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OOC - Planetouched Peril (New to ENWorld PbP) - Completed

Isida Kep'Tukari

Fangor, the dust genasi's fascination with death can best be explained in the old adage, "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust." Dust is what we are all created from, and dust is to what we will all return. Life and death can be almost the same thing to a dust genasi, and some consider life to be very cheap. They tend to wear black, or other kinds of funeral garb even when it would be inappropriate. They tend toward the gaunt, with hollow cheeks and dark circles under their eyes.

Their sarcasm seems most to stem from their contempt for others who hold such ridiculous high values of life.

The dust cloud they can create is as follows: Once per day a dust genasi can create a 20 ft. radius cloud of dust, centered on himself. This cloud grants one quarter concealment (10% miss chance) to any creature more than 5 ft. away from another within the cloud, and all creatures except the dust genasi must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Cha mod) or begin coughing uncontrollably. This coughing imposes a -2 penalty to attacks and skill checks, and it lasts until the victim leaves the cloud. The dust cloud lasts for 5 minutes.

You tend to find several dust genasi along the fringes of the Unwanted Desert, as well as in the cities, as their nimbleness make them fine rogues. Also you see several that take jobs that require swimming underwater to sabotage boats, or other types of things because they don't need to breathe. You see several in Gajin, one of the more corrupt port cities. (Ooze genasi, lizardfolk, salt genasi, water genasi are the other types of oddities that can be found there.)

Some of their more unusual traits can include perpetually dry skin (it never gets wet, water slides right off it), a cloud of dust that follows wherever they go, dusty skin that gets on everything, or having puffs of dust come from their mouth when they talk.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ah Easter. Silly me, slipped my mind before this weekend. Well then, we'll start sometime this week. Pretty much as soon as I have everyone's characters, we'll begin.

Anyway, item for Emperor Valerian's character, Aeron Malthis - Staff of Friendship - This elegant hardwood staff is made from five different woods, put together like a marvelous puzzle. It is pleasing to the eye and marks the bearer as a person of taste and refinement, with an eye to the better things in life. To that end, it allows the bearer to extend his goodwill to those that might be reluctant. It is a +1 quarterstaff that allows one to cast charm person 1/day, DC 15 (cast at first level).

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, I have one more question for you guys. Where would you like to adventure? In the cities? In the wilderness? In the north, near the frozen borders, or the capital, Andeluvay? The south in the port cities of Port Lyalee, Port Jarlo, and Fort Medrin? The devious and corrupt port city of Gajin? The desert city of Benshay? Or perhaps the free trade city of Albon? Maybe a smaller town such as Deepwater or Redhaven, or perhaps Willow Grove? What about near the dwarven mountain ranges, or near one of the ancient elven forests? What say you guys?

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Ok, I have one more question for you guys. Where would you like to adventure? In the cities? In the wilderness? In the north, near the frozen borders, or the capital, Andeluvay? The south in the port cities of Port Lyalee, Port Jarlo, and Fort Medrin? The devious and corrupt port city of Gajin? The desert city of Benshay? Or perhaps the free trade city of Albon? Maybe a smaller town such as Deepwater or Redhaven, or perhaps Willow Grove? What about near the dwarven mountain ranges, or near one of the ancient elven forests? What say you guys?

The location that I would like would possibly be a small town at first, with nearby mountains, forests, or whatever....but a large city would be cool with me also.

One more question....in regards to skill points, do you allow the Plus one Skill point per level for the human race?

I have no preference really. Aeron's background allows for wandering, so he could be a small town or something.

Also, are our characters going to be part of a preformed group, or do we need to go through a "meeting process" of sorts?
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Isida Kep'Tukari

If your character is indeed a true human, and not a genasi, they get the extra skill points as normal. If you're a genasi, you don't get the extra skill points.

As for whether or not you guys know each other, well, that's up to you guys as well. One of the things in Low'verok is the fact that the Guilds have a very strong presence. If you're a member of the Adventurer's Guild, there are certain inns that one can stay at where you can get a discount, and things like that. If a bunch of would-be adventurers show up and want to try their hand at the profession, the Guild can help you get a group together. Generally they don't like to employ small groups (three or less).

If you're in the Guild, you check in with them regularly and tell them about what you've been doing. They keep track of your exploits so that they can match you up with jobs that suit your skills. As your reputation grows, they'll start raising your prices to potential employers. The Guild has regular dues adventurers must pay, and it charges employers to match them up with adventuring groups, which is how it makes its money. They also pay bounties on certain beasts, as well as help identify items (though the Mage's Guild does this as well).

So, you could be a young adventuring group, or you could be several individuals or pairs looking to form a group, or just a bunch of travelers staying at the same inn when wacky hijinks ensue. Or something else entirely. Your choice. :)
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First Post
I would think the adventurer's guild of Andulvey would be the appropriate place to start. The black pine forest holds interest for me from a background perpective, and the abandoned wizard towers in the other forest sound inticing. I would like a mix of city and wilderness, maybe with a mystery that can only be unraveled with travel and investigation. But, I will go with whatever the group wants, and all the areas of your world sound exciting.
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