Oops!We're in the Elemental Chaos!(Up next:Everyone)



[sblock=Atanatotatos]You have Sharm's hp listed as 137/145+5t. But don't the Temporary hp raise his current hp as well at his total hp? He has only taken 8 damage, hasn't he?[/sblock]
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First Post
Ata: You have Sharm's hp listed as 137/145+5t. But don't the Temporary hp raise his current hp as well at his total hp? He has only taken 8 damage, hasn't he?

Nope, they're listed separately and temporary hp is lost first when damage is taken. So for example, should you take 8 dmg again, you temp hp would be consumed, and you would take 3 hp dmg.[/sblock]

ooc:guys, please discuss things and ask questions in the OOC thread, so we can keep the IC straight.


Sharm Brassback

[sblock=Atanatotatos]Ok, now I think I get it: Temp hp, don't heal damage already done, they just act as a "buffer" against future damage, right? Ooops, didn't see your earlier post about questions, until I had already posted this. Sorry.[/sblock]

Sharm will next use his L17 encounter exploit, Boggling Smash against the Goristro.
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Kozaar and Feather, his griffon, take off and land in the middle of the ice field, moving to O9,O10,P9,P10. He unleashes a massive blast of his breath weapon on his enemies.

Minor Action, Frost Breath Weapon
Roll Lookup
1d20+21 → [19,21] = (40) Azer 2 (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+21 → [20,21] = (41) Fire Archon 2, CRIT (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+21 → [11,21] = (32) Fire Archon 1
1d20+21 → [5,21] = (26) Fire Giant (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+21 → [9,21] = (30) Hell Hound 1 (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+21 → [11,21] = (32) Azer 1

Breath Weapon Damage:
Roll Lookup
2d10+10 → [9,3,10] = (22) Cold Damage
Critical does 30 cold damage

In addition, breath weapon does 5 ongoing damage (save ends) due to Inner Dragon PP.

In additional, Kozaar has CA against any enemy with a Cold Vulnerability thanks to his feats. Now any enemy hit with his breath weapon will also have a Cold Vulnerability 5.

Kozaar bangs his axe against his shield, roaring "Come at me, dogs! All at once or one at a time, it makes no difference to me!" As his enraged enemies move closer, he strikes at them with his axe.

Come and Get It, using Frost Weapon
Pulls Azer 2 8 to N8, Archon 2 to O8, Hell Hound 1 to Q9, Azer 1 to Q10.
Roll Lookup
1d20+24 → [14,24] = (38) Azer 2 (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+24 → [6,24] = (30) Archon 2 (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+24 → [3,24] = (27) Archon 1
1d20+24 → [17,24] = (41) Hell Hound 1 (additional +2 from CA)
1d20+24 → [20,24] = (44) Azer 1, CRIT
Kozaar will also have CA on any enemy struck by his breath weapon.

Come and Get It Damage:
Roll Lookup
1d12+16 → [3,16] = (19) Cold damage

Critical Damage:
Roll Lookup
4d6; 2d12+28 → [3,3,2,4] = (12)
4d6; 2d12+28 → [1,11,28] = (40)
Critical does 52 Cold Damage.

Also, any enemy hit by Kozaar's breath weapon will have Cold Vulnerability 5, so that may be an additional 5 damage. Any any enemy hit by his axe will now also have it. Kozaar marks all the enemies he attacks.

With all the cold around him, from the freezing terrain to his own axe, Kozaar extinguishes the flames afflicting him.

Kozaar's save
Roll Lookup
1d20 → [15] = (15)

Feather's save
Roll Lookup
1d20 → [6] = (6)

Kozaar takes 8 damage from his ongoing fire at the start of his turn. However, Feather is protected by Impenetrable Barding, granting her Resistance 10 to all damage. I believe that she is unharmed.
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First Post
Kozaar's raid has a great effect on the enemies, more and more confused and shocked.
However, it's their turn to react and Kozaar is surrounded by monsters. The Hell Hound that had approached the Dragonborn on his challenge bites at him, but can't reach the capable rider. However, it seems its innate flame has melt all the ice surrounding it.
The other fiery hound barks horribly at Kozaar, furious that it still can't move, and a gout of flame erupts from its jaws, catching in it Kozaar, Feather, and even one of the Azers. The latter, however, is unscathed by the fire.
The Hound is still imprisoned by the ice, though.

