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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC



Raza scrambled to her feet. She could only hope that she was moving in the right direction and didn’t get brained or gutted whilst moving blind. Her shoulder smashed into the iron bars of the gate but she kept moving until she heard the heavy breathing of the quaggoth guard. She juked to the left and almost crashed into Solace. She spun around in her efforts to not knock the other woman off balance. At the last moment, as the vastness of empty space loomed ahead of her Raza slid to a stop. Pebbles bounced from underfoot over the ledge where they vanished without a sound.

”This will have to do,” she muttered as she teetered at the edge of the barely sensed void. Reaching deep inside she pulled from her experience and set in motion the change from humanoid to a sinuous, multi-legged centipede.

[sblock=Combat]Raza uses 13 ft of movement standing up, then moves to Z19.
Action: Wild shape into a Giant Centipede, presuming she is outside any effect of zaersess (or whatever that word was). And I apologize, but I haven’t updated my character sheet with wildshape info yet. I’ll get right on that.[/sblock]
[sblock=Raza, in brief]
[size=+1]Raza Thulcandra[/size], halfling Druid 3
Initiative: +2; Inspiration: Yes
AC: 13, Current: 12; HP: 24/24; Speed: 25 ft

Str 8 (-1), Dex 15 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)

Saves: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +4
Skills: Insight +4, Perception +4, Religion +2, Stealth +4
Senses: passive Perception 14

In Hand: nothing
Spells Prepared: (5) (Grimoire)
  • 2nd level: 2/2; Darkvision, Flame Blade*, Spider Climb (circle), Spike Growth (circle)
  • 1st level: 4/4; Cure Wounds*, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
  • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Produce Flame
* can be cast at higher level

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Natural Recovery 2/2
Wild Shape 1/2 (1 hour duration)

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Round 1, continued

Raza stuttered toward the cell's exit, stopping short of falling of the brink of the ledge. In the blink of a eye, Raza the wizened old woman was no more, and in her place formed a giant centipede coiled for attack.

OOC: Kamael's turn, [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]!


Credit: ironbs.wordpress.com


Kamael knew nothing of hand to hand fighting, and only hoped to be able to get out of the cell so he could cast some spells. Unfortunately the way seemed blocked by fighters, so, flinching away from the drow that suddenly was thrown his way, he prepared to make a break for it..

OOC: I've never seen this before, but I assume you can ready an action to move? Or do you have to take a proper action? He will eat an opportunity attack with disadvantage from the prone drow, readying to move as far out of the cell as possible without provoking attacks from the guards outside, as soon as the way is clear. If not allowed, disengage from the drow and move towards door without engaging quaggoth!


OOC: Dexterity check to escape manacles, DC 20:[roll0] plus 2 equals 11, not enough. Move to AA19, am assuming that is not out of the dead magic zone. If it is, will use shield as a reaction if attacked during the next round.
Frantically, Kamael tried to slip his shackles but without success. Undeterred, he moved closer to the cell door, keeping a cautious distance from the quaggoth & hoping it would be foolish enough to move inside the cell. Kamael: hp 17/17 AC 12 Inspiration: yes Tides of Chaos: yes Slots 4/4, 2/2 SP: 3/3
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Round 2

Chaos erupted. Several things happened at once. Kamael made his way forward, trying futilely to slip his manacles. His attempt to escape his restraints spurred Topsy and Turvey, who bolted from the cell past the open iron gate and leapt off the ledge, high-fiving as they did. The quaggoth clawed at Turvey but missed. Solace spied the pair trundling at high speed along the webbing, roughly twenty feet down. Tremors in the web alerted a giant spider some twenty-five or thirty feet away; the behemoth spider crept from a funnel nest in the webbing and, unfurling hirsute legs, stood in place at the entrance of its lair testing the air. Its maw, Raza saw, was filled with teeth like small sabres.

