D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Orders 8-episode D&D TV Show

According to Deadline, an 8-episode TV show has been ordered by Paramount+. The pilot epidode of this Dungeons & Dragons TV show was written by Rawson Mashall Thurber (Red Notice) who will also direct that episode.

Apparently multiple networks were interested in the show, with Paramount+ winning out.

The show is a partnership between Paramount+ and eOne, Hasbro's studio. Hasbro is currently in the process of selling eOne.


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You'll give it a terrible review even if you don't watch it? Why?

I get people are mad at WotC....and I don't love big companies. But man, I think emotion is running very high over logic. Compared to how phone companies treat their employees, farms treat migrant workers, big companies steal wages from employees, etc.....WotC is doing nothing compared to them. I don't like what WotC is doing at all.....but it is a drop in the bucket compared to the awful things other companies do all the time, companies people on this site buy from all the time (like Amazon and UPS not having AC.....).
Started out good, but did not stick the landing here.

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UPS not having AC.....).
I used to be a UPS driver, in Phoenix, Arizona. With summer temps regularly over 110F. No A/C is not a big deal, and really would not have made a difference to "comfort" or even driver health (and yes, I even got heat exhaustion on the job once). No A/C sounds like a big deal, but its' not.

I used to be a UPS driver, in Phoenix, Arizona. With summer temps regularly over 110F. No A/C is not a big deal, and really would not have made a difference to "comfort" or even driver health (and yes, I even got heat exhaustion on the job once). No A/C sounds like a big deal, but its' not.
In a dry climate it aint no thang.

In a dry climate it aint no thang.
Yes and no. But's it's not about the climate, it's about the job. It the stop and start nature, the constant doors being opened and closed. Unless one suggests they leave the package car running full time with all the pollution that would cause... Sure, there are a few rural drivers that drive long distances, like what, 1% or so? But let's leave it at that. You can PM me if you want to discuss.

Yes and no. But's it's not about the climate, it's about the job. It the stop and start nature, the constant doors being opened and closed. Unless one suggests they leave the package car running full time with all the pollution that would cause... Sure, there are a few rural drivers that drive long distances, like what, 1% or so? But let's leave it at that. You can PM me if you want to discuss.
One example......but sure.

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