The first Fire Archon to act is still suffering badly from the cold attacks, but it yells a few crackling invocations in its strange language and releases a great blast of flame that waves on Kozaar, his mount and the Hell Hound. While the Dragonborn and the Griffon don't suffer great damage by the flame, they catch fire, and the burst is so powerful that they are swept away right into the flames erupting from the ground at their back. Fortunately, both Kozaar and Feather manage to avoid entering the flames, and fall to the ground just before them; unfortunately, this also means Kozaar is dismounted.
The Archon is still stuck in the ice.

View attachment 37846

[sblock=initiative and status, Round 1]
Hammerhead: You're right, Feather was unharmed, sorry, forgot about the Barding.
Dragon Breath hits: Azer 1,Azer 2,Fire Archon, Fire Archon 2, Hell Hound 1.
Fire archon 2 can't shift to Kozaar because it's immobilized. Come and Get it attack hits: Azer2,Hell Hound 1, Azer 1.
Kozaar has entered the Hell Hound's aura so he takes 6
fire dmg -2 due to resistance.
The Hell Hound takes cold dmg but makes both saves.
Kozaar takes 17-2 fire dmg from the Hell Hound 2, Feather 17-10. The beast fails its save.
The Fire archon hits Kozaar and Feather for 11 fire dmg (-2 and -10) and 10 fire ongoing.They're pushed 2 squares and into the flames. Since that is hazardous terrain, they get a save to fall prone instead, and succeed. Kozaar is dismounted and both are prone.
The fire Archon fails its saves.


-Fire Archon 1 -75 hp, Blind (end Senara's turn), Immobilized (save -2), ongoing cold 5(save), vulnerability cold 5(Kozaar's turn), marked by Kozaar
-Devastation HP:131/131, HS:7/8, AP:1 SW:1, prone
-Senara HP:79/108, HS:9/9, AP:1 SW:1, Dazed TENT [sblock=expended]Prismatic Burst[/sblock]
-Goristro -65 hp Blind(Senara's turn), Marked by Sharm
-Sharm HP:137/145+5t, HS:14/14, AP:1 SW:1
-Eiran HP:101/109, HS:9/9, AP:1 SW:1 +4 AC and Ref TENT [sblock=expended]Shield,
Ice Storm[/sblock]
-Brudd HP:102/131 HS:11/11, AP:1 SW:1 [sblock=expended]Mantle of Glory, Boots of the fencing Master[/sblock]
-Fire Archon 2 -73 hp, Blind(Senara's turn), Immobilized (save -2), Cold vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), Cold ongoing 5(save), marked by Kozaar
-Rockfire Dreadnought
-Azer 1 -105 hp, cold vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), ongoing cold 5(save), marked by Kozaar
-Azer 2 -89 hp, Blind (Senara's turn), cold Vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), ongoing cold 5, marked by Kozaar
-Fire Giant -43 hp, Blind (senara's turn), marked by Kozaar
-Kozaar HP:106/159, HS:15/15, AP:1 SW:1, ongoing fire 10 (save), Prone [sblock=Expended]Dragon Breath, Come and Get it[/sblock]
-Feather HP:90/98, ongoing 10 fire dmg(save)x2, Prone
-Hell Hound 1 -102 hp, Blind(senara's turn), Cold vulerability 5(Kozaar's turn), marked by Kozaar
-Hell Hound 2 -26 hp, Immobile(save -2)[/sblock]

OOC:HH, great action. This was a nightmare to do. It'll be a miracle if I got it right.
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First Post
With unruffled calm, Devastation rises from his prone position and smoothly draws his magical dagger. He controls the anger that burns inside him and lets his dagger speak for him.

[sblock=ooc] Move Action: Stand up
Minor Action: draw +4 Footpad's Friend dagger
Standard Action: Hounding Strike vs. Goristro, hits Will 34 for 33 total damage, and Devastation has combat advantage and a +7 to all defenses against the Goristro until the end of my next turn.[/sblock]


First Post
Devastation's dagger pierces painfully the flesh of the Goristro under its arm, but the beast can't do nothing but roar in fury and turn around aimlessly.
Senara unleashes a storm of cold that rages on about half of her targets, and partially hides several monsters from the group, and vice-versa. As she shakes her head, she regains her composure.
Meanwile, the Goristro has finally regained the use of its eyes. He turns to look around and find who caused it all that pain. The first creature it sees, Sharm, by its feet, becomes the target of its rage. The demon madly swings its enormous punches at the Minotaur, that suffers quite a bit of damage from the blows.

