[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

Steve Gorak

Hey @Quickleaf

FYI, you added in the IC map the radius of Aric's produce flame spell. He however doesn't have that cantrip.

He does have the create bondfire cantrip, that he's been using to scorch zombies. I've never thought of using it for light, intresting! I'll keep that in my back pocket. I've been reading a bit on what range it would/should have, the consensus is that it should be much larger than a torch (20 ft bright light) smaller than the daylight spell (60 ft), but that's up to you. I've seen 40 feet being floated around.


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Hey @Quickleaf

FYI, you added in the IC map the radius of Aric's produce flame spell. He however doesn't have that cantrip.

He does have the create bondfire cantrip, that he's been using to scorch zombies. I've never thought of using it for light, intresting! I'll keep that in my back pocket. I've been reading a bit on what range it would/should have, the consensus is that it should be much larger than a torch (20 ft bright light) smaller than the daylight spell (60 ft), but that's up to you. I've seen 40 feet being floated around.

Ah sorry I remember 2 people with light sources that were magical - Alma and someone else. I must have goofed up!

Steve Gorak

Btw @Quickleaf, did the zombies seem to flee the bond fire Aric summoned, or did they stupidly stay inside it? The answer to this will influence Aric’s actions.

Part of me is thinking he would summon a bond fire on the stairs, and the zombies would get damages as they walk through it if that’s what they will do to get to the group.



Btw @Quickleaf, did the zombies seem to flee the bond fire Aric summoned, or did they stupidly stay inside it? The answer to this will influence Aric’s actions.

Part of me is thinking he would summon a bond fire on the stairs, and the zombies would get damages as they walk through it if that’s what they will do to get to the group.

They stupidly stayed inside

Steve Gorak

So are we thinking ambush or just attack?
Im thinking bond fire in stairs with actions readied, coax them to attack, and hurt them as they step out of the bond fire. Meat shields could even wait just outside, and hit them as they roast. Many fiery possibilities. This can trip rocks in choke points!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Im thinking bond fire in stairs with actions readied, coax them to attack, and hurt them as they step out of the bond fire. Meat shields could even wait just outside, and hit them as they roast. Many fiery possibilities. This can trip rocks in choke points!
Put armored targets forward and do nothing but Dodge (so, disadvantage to enemy attacks) while they burn

Voidrunner's Codex

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