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Paths of Legend: Paths of Madness (IC)

Myth and Legend

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Dace - Minotaur

Dace was torn between the options that presented themselves. On one hand, he wanted to choke the life of the guard in his grasp and turn his throat in to a dough-like substance. On the other hand, the key fell close and was his sure way out of the cell.

After a moment's though Dace concluded that if he were to free himself he would have ALL the guards to rip apart, instead of just one. That thought comfortably nested itself in the Minotaur's otherwise scarcely occupied head, as he lift the human up to the level of his face. "You! I kill you soon! Not go anywhere."

He then threw the guard towards the strange thing that had popped up in the middle of the room, as it was obviously capable (and willing) of knocking human scum down. It was quite hard for the beast to aim his shot with only one hand that was sticking out of the cell door however.

The Minotaur then went over and reeled the key in close to the bars with one finger, so he could grab it from the inside of his cell. He then proceeded to attempt and unlock the gate holding him in.

[sblock]HP: 41/41 AC: 15 Fort: +6 Reflex: +6 Will: +6

Actions: Dace throws the guard towards the astral construct, hoping the thing would get an AOO or at least target him. Rolled: 5+7 = 12 STR check and 1+5= natural 1 on ranged attack roll to help with the throwing of the guard.

He then proceeds to walk over and retrieve the key, after which he attempts to unlock the gate.[/sblock]

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The guard in front of Evan goes down in a heap, still twitching from the shock from the club.

Dace manages to unlock his cell.

The remaining guards are easily dispatched by the combined efforts of the escapees.

The gnome screeches in his cell, "Let us out! Let us all out! Some can go into the oubliette and escape in the tunnels below. The rest can go up, up into the light and perhaps exact terrible vengeance on our captors...if they survive."

OOC: This will serve as a check-in post. Those who get a post in this week will be joining the gnome. Those who don't will be assumed to be heading upstairs to deal with more guards and possibly a red wizard.

Voda Vosa

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The duergar awaits for his cell to be unlocked, and remains next to the gnome afterwards. He plans to lead down into the earth's entrails.


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Ma'Haratek steps down from the wall onto the floor as he hears the sounds of combat go quiet, followed by the sound of unlocking cells and doors flying open. When his door is opened he slightly inclines his head in either a display of gratitude or merely to clear the the stone doorway as he steps into the hallway. "Mmm the air is sweet with human blood. You lot seem to kill well." his voice grates like the echo of nails drug across stone. The insectoid stretches his legs and neck, making him momentarily taller than even the minotaur and ogre before he settles back into his hunched loping posture. "Has anyone found our belongings Yet?" From around his torso he extending 2 more pairs of wickedly spiked insectoid limbs.


After dispatching the last guard, Evan starts searching the bodies. "Unlock the rest of them" He says to Dace, before turning to scowl at the insect "Any of you with half a brain will forget your gear, that guard'll be back with the wizard any second, and I for one don't wanna go back in my cell. I'm getting outta here with the gnome, and anybody who can carry their own weight should join us.."

Evan searches one of the guards while he talks and the others escape their cells. Specifcally, I'm wondering what kind of armour they're wearing, and if they have any keys/weapons/money on them.
Also, What are the stats on the stun-sticks?


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Dremis waits for his cell to be unlocked and opened.... the big talker walks out into the fray of other captives and looks to stand no more than knee or shin height to some assembled... quickly he moves around the lumbering figures as he studies them all a bit.. learning them.... never did the little halflings crooked little sideways grin disappear from his face as he was just so happy to be free again like he knew it would....

"yes yes.. pleased to meet you... Dremis... yes... I was that renowned thief... sure sure.. I was that thief too.. I go by many names actually... most people usually just call me crazy though" the little man spoke with a short cackle back and forth to some friendly enough to converse with him after being set free...


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The bizarre monster Maulmat whirls around, blinks its dead black eyes at the other strange creatures standing around, and raises its fists challengingly.

"No!" Shard shouts. "You're done now! Go away!"

It roars furiously...then starts to break apart into streamers of fog that twist and writhe as they funnel away into nothingness. In seconds it's gone.

Shard stands up and approaches her door to be let out. The nightmares that surrounded her would need a reason not to kill her and eat her, she knew. Fortunately, she had one.

"I think I can find our things."

Myth and Legend

First Post
Dace - Minotaur

Dace leered his head to the side, eying the ginger haired man that gave him an order. Still breathing heavily from the fight that ensued after he broke free, the Minotaur did not take kindly to being ordered around.

As a matter of fact he didn't take kindly to any authority, but now even less so than normal. He snorted and shook his head, his nose ring making a rattling sound. "Dace free them. But not because you say runt! Because he want to."

He unlocked all the cell doors on the floor, looking with amazement at the Ogre and bug thing. "Dace kill good, yes. What you? You bug?"

To the Ogre he growled in giant:

[sblock=Giant] You. Why you here? [/sblock]

When the tiny Human female muttered something about being able to locate their equipment, Dace raised his head with interest. "Want my axe. Axe good for killing."

His life in the Labyrinth and later in the Arena did not yield impressive wealth at all - a simple unenchanted axe and a few healing potions were all that Dace possessed. He welcomed the notion of finding some good gear however, as it usually helped with killing.


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Seventeen steps out into the crowded hallway and stretches with a yawn. "Quite the menagerie we have here," he states slowly with a curious tone. "Many thanks, my friends."


First Post
He unlocked all the cell doors on the floor, looking with amazement at the Ogre and bug thing. "Dace kill good, yes. What you? You bug?"
"I am called Ma'Haratek and was once a man...but no more..." The bug looks at his 6 sets of over developed claws with something akin to a twinge of disgust. "But what my ...masters... took, they replaced kind of."

Voidrunner's Codex

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