View attachment 37855

[sblock=initiative and status, Round 2]
The Goristro's hit by Hounding Strike.
Winter's wrath damage is 19(1+6+12);it hits: Fire Archon, Azer, Azer 2 (i'm sorry, I rolled nothing over 10...);
The Goristro hits Sharm with two slams (heck, I rolled a 15 and 16!) for 28 and 12 dmg respectively

The Deep blue square marks the area of Winter's Wrath instead. The zone grants concealment and anyone starting its turn there takes 7 cold dmg.

-Fire Archon 1 -99 hp, Immobilized (save -2), ongoing cold 5(save), vulnerability cold 5(Kozaar's turn), marked by Kozaar
-Devastation HP:131/131, HS:7/8, AP:1 SW:1 +7 defenses vs Goristro TENT, CA vs Goristro [sblock=expended]Hounding Strike, Dimming Blow[/sblock]
-Senara HP:79/108, HS:9/9, AP:1 SW:1 [sblock=expended]Prismatic Burst,Winter's Wrath[/sblock]
-Goristro -98 hp Marked by Sharm
-Sharm HP:102/145, HS:14/14, AP:1 SW:1
-Eiran HP:101/109, HS:9/9, AP:1 SW:1 +4 AC and Ref TENT [sblock=expended]Shield, Ice Storm[/sblock]
-Brudd HP:102/131 HS:11/11, AP:1 SW:1 [sblock=expended]Mantle of Glory, Boots of the fencing Master[/sblock]
-Fire Archon 2 -73 hp, Immobilized (save -2), Cold vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), Cold ongoing 5(save), marked by Kozaar
-Rockfire Dreadnought
-Azer 1 -129 hp, cold vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), ongoing cold 5(save), marked by Kozaar
-Azer 2 -113 hp, cold Vulnerability 5(Kozaar's turn), ongoing cold 5, marked by Kozaar
-Fire Giant -43 hp, marked by Kozaar
-Kozaar HP:106/159, HS:15/15, AP:1 SW:1, ongoing fire 10 (save), Prone, [sblock=Expended]Dragon Breath, Come and Get it[/sblock]
-Feather HP:90/98, ongoing 10 fire dmg(save)x2, Prone
-Hell Hound 1 -102 hp, Cold vulerability 5(Kozaar's turn), marked by Kozaar
-Hell Hound 2 -26 hp, Immobile(save -2)
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Sharm, Minotaur Battlerager Fighter L20 - Dreadnought Paragon Path

Scratch post #23, Sharm will use his Relentless Assailant power (L19 daily)

Str vs. AC = 15 +2+10+4=31 :) that's more like it!

damage, if that's a hit which I doubt, is 4[w] +5 [34], and Sharm can spend a healing surge (whether it's a hit or not, I think?), which he will do.

Healing Surge = 36hp back
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First Post
Serana inverts her orb, using the implement to gather in the ice magic used by Eiran and Kozaar. "I don't command the same mastery of the elements as you Eiran, but I make do." With a shake, she drops the recycled power back into the fire creatures. But whether it's the intense heat or her own shattered concentration, many of the creatures caught in unnaturally cold snow are unharmed.


First Post
Brudd HP 102/131, AC 41 Fort 32 Reflex 31 Will 32

Brudd steps to flank the Goristo with Sharm and invokes the might of Kord to strike at the demon.

"Taste the wrath of Kord ye great pathetic excuse fer a demon!" He roars as his bastard sword flares with brilliant light. Calling upon his inner reserves he slams his glowing bastard sword down twice into the creature bellowing incoherently.

He then invokes the power of the Foestone to access the Rockfire Dreadnaught.

[sblock=Hit 34, Hit 33, Radiant Damage 52 & 40]
Move = Shift to J8 gains +1 AC and Reflex.
Standard = Sentinel Strike
Action Point = Strengthen the Faithful (Brudd does not spend a healing Surge)
Free = Used Divine Fortune on Sentinel Strike
Minor = Uses Foestone upon Rockfire Dreadnaught tells vulnerabilities and lowest defense.
Sentinel strike vs Goristo AC (1d20+26=34, 3d12+20=42) Strengthen the Faithful (1d20+25=33, 2d12+20=30) [/sblock]
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