[OOC] Pool of Radiance


First Post
Speaking of which... if Tailspinner is back, we should have four players, right?

That should be enough to try to get things back into gear... my own schedule (at least for the moment) also looks pretty good, so I would be up for it. :)


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Has anyone let [MENTION=11456]Tailspinner[/MENTION] know that his presence has been requested in this game? I know he recently asked to join a game of mine, but I had to turn him down. [Well, it turns out that I didn't turn him down, I just accepted a modified character of his.] So, as late as a week or two ago, he had time to play more than he did before.
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Guest 11456

Speaking of which... if Tailspinner is back, we should have four players, right?

That should be enough to try to get things back into gear... my own schedule (at least for the moment) also looks pretty good, so I would be up for it. :)


Sounds good. Do you want me to go with Grynth or a new character?
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Sorry about our mis-communication before, Tailspinner, your proposed character [for my Pfdr game] is fine. So Thanee, TS will have less time available for us both, and for that I am sorry. If you prefer, I could consider disallowing his modified character, too? :D, j/k?


Guest 11456

Whatever you prefer. :)


I'll stick with Grynth. That makes it easier and he seems to be a good fit into the existing group. I believe he was 5th level. Is that still the current level?

So that is Earmy, Eldwyn, Emagor and Grynth. Or E-E-E-G which is almost a reverse of the opening to Beethoven's 5th. It is G-G-G-E flat. Close enough, eh?
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