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[Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

Deuce Traveler

After disposing of the bodies Rhote comes back and leans on his staff, asking Prince Liam, "What now O Prince? I doubt the other bandits will just sit around waiting forever for their companions to return. But I don't see anything that shows where they come from."

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"No," Kyria says, inspecting the saddlebags, "But we can make some educated guesses. More than a day's ride, but less than a week... In fact, maybe just a few days. This wine wouldn't last them long on the trail. With a map, we can look for good hideout spots within that distance, then check them each out."


First Post
"What now O Prince? I doubt the other bandits will just sit around waiting forever for their companions to return. But I don't see anything that shows where they come from."

"Now we've got them on the run! We'll track them back to the hole they crawled out of and dig them out. Their horses left hoof prints, we can follow those all the way back or at least in the direction their hideout." he says, nodding at Kyria and her suggestion of a map.


Pixie lets out a small sigh of relief. Eh, maybe the Prince is not quite the dummy I thought. Taking a few cautious steps towards the gate, she says, "I would just as well take a look at the trail now, see which way it leads. Your woodsy brother here," she says, gesturing towards Brondelleon, "Could come with if you do not want me out of your sight. I bet he knows a thing or two about trackin' too." Glancing back towards the pile of loot she sighs internally a little. Hope they don't just go givin' that all way...


In close to the trading post the paths are well worn and no tracks can be readily separated out, but moving out a couple hundred yards in the direction from which the bandits rode proves more productive. Brandelleon is able to quickly find the trail made by the four mounted bandits. He can follow it with ease. At least until the terrain or the weather changes.


Pixie does not bother saying much to the half-elf as they search, though she does the opportunity to observe him a bit. Of all her "companions" (more like captors) he seems the most agreeable, the least judgmental. It did not hurt that he was almost certainly the most capable in her world, the Greenbelt and wider Stolen Lands. Once they have located the bandits tracks and followed them a bit, she suggests they turn back. Hopefully by the time they return the others will have things sorted out with the Levetons and they can get moving. The former bandit has a pretty good idea where the bandits may be camping, but they might as well just follow the trail back to its source and be sure.


Svetlana emerges with her husband as the signs of carnage are being cleared away. "So it was that easy then. All this fear and worry and you dealt with them so quickly and easily." She shakes her head. Oleg is less happy, "That is only a few of them. This is far from over my love." Realizing this sounds ungrateful he adds, "Thank you my lord," with a bow to prince Liam. "We are most grateful for your heroic effort on our part."


First Post
"It is our duty to help those in need, we are pleased to be of assistance. Soon the threat will be dealt with once and for all." While the others set about the business of locating the bandits, the Prince works at servicing the tack and saddles on the horses. He wants them in the best shape possible if they are to carry his comrades into battle. He fingers the stag lord amulet that the former bandit woman tossed him. It looked odd, but if it symbolized authority in these parts he would do well by showing it off. He raises it over his head and sets it in place around his neck. One day soon he would wear a crown to show his authority, he vowed to himself.

Afterwards he approaches his hosts once again. "Oleg, Svetlana, if we can impose on your hospitality once again, we will soon be riding out to do battle with these bandits. I do not expect it to take long but if you can provide us with some food for the road we would be most grateful."
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Deuce Traveler

Rhote cleans up after his disposing of the bodies and watches Prince Liam at work. The man was naturally charismatic and it was easy to see that he won the two citizens over with his bravery and his manners. A pang hit Rhote, though not of jealousy. He cared too much for his half-brother to fall into that. But he did wish he had even a portion of the easy prince-like charm. When Brandelleon returns, he says to his other sibling, "Our brother handles himself well, don't you think? If he is able to carve out a place in this land then I can't help but wonder if the rest of us will also find settling into local affairs so to our liking."


When she returns with Brondelleon, the first thing on Pixie's mind is asking, "So, did you get a good price for the gear? Other than Happs bow, I mean. Would be a shame to sell that." She looks from face to face confused if no reply is forthcoming.

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