They are both always and irrevocably Evil. I do not need WotC "helping" me with changes that are neither necessary nor ever going to happen.
Drow, "dark elves," of my setting are all but myth to the surface world. Only the eldest elves, northern dwarves, and those unfortunate (or foolhardy) who venture too far into the underworld know them to be otherwise.
The ShiDaeiri ("Those of the Blood of the Darkness/Evil") were literally spawned from the spilt ichor of the Elder god of Evil. Karos the Chaosbringer suffered a grave wound during a battle with the Antas the All Mighty, Elder god of Light/Good (from whose own blood in that same battle grew the first elves of good). They do, in fact, exist to this day in the underworld, far down in the subterranean realms and holding large swathes of those realms in the cruel tyrannical demon-worshipping hands.
Banished with their demons by the great elflord, Drythantalir, from the surface realms at the end of the Second Elvin Age, the ShiDaeiri were sealed behind the Giras Thor, the greatest work of the dwarves of Naradun, under whose valiant watch the "Gates of Doom" remain to this day.
They are beings born from the materials of pure Evil, utter Chaos, true and literal "demon spawn." They do not seek redemption, but revenge. Not love of nature, but a lust for the unnatural. Not a careful nurturing their surroundings, but a joyful cruelty against creation.
Simply put, they are (and only capable of) Evil... and revel, unabashedly, in being so. Enslavement. Infliction of pain. Torture. Racial supremacy. Utterly inhuman in their mentality and delighting in psychological abuses. "Cannibalism" of non-drow sentient species. Debaucheries of all kinds are their pleasures.
There is no "Elistree" (or whatever that "good drow" goddess name is). There is no Drizzt. There are not droves of dark elves seeking to escape their wicked society or live in the shadowy woods and not be SO evil or trying to rejoin their "good elf" brethren - which the surface elves of my setting would never consider or even dream as possible, being inherently NOT brethren...or even distant cousins but, from their origin, a completely separate independent species.
Orcs are a created monstrous species, produced as footsoldiers -mortal agents for- the god of bloodlust and war, to wreak havoc and violence upon the goodly peoples of the world. While a widespread threat in former ages, today, what Orcs remain exist mostly in remote mountainous regions and subterranean realms -where they can, indeed, become quite numerous- but engagement s wit hlarge numbers of orcs are a rare occurance these days. Now, should an adventuring party come across an orkish territory on their own...let's just say "troubles" may ensue.
The known species include the Black Orcs found high in the mountains and underground, the Green Orcs found in remote/cursed/desolate hills or woods above ground, and the "Blue" Orcs (more a dull slate or grey kind of color) of the northern frozen reaches who roam more freely out of their snowy mountain strongholds than others types to raid and cause problems for the barbarian clans of the Gorunduu.
Their created purpose and innate nature is Evil. They are not looking to trade or form diplomatic relations with their neighbors. They are not going to suddenly fall for a human maiden (or male youth) for romantic (or otherwise) origin stories for half-orcs in every border town. They are going to use force to defeat their targets/foes and grind them into a gooey red paste. Power maintained through strength is the only way they know how to exist...and what they were created to do.
There are no deep orcish philosophers. No crises of "conscience" (if indeed they are in possession of such a thing) about how they interact with humans or other species, other than to enslave and/or injest. They are carnal, wild, generally dimwitted (if markedly cunning in battle), ferocious, seeking and reveling in violence as a resolution to any situation...yes, "savage" in worst sense. Not "noble savage." Not savage with an elaborate tribal/deep cultural/Klingonese "code of honor." But "Barely more than rabid wild animals" savage, with an insurmountable limitation of their creation -genetics, if you like- of capability or understanding or ability to aspire to be anything more.
Dems deh facts of Drow and Orcs in my setting.