes the eidolon.

[sblock=Jariah Taliaferro, Human Summoner]Jariah's Sheet


An attractive woman with light skin, slender athletic build, and small breasts. Green eyes and long brown hair. Good physical conditioning and agile, but not very strong looking. She has angular face and decent bone structure. She wears a black jacket over her armor, with gold trim and black leather pants. She has black leather boots with a 1 inch heel that go up to mid thigh. When her eidolon is present there is a blue sigil on her forehead.

Gender: Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: 19​

Jariah is a secretive woman, not easily trusting of people when she first meets them. She can be polite and friendly if necessary, but she remains wary until she gets to know them. She is not above using her looks and gender to get her way, but prefers to use her wits instead. She has no qualms about using deceit or threats of intimidation either, being pragmatic. She can be extremely vengeful when scorned and is not afraid to use violence to accomplish her goals. Not really trusting in the laws of man or morality, she tends to just be herself and instead of worrying about the conflicts between good and evil.

Jariah has a wanderlust spirit from traveling around Varisia growing up, but no real desire to stay in Sandpoint. She learned to be independent in the dangerous world, but does not feel like settling down in one place. Someday she might want to have a family of her own, but sees no reason to stop traveling to do it. When old Nishka as her to go with Koya if she should travel abroad, she was actually excited about the prospect.

Jariah was born of a half-elven father and human mother in Varisia. Her father, Justiel, was an arcane hunter, descended from wild forest elves. Her mother, Dorsana, was a pious woman of Desna that had a fixation in her wild youth for elven men. While traveling in a caravan, Dorsana had a regular tryst with Justiel on one of their stops through Nybor. One such meeting conceived Jariah, and Dorsana stayed in Sandpoint for a few years following the birth of her daughter. Jariah ended up favoring her human heritage more strongly, only inheriting elf-like reflexes and some arcane abilities from her father. Despite not having any real love between them, her parents remained friends and Justiel often came to visit the child in Sandpoint and even helped care for the mother and daughter's welfare when times were difficult.

Dorsana raised Jariah in Sandpoint, yet let her daughter spend several weeks over the year with Justiel after she reached her 8th birthday. Dorsana had resumed traveling with the caravans once more with her mentor and friend Koya Mvashti, another cleric of Desna. Jariah would sometimes stay with her father until the caravan would pass back through Nybor on the return leg. Whenever Dorsana wanted her daughter to stay behind in Sandpoint, Jariah stayed with Koya's mother Niska Mvashti.

In those months, the father and daughter spent time discussing the arcane arts. When she became a teenager some of her magical lineage started coming forth as well. This pleased Justiel as he was proud to be able to pass along some of his gifts and talents.

During those teenage years, Jariah spent as much time with Koya and Niska Mvashti as well as her mother and father. When she was 17, her mother was killed in an accident on one of the caravan trips to Korvosa. Dorsana was riding in wagon when it overturned. She was found inside with a broken neck when the men of the caravan tried to help her.

Jariah was consoled by the older Mvashti women as she mourned. A few weeks later, the young woman spent the year after her mother's death living with her father in his cabin in the forests east of Nybor. Without the influence of her mother, she pursued her arcane abilities with her father instead. While Justiel was a spellblade of a different sort, he was still able to help his daughter learn the methods of spellcasting and conjuration. She had practiced and eventually was able to call forth an eidolon. It took the form of a black cat-like creature that looked like a jaguar except for the sigil on its forehead and shorter tail.

However after learning more about the arcane arts, she was not content to stay in one place for very long and she resumed traveling with the next caravan of Sandru Vhiski that came through Nybor.

It was chance or fate that saw Jariah in Sandpoint a few weeks before Niska Mvashti passed away.

~ Vignette of Jariah at Age 19 ~
Jariah did not think much of it when old Niska Mvashti sent word for her to come to her home. She had been around Sandpoint for few days, but had yet to stop in for a visit.

She had seen Koya already. The older woman was still spry and they had been wistfully talking about visiting Qadira or the lands up north. The young woman was thinking that some tea and sweat cakes would be nice and she could as the matriarch about her days traveling beyond Varisia.

Approaching the house, Jariah had resolved to spend the afternoon hearing of Niska's travels. After knocking and entering the home, she greeted the ancient woman.

"Good afternoon, Nana Niska. How are you today?"

"Fine fine, child. Come have a seat I have something more important to talk to you about that how an old dying woman feels." The old woman was hunched in her favorite chair and gestured for Jariah to take a seat facing her.

In a humoring tone, Jariah sat down, "Oh Nana, you look well. You are not dying."

Niska's wrinkled face was not amused and she waved her hand in a gesture for the young woman to stop. "You and I both know I have lived longer than I should and look every bit my age. So quit you fooling dear, this is important."

Jariah smile dropped and there was some concern in her eyes as she looked back at the ancient woman with a arched eyebrow. She was listening.

