[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

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Jack is reliant on light from the party. As a fairy, he has Druidcraft as a cantrip which could light a torch or fire if necessary.

I've been roleplaying a shimmer from his wings that plays up his mood and energy, but he doesn't have any specific class feature that actually produces magical light.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur doesn't need a light. Except gor working on traps.

His phantom feature would heal the zombies with necro damage so he's less than optimal here. But sneak and scout in total dark...sure thing.


I think it makes sense to have party members with relevant Knowledge/Investigation/Perception skills make some rolls here.
I'll have Zeth do them first.

Zeth is going to try to figure out a way to open the secret doors.
Investigation = 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14

If that doesn't work would an Arcana, History, or Religion check help figure things out?


I think it makes sense to have party members with relevant Knowledge/Investigation/Perception skills make some rolls here.
I'll have Zeth do them first.

Zeth is going to try to figure out a way to open the secret doors.
Investigation = 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14

If that doesn't work would an Arcana, History, or Religion check help figure things out?
Sorry for delay! Yes, Zeth discovers there are 4 hidden buttons on the gems depicted in the triptych bas relief (fancy words for 3-wall-paneled engravings that pop from the stone).

Reminder: Bas relief triptych depicts (A) dwarf holding a chalice, giving it to supplicants who hold aloft a horn as offering; (B) supplicants holding the chalice and holy symbol of Dumathoin aloft before an opening door; and (C) supplicants placing a gem in a fountain from which a black axe rises.

4 buttons are concealed in the stonework – one on a gem on each chalice (A-1, B-1), one on the holy symbol (B), and one on the gem placed into fountain (C).

However, without looking into the wall system, magic, being a dwarf, conferring with someone who knows more about the mechanism, or trial-and-error, you can't work out what the buttons' connection is to the secret doors exactly – only that they probably open them.

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Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

Sorry for being MIA. it's been a tough end of the fiscal year/beginning on the new one. I can finally breathe. I'll catch up and post as I did in the past. Sorry folks, RL sucks sometimes.



Hey guys,

Sorry for being MIA. it's been a tough end of the fiscal year/beginning on the new one. I can finally breathe. I'll catch up and post as I did in the past. Sorry folks, RL sucks sometimes.

Yeah it does. Hope you can get some rest. No worries, I think everyone has been posting a bit slower cause of RL demands recently.

Steve Gorak

Busy but all caught up! Nothing useful to add though (nature oriented goblin surrounded by mechanical devices underground and dwarves ;-)
I can make more “still here but nothing intelligent to do” posts.


Voidrunner's Codex

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