Sarith sucked in a breath, got up, and made his way to Buppido. The drow prisoner produced an obsidian flint from a sleeve cuff and made to stab the derro, but missed. Buppido's face transformed into a hiss. He sprang at Sarith, snatched the flint, and jammed it in Sarith's eye. Sarith barely had time to clutch at his ruined eye before the derro worked the flint the rest of the way in, killing Sarith. Ront saw his opportunity, and took it. The orc pounced on Eldeth and, putting a foot on her face, stepped down, applying the full weight of his hulking body. There was a snap followed by a crunch. Stool jumped at the sound, and trundled over to Brinn, standing behind the monk. Jimjar was quick to follow suit. Shuushar gazed on as Ront delivered the killing blow to Eldeth, then, shaking his head sadly, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Outside the cell, the remaining Drow Guard moved backward away from the advancing escapees. A large stalactite hung from the ceiling behind him at the end of the rope bridge on which both the guard and Solace stood. He fired his light crossbow at Solace, but Solace continued to dodge, and the guard missed. A crossbow bolt slammed into the cave wall outside the cell, near Raza. The guard lowered his crossbow and fumbled for the door behind his back carved into the stalactite, yanking it open. Solace could see some kind of a room inside the stalactite.

OOC: End of Round 1, start of Round 2. [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION], Kago's up!


Credit for the map background: Wizards of the Coast Cartography: Jared Blando

K'nyr 18
Drow Guard (X18) 18
Kago 15
Solace 14
Giant Spider (V20) 14
Brinn 9
Quaggoth (AA17) 9
Raza 6
Kamael 3
NPC Prisoners 1

GM: K'nyr dead
Drow Guard (Y18) 13/13
Quaggoth (AA17) __/__
Giant Spider __/__
Derendil (AC18) 12/45
Ront (AD19) 4/15
Eldeth dead
Buppido (AF20) 12/13
Jimjar (AC21) 6/27
Sarith dead
Shuushar (AF19) 15/18
Stool (AC21) 3/7
Topsy and Turvy (Y16) 5/33 and 4/33
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Kago looses a roar that echoes throughout the cavernous prison. He manages to twist his cracked lips into something that resembles a grin as the drow's blood pools on the floor near his feet, and he seems to finally come alive as the chaos builds around him. He tests the weight of the iron bar that somehow fell into his hand, and then plods through the madness toward the last remaining drow, weapon at the ready.

"Tell your spider-bitch Gruumsh sends his regards!" he yells just before a heavy swing at the drow's face.

OOC: Move to Y18, out of reach of the Quaggoth if possible.
Club attack vs. Drow Guard: 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22
1D4+3 = [1]+3 = 4

[B]AC:[/B] 18; [B]HP:[/B] 21/21
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] WIS +4, CHA +2
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 12
[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Goblin
Darkvision 60 ft.
[B]Skills:[/B] Athletics +5, Insight +4, Medicine +4, Survival +4
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 16 (+3), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 13 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Yes, [ ] No
-[B]Channel Divinity available[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Yes, [ ] No (recharge after a long or short rest)
-[B]War Priest[/B] (bonus action, 2 uses per long rest): 1.[ ] 2.[ ]

[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B]  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (5) [URL="http://ephe.github.io/grimoire/"](Grimoire)[/URL]
[*][B]Cantrips:[/B] Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
[*][B]Domain Spells:[/B] Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
[*][B]1st Level:[/B] Command (*), Cure Wounds (*), Guiding Bolt (*), Healing Word (*)
[*][B]2nd Level:[/B] Prayer of Healing (*)
(*) can be cast at higher levels

Kago strode forward and pushed past Solace onto the rope bridge. As Kago made his way onto the bridge, the quaggoth outside the cell reacted by clawing at the orc war priest. Claws rent Kago's flesh, dealing 7 points of damage. Kago, however, could not be dissuaded from his intent. He swung the rusty iron bar at the drow guard and, despite being fettered, his swing connected, dealing 4 points of damage.

OOC: Kago is shackled. Until he breaks (Str DC 20) or slips (Dex DC 20) his manacles, any attack he makes with a weapon other than a dagger or an unarmed strike goes at disadvantage. Thieves tools (if they could be found) to unlock the manacles would require a Dex DC 15 check. Or you could unlock them as an action (without needing to roll) if you had the manacles' key. Same for any other character who is in manacles. Solace's turn! The drow guard's shortbow attack on Solace went with disadvantage and did not hit, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]. I rolled disadvantage and promptly misread my own roll. I've edited, above.