"I am not much longer for this world. No, no, do not interrupt. And, my daughter is no young lady any more either. I want you to promise me something. If she decides to take it to mind to travel on a long journey to far off lands, you are to go with and watch over her."

"Where would she be going?"

"Never mind that child. Promise me!"

"Okay, Nana. I promise." It was not an arm twister, she would of course go with if she could. Any opportunity to see a far off land would be welcome.

"Good. Now go make an old woman some tea. With a little rum in it too. My old bones hurt."

Jariah nodded and went to the kitchen, smiling. Old Nana Niska would like a little rum in her tea even without the aching bones.
[/sblock][sblock=Jakira the Eidolon]

Jakira's Sheet

Jakira is a black furred panther looking eidolon, with intelligent looking yellowish-green eyes. He has sharp claws and teeth. His tail is shorter than a real panthers. He has the glowing light blue sigil that matches the one on Jariah.
Age: Unknown
Height: 3' 0"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Yellowish-green
Fur: Black​

Jakira is not the brightest of creatures, but fiercely loyal to his mistress. He enjoys being vicious, vindictive, and has a lust for battle when unleashed. He has a tendency to say exactly what he thinks and is often unaware that he lacks tact or appropriateness of the comments. Where his mistress tends to listen more and not talk about herself much, he has no verbal restraint and will even be blunt or brash. With their telepathic link, his mistress often pokes him mentally and encourages the behavior, while she observes the reactions. [/sblock]
I took Friend of the Family: Koya.
Typically, I find it easier to just build the character mechanics and pick the Campaign Trait that fits mechanically. Then the character concept molds around it as I use the class features and personality to develop the history. I find that much easier than working in the opposite direction. ;) This is particularly true for the Adv Paths that require unique Campaign Traits like Jade Regent.


First Post
"Conditional: -2 Ac non-challenge attacks during challenge"
This appears to be a remnant of your cavalier build.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was using an old cavalier sheet from another game originally to reduce re-typing a lot of similar info. Looks like a missed a few lines in the fix / edit.

Check total gold spent (I got 375 including left over gold; should be 300)
Check total equipment carried (I came up with 66.5; still a light load)

No idea what I mucked up there. Sorry about that. Dumped the Ioun torch since he has darkvision, updated the weight. Should be right now.

Updated birdie with changes, too. I think they're all set now.


First Post
Okay, definitely going with Ameiko's best friend. That doesn't mean there can't be anyone else with that though.

It'd just mean we were a little cadre of ne'er do wells, while growing up. Which is delicious and hilarious.


Guest 11456

Jariah Taliaferro:
In the weapons section for dagger, ammunition shows 2 but in equipment it only lists 1.
Assuming two daggers I count a total of 17 out of 20 (option C) spent so you should have 3 gold left.
The Adopted trait as I read it allows you to choose one trait from the other race's traits. +2 Initiative is not a trait of half-elves. It does match the reactionary combat trait.
Languages list four and as a human you get common plus one more for +1 Int bonus.
Stat block has some errors.

Hit Points should be 12 (1d10 + 1 Con + 1 Favored Class)
For AC I only get +2 natural armor, you show 4.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Thanks for clarifying the cold iron thing. Now bought and paid for. I decided to leave his stength as is, since it felt too min-maxed otherwise: he's strong, being a smith and all, but not world class strong. Fastus is therefore complete and ready for final review.

For reference, here are the campaign backgrounds that have been chosen so far:

MasqueradingVampire - studious wizard - Foster Child (Koya)
Shayuri - kitsune bard (archaeologist) - Best Friend (Ameiko)
Kaodi - arctic elf barbarian (elemental kin) - Adopted younger sibling (Shalelu)
Binder Fred - human oracle of flame - Best Friend (Ameiko)
perrinmiller - human summoner - Friends of the family (Koya)
jkason - half-orc ranger (falconer) - Rescued (Shalelu)
Graybeard - half-elf sorcerer - Hero Worship (Ameiko)

It'd just mean we were a little cadre of ne'er do wells, while growing up.
What trouble could a curious bard, a half-elf sorceror and a blacksmith of flames possibly get into? :) I thought you were playing Kaodi's sister though, which is tied to Shalelu? Or has that changed?


First Post
Nope! I'm Kaodi's adopted human sister! So technically I have more than one 'game background.' But I only get one background trait, so I'm picking the one that I feel like most defines my character.

Sachiko is technically Shalelu's adopted younger sibling as well...but the reality is that after so long living with elves, she really immersed herself in the human culture of Sandpoint. This is how she met Ameiko and Binder's oracle. Therefore, I feel like the background that best represents her past in Sandpoint is the Best Friends one.

...aww...the GM spoiled it. I was going to try to sucker everyone into thinking she was human! Ah well.

Tailspinner, given the circumstances of Sachiko's upbringing, can I replace the racial knowledge of Sylvan she has with Elven? She grew up around elves, after all...not other kitsune. Then I'd like to pick the Tien language for her Intelligence bonus, with the idea the bullied Ameiko into teaching her. :)

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