[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Don't wait, I described my actions,et Quickleaf narrate them with zombie reactions and lets go!

In other news, I'm traveling tomorrow and compete on thursday so my next post will be Thursday afternoon at best

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So do we all need to wait for @Neurotic to post first before our characters can do anything?
Yeah, you and @happylace can go.

More generally, this is going to come up often with PbP where the initiative count will say it's so-and-so's turn and so-and-so will have real life stuff preventing them from posting, and then there's this tension about "can I go or not?"

You can see how my initiative setup with "initiative groups/clusters" (players in each group/cluster can go in order they like or is convenient) is meant to mitigate that. But it's not a perfect solution.

I think a reasonable rule-of-thumb is if there's one player you're waiting on, give it a couple days and if they haven't posted within that time, then feel free to post.

Sort of how I do it on the GM side where I give it about a week of no-posts before saying something. Though, just to let you all know I'm in my last month of a masters program that's going to demand a lot of time, so I'll try to check biweekly, but my schedule may limit my time for posting this next 4 weeks.


Nooooo first Miscast! Now of all times! :eek:

Could have been a worse consequence though
Could have been a lot worse.

I like how you've made Alma's magic the color red. It reminds me of arctic exploration / horror films when the red flares get lit.

I just realized that the current player-run PCs are mostly small (Aric, Jack, Logrim, Lumrolur), with Alma & Zeth in the minority. Gonna have to remember that!


Could have been a lot worse.

I like how you've made Alma's magic the color red. It reminds me of arctic exploration / horror films when the red flares get lit.

I just realized that the current player-run PCs are mostly small (Aric, Jack, Logrim, Lumrolur), with Alma & Zeth in the minority. Gonna have to remember that!

lol thanks, I'm going for that sort of vibe exactly! glad it landed.

we'll have to keep that in mind in case we ever need to sneak in somewhere disguised as a family on vacation with their dog

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