[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

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Is Logrim the only one who speaks Dwarvish? This could get iiiinteresting. ;)

Well did not know that. Let's hope the dwarves speak common. If not I'm sure Logrim will figure out that no one else understands what is being said. Though he's not the most perceptive or insightful person around so he might completely miss it.


Did I lose you all with my post? 😣 Or just life keeping everyone busy?

Just fyi, the 16th-21st I have a school project that will probably keep me from posting, but I'll get back to normal rhythm end of that week.


Waiting for others to take the lead in conversation. But can't wait to see if we all die or not :eek:

No worries on the wait, either of you, life is busy! Congrats on the possible promotion btw!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
We had this conversation last time, no one is taking a lead because characters' characters ;)

Just speak up if you understand them.
I will if no one else goes...but if Vorr talks back it's all on you 😜


Ah crap, I forgot to check the page and didn't see it updated!
Sorry I've been super busy with work, I'm very likely to get a promotion in a few months along with a few other major changes.
Fingers crossed for you, and congrats!

Waiting for others to take the lead in conversation. But can't wait to see if we all die or not :eek:

No worries on the wait, either of you, life is busy! Congrats on the possible promotion btw!
No worries, I know how busy everyone is, so sometimes the more "face" characters are traveling or busy.

We had this conversation last time, no one is taking a lead because characters' characters ;)

Just speak up if you understand them.
I will if no one else goes...but if Vorr talks back it's all on you 😜
Appreciate you jumping in to keep the ball moving.

Voidrunner's Codex

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