[OOC] The Missing Warlock [4e, closed]

The Digger

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As Karis and Rellek are front-line folk I think either one should get the armour and the other the sword. Like Todarr the sword is not for Joshua and he has a slightly better AC than the other two AND he hopes not to get too close to the front.

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Quite the contrary, Digger.... I WANT the sword. I am front line ONLY, whereas Rellek and Karis can both do something ranged, and both have a +1 weapon already, but I'm not trying to do a nitpicky comparison; if either Karis or Rellek want the sword, by all means say something. I am just trying to make a case for me (or Moreen) having it, since that would be the best increase in melee attack rolls, since in either case, it would be going from a nonmagical weapon to a +1 weapon.


Karis definitely prefers the sword she's got. The armor would fit her quite well, but she already has the amulet of protection, which also fits her pretty well. If Karis takes the armor, I'd feel bound to offer the amulet to someone else, and I'm not terribly sure I want to. :D


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Hey just looking through character sheets, it seems my AC - 16 is the worst of the lot, wearing hide armour...so on a strictly numerical basis I could do with the armour...but hey I've done fine so far so am open.



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Sounds like a pretty good argument for the armor to me, Ab.

Anyone have a problem with me taking the sword (seems to me that Moreen uses a longsword and has a normal one now, Lotus might be the one with the most problem with me getting the sword)??


First Post
Ok I will take the dark leaf armour NT if that is ok. Making my AC 17 apart from the first strike in an encounter when its 18...

I will note it on my Character Sheet.




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Leather armor +1 will give you the same armor class as regular hide armor.
If Rellek takes it, his AC is unchanged, but he loses the -1 skill check penalty associated with hide and gets +2 ac on the first attack in the encounter.

Also, where did these horses come from? I don't remember there being any horses here, but I could be wrong.


I think I was assuming that there were some horses pulling the wagons. It's also possible that I was getting confused with another game. :blush:


First Post
Remember those guys that Joshua and Rellek incinerated? And the tied-up dudes? Those are wagon pushers. :)

At any rate horses or no it's unlikely to make any mechanical difference, so we can pretend there were horses all along if that's easier.

Voidrunner's Codex

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