[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]


Uh oh!

I rolled before writing the second half of that out, I tried to think of what would believably work for Zeth rolling a natural 1 and decided that him accidentally insulting/threatening the Dwarves in an attempt to speak Dwarvish made the most sense.

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Uh oh!

I rolled before writing the second half of that out, I tried to think of what would believably work for Zeth rolling a natural 1 and decided that him accidentally insulting/threatening the Dwarves in an attempt to speak Dwarvish made the most sense.
Hah. That will work. I’ll have fun figuring out the dwarf’s response today!

Just fyi my personal laptop (with all my notes / images) for our game is in the shop, so if my posting isn’t as on-point that’s what is going on.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Uh oh!

I rolled before writing the second half of that out, I tried to think of what would believably work for Zeth rolling a natural 1 and decided that him accidentally insulting/threatening the Dwarves in an attempt to speak Dwarvish made the most sense.
That's why you never roll unless asked by the DM. Youbsay what you want and let him worry if that is diplomacy, intimidate or deception :)


Oh dear!

So, who speaks Dwarvish and is willing to tell Zeth what's going on?

I don't think I'll have any trouble coming up with insults, so this might take a while.

Or end with Zeth getting the Dwarf too drunk to remember what they were fighting over. Which also might take a while.


Hey, I wanted to check in with you all about the party... We started with 9, but lost tglassy (Mak), Kobold Stew (Fieldwalker Corse), and I was just checking in and sounds like we're losing domminniti (Russet) at least for the time being. So that brings your party to 6. I'm fine keeping it there. But if you all wanted to bolster your numbers (either for survivability / filling part gaps, or flow during lapses in posting PbP), I'm willing to open up recruitment to 2 more if you'd want to invite someone or just opening it up to ENWorld. Let me know?

Current party
  • Aric (druid)
  • Alma (sorcerer)
  • Jack (sorcerer)
  • Logrim (artificer)
  • Lumrolur (rogue)
  • Zeth (warlock)


Hey, I wanted to check in with you all about the party... We started with 9, but lost tglassy (Mak), Kobold Stew (Fieldwalker Corse), and I was just checking in and sounds like we're losing domminniti (Russet) at least for the time being. So that brings your party to 6. I'm fine keeping it there. But if you all wanted to bolster your numbers (either for survivability / filling part gaps, or flow during lapses in posting PbP), I'm willing to open up recruitment to 2 more if you'd want to invite someone or just opening it up to ENWorld. Let me know?

Current party
  • Aric (druid)
  • Alma (sorcerer)
  • Jack (sorcerer)
  • Logrim (artificer)
  • Lumrolur (rogue)
  • Zeth (warlock)
We could use a Barbarian, Cleric, or Fighter.

I'm fine opening it back up and if need be I could create a second character to fill the slot.


Lol I wouldn't say no to a tank or healer yeah. But we can also make it work as is if we need to, probably. I'm open to it either way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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