Credit for the map background: Wizards of the Coast Cartography: Jared Blando

K'nyr 18
Drow Guard (X18) 18
Kago 15
Solace 14
Giant Spider (V20) 14
Brinn 9
Quaggoth (AA17) 9 --already took an OA for Rd 2
Raza 6
Kamael 3
NPC Prisoners 1

GM: K'nyr dead
Drow Guard (Z18) 9/13
Quaggoth (AA17) __/__
Giant Spider __/__
Derendil (AC18) 12/45
Ront (AD19) 4/15
Eldeth dead
Buppido (AF20) 12/13
Jimjar (AC21) 6/27
Sarith dead
Shuushar (AF19) 15/18
Stool (AC21) 3/7
Topsy and Turvy (Y16) 5/33 and 4/33

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: It is not clear to me why Solace, armed with a weapon, did not use it to attack last round. Sorry, everyone.

A trained soldier works on instinct. She's done a thing so many times that when under pressure, in combat, it becomes an instinctual response, and not one that requires decisions at every stage. Solace is not a warrior in that sense, and her fight training is mostly rehearsed and choreographed katas, allowing her to dance in her moves.

She is surprised to discover that she is armed. She'd given away her club -- hadn't she? Where did this knife come from? Kamael? She didn't know, but the orc was now in front of her on the rope bridge and the huge shaggy creature next to her was still a threat. Though she was shackled, she stabbed out at the Quaggoth, hoping to stop it.

To hit: [roll0]. If successful, damage = [roll]1d4+2d6+2[/roll] (with sneak attack).

(decisions on movement and bonus action depend on the results of the attack)

[sblock=Solace 21/21]
[size=+1]Solace[/size], Aasimar Rogue Tanner 3 (Swashbuckler)

Initiative: +5; AC: 12; HP: 21/21 (3d8); Speed: 30 ft; Inspiration: Yes.
In Hand: dagger-like shard.

Str -1 Dex +2 (save+4) Con +1 Int +1 (save +3) Wis +2 Cha +3
Skills: Acrobatics (expert), Perception, Stealth, Deception, Persuasion (expert), Insight, Thieves' Tools
Racial Abilities: resistance to necrotic and radiant; Light (cantrip); Lesser Restoration (1/long).
Rogue: +2d6 Sneak Attack; bonus action to Hide, Disengage, or Dash; Fancy Footwork (no opportunity attack from someone I've melee attacked that turn).

EDIT: I suspect that's not enough, so the failed damage roll doesn't matter.
Can she move North squeezing by to AA15 (by the bannister, beyond the Quaggoth)? If so, then she does so. If not, move to AB20 (yes, back into the cell) to leave room for other attackers. Fancy Footwork means no opp attack, if it hadn't already been done.
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OOC: Solace didn't attack in Round 1 because she used her action to Dodge. That turned out to be a smart move on your part. The attack roll on the Quaggoth misses by 1. Want to use inspiration to roll a d6 to bump Solace's attack roll? Also, note above where I rescinded the 5 hp of damage Solace took...I forgot to factor in disadvantage on the drow guard's attack roll and he missed. EDIT: No, moving 5' to the north is not an option. There's not enough room in Z17 to accommodate anyone.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Okay, spend inspiration for Solace. Damage = [roll0] plus [roll1]. EDIT: should be 1d4+2, so total is only 10 points of damage. grr.

(and since this is the first inspiration spend of the game, let me know if I'm pushing things; I understand if I am): for her move (and disengaging-type bonus action), can she...

Solace gracefully rolls towards the Quaggoth, and the weight of her body behind the attack provides the needed oomph to pierce the creatures' hide. As she regains her balance, she catches herself acrobatically rolling over the railing of the staircase on which the creature stands.

OOC: (so she'd be at Z17, but on the out side of the bannister, holding on to it with one hand, the shard in the other hand), and so not able to attack in that position).

If not, she'll stay where she is. Nothing will get her back into the armhair, I've decided.

Voidrunner's Codex

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