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Planetouched Peril

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Beyond the steam-serpent, the corridor stretches onward into the earth, burrowing down and down and down like the home of some fantastic beast. Eventually a golden red light is seen at the end of the tunnel. The light comes from the shrine of Eldon-Asha itself. It is a smooth-walled cave, places to sit carved out by dripping water, higher basis holding clear water to drink from. At the front of the shrine is an opening into a chamber beyond, a chamber where golden-red molten rock flows upward, but not outward, lighting the chamber. It is not overly warm here, only pleasently so, and Marna sighs in abject relief as she sees the shrine.*

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*With big clear drops slowly forming and trailing down his skin, Kani looks uncomfortable with the heat. Regardless of that, he stays close to the others, looking around for any living beings.*


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Heliad looks at Marna with concern. He covers the shrine with his blanket and anything else he can find to soften it and make her comfortable before seating her. Using his knowledge of healing he checks on her and make sure she is ok. He examines her thoroughly, checking on the progress of the birth and how near to her time she is.

"Be comforted marna. here you are in the bowels of a shrine deicated to your childs father, surely he will not allow harm to come to you or your child. Relax and let the time of the birth come naturally, in the meantime...."

His vice trails off and he offers her some water and bread.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Marna seems to be in good health, and murmurs in appreciation for the care given to her. However, Heliad notices something strange. Marna was about a month away from giving birth the last time he checked. But now her womb seems to be growing ever so slightly right before his eyes, as if the power of earth is infusing her. She could give birth at any time. Marna seems unaware of this, and murmurs prayers to Eldon-Asha as she rests.*


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*Heliad pulls Fiana to the side, alowing Marna to rest. In a soft voice he speaks to her,
"All is not as it seems. The babies growth seems to be accelerating evn as she lies there. The birth will be soon and the others are not yet here. I am a healer but I still worry about our being alone, deep in the bowels of the earth with no one else nearby."

*He returns to her side, checking contnuously on the growth of her belly and the now iminnent birth of the child.

Lady Shatterstone

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*Fianna nods slowly as she listen to Heliad. She looks to the woman wondering how it is possible for child within her to grow at such a speed.*

" I will do what I can with my small amount of healing skills to assist you."

*She also returns to Marna's side.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Helida and Fianna tend to Marna, while others wait and watch. The earth itself rumbles and begins to groan, swaying beneath everyone's feet. With a loud roar, a semblance of a face appears in the fall of lava, the face of a powerful man.*

"Who brings the chosen one to my temple?" it asks in a voice more felt in the bones than heard.


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* Heliad looks at the bowing.

I am Heliad, servant of Pelor. I have helped to bring this woman here, though the forces of air would have stopped us. Protect her, let her child arrive in peace and tranquility.

*He stands, knowing that if the god of earth disproves he will die, but he believes in Pelor's protection, and the wish of a father to protect a child.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Sun-servant, you have brought death to my door! Servants of air follow you, and my own guardians are hard-pressed to keep them from the mother of my son. You will keep them from entering the shrine, or I will have the earth swallow you up!" Eldon-Asha roars. Beneath the bone-rumbling anger and righteousness, everyone detects a hint of panic and fear.

Voidrunner's Codex

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