Okay, is everyone okay with trying to bluff our way past the toads, using anything that could make us seem toxic?
I'm reasonably certain the toads won't have more than +3 on their Insight roll, Zeth has +5 and Advantage.I think the deception plan is good, we just need to get past this trapped hallway. Regardless we need to get through there, and we don't wanna have to deal with it while fleeing if the deception goes south.
Go ahead.Hmmmm based on what our DM posted for Zeth's arcana roll, I have an idea if he doesn't. But Alma doesn't have that information so I'd have to share it out of game, if that's okay? But I'll wait and see if Zeth has any thoughts.
The trap didn’t trigger while the bond fire was burning the necklace wearing zombie. I was also hoping it would trigger, but didn’t. Not a big deal to give it another try, but not sure it’ll workWhat if we try to use the magic bonfire again, but this time away from the toads?
Then, while the magic missiles are targeting the bonfire (assuming it targets heat in general), we try to make a break for it to reach the Arcane Gem Press? We might not want to disable the trap permanently, if it would mean the dwarven temple is more likely to be overrun by hostiles going forward. But if the decoy bonfire trick works, maybe that could at least get us through the corridor?
If we could approach close enough, Jack could try to mage hand the axe-shaped key to try opening the door to the Underdark passages remotely. Still, it would be nice to investigate the Arcane Gem Press, especially if that might allow for repair of Ludo.