[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Six is a good number, there will be less chance of total silence from everyone while still being small enough number to quickly turn a round of fighting when needed.

When we get down to 3 or 4 then I would open it. Otherwise...we're fine.

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@Quickleaf Does my character know anything about the sealing off of Dumathoin's Temple? Did my uncle ever tell me the story or is this a new revelation to Logrim.
Yeah, Jorlen probably only spoke little of it, but with Logrim's History proficiency we can say he was able to piece together the tale...

Somewhere between 90-99 years ago, the evil mage Akar Kessell (tl;dr bad guy, formerly of the Arcane Brotherhood, tried to control the Crystal Shard) returned from the grave. Some say he sought lichdom others that his cult resurrected him, but whatever the case he marshaled zombies underneath Kelvin's Cairn. He was obsessed with taking revenge on those who'd defeated him – the "Companions of the Hall" and the dwarves of Dwarven Valley. Jorlen had been on his first big job for the dwarves – reviewing/enhancing their trap designs – when the zombies flooded the Temple of Dumathoin. Forced to retreat, the dwarves led the zombies through a series of traps, sealing off each of the three levels of the Temple using magic keys as they retreated.

Jorlen helped rig the final gate system operated by chain winches that was only openable from the dwarven side, sealing away the last of the zombies. As far as anyone knows when the returned Akar Kessell was defeated, the magic animating the zombies may have ended...or they could still be down there till this day.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Hm, if we know we have to fight through unknown number and power of undead, we may be delayed to Tarmlain anyhow. But I am willing to try (and scout, maybe we can do zombie rush) :D


I think we should focus on getting to Termalaine as fast as possible.

If there's an underground route that we could have a chance of rushing through, and it's reasonable that we could attempt to avoid combat and move quickly, let's go for it. If we no longer have a fighter in heavy plate, we could move more stealthy and quickly as a party.

But if there is no feasible underground way, maybe a good plan B could be to camp overnight after meeting with the Dain, and then make haste overland after the storm. We'd be delayed, but at least we'd be focused on the main quest instead of some side quest that might or might not match with our current capacities.

On opening to new recruitment: I'm okay with opening up to another 1 or 2 players, sure, if you think that would be best. But I agree with @Neurotic that it's not really needed until our number dwindles down to 3 or 4 players.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Don't assume the main quest :)
There is stuff happening, but rushing through or avoiding "side-quest" may end up with 3rd level party against 10th level BBEG. Or 5th level BBEG, but without some gizmo we would have gotten on a side quest.

Underdark is one option, we may have to fight...but tundra is also fighting option, we know there are yetis there


Btw, I'm diving into production phase of grad school project, so I'll probably be incomunicado until end of next week.

Thank you, now to find time to get up a post.
Hope you're feeling better, Vlad. Sounds like it was a rough week.

Maybe for Logrim's failed Arcana, we could say that his uncle Jorlen told some story about the zombies after a bit too much to drink that might have stretched the truth about using illusion magic to mimic the necromancer Akar Kessell's voice to confuse the zombies.

Btw, I'm diving into production phase of grad school project, so I'll probably be incomunicado until end of next week.

Hope you're feeling better, Vlad. Sounds like it was a rough week.

Maybe for Logrim's failed Arcana, we could say that his uncle Jorlen told some story about the zombies after a bit too much to drink that might have stretched the truth about using illusion magic to mimic the necromancer Akar Kessell's voice to confuse the zombies.

Doing well now. I was only sick for most of Monday. Was feeling better by Tuesday but then I had a ton of work to catch up on. It has just been a long week.

I like the idea about the illusion magic. I'll make sure to sprinkle that into a post if/when we decide to open the temple.

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