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Paths of the Damned, Pt. 1: Through the Drakwald


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Ottokar moves forward, confidently but not threateningly. He has no drawn his hammer and he keeps his hands where they can be seen.

"There is obviously some misunderstanding. Why do you have weapons drawn on the town healer?"

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
The elves shake their heads. One of them speaks up. "An old woman, alone in the Drakwald late at night? I don't think there's a misunderstanding here. Only someone in service to the Dark Powers would be out this late at night and alone."

Granny, deadly still, protests her innocence. "If you'd look at the herbs, you'd see they're nothing more than standard healer's herbs. I'm just gathering ingredients for some of my home remedies."

"A likely story," says the elf spokesman. "Does anyone else have something to add, or shall we take care of this witch?"[sblock]OOC: Please make Charm tests if you're going to make a counterargument.

OOC for Wilphe: When were you planning on visiting Grimminhagen? I can run that over e-mail or in sblocks if you like. You'd have had plenty of time to do it in between scenes. Let me know your plan.[/sblock]

Iron Captain

First Post
"If any harm comes to her I'll split your skull!"

Grimkrag takes another step forward, his grip tightening around his axe.

[sblock=OOC]Intimidate untrained basic skill check (Strength): 1d100=48 Failure. :([/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Hans, quiet until this moment, puts his hand on Grimkrag's shoulder. "You're brave, but more'n a touch mad. The last thing we need right now is to be causing problems with a kithband!"

As he says this, one of the elfs (not the first one to speak) points his bow at the dwarf. "Are you defending the witch, master dwarf?"

The one that had spoken previously frowns. "Keep your bow on the witch. The dwarf can be taken care of after."


Winifred gives a shrug, this is escalating just a little bit too far, and having a dwarf try and "negotiate" with some elves is not helping. She sends her mind back to the many hours she spent learning the correct way to act in all situations that a properly brought up young lady might find herself. Admittedly this probably isn't one of the situations that Lady Hilda has envisaged, but she was a very thorough teacher and while her occassional beatings were unpleasent they'd certainly motivated a young Winifred to learn.

She urges her mount foward into the clearing, stopping alongside Granny and ready to shield her with the mount if necessary. "Our pardon, honoured one, for the intrusion into your home; but we have been travelling all day and the lady has had no opportunity to forage before tonight. While we grant that you have good reason to be suspicious of anyone found alone in the woods at night, I would venture that the lady is not alone, or we would not be having this conversation."

"We have come from Untergard, we have left because of hoard of beastmen is on the way
to level it to the ground and we are not strong enough to stand against them. If your arrows thirst for the blood of those sworn to chaos they can drink their fill there, and leave an old woman in peace."

61, base Fellowship is 41, 51 with Etiquette (for the correct forms of address) If her RP is good enough to get +10% modifier then she just suceeeds.
Otherwise I'll spend a fortune point for a reroll = 47


[sblock] If she can, she'll have riden off to Grimenhagen in the day and been back by nightfall. Upon arrival she'd have asked the first guard she'd seen where she might find the commander[/sblock]
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
[sblock]Winifred: As you get closer to Grimminhagen, you can see that it's an absolute mess -- Archaon's forces have sacked the place and little survives. People are slowly rebuilding, but it'll take them years. The first guard you see glowers at you. "A coward from Untergard, eh? Running away from your home and life. What'd you have to tell the bailiff that you couldn't tell me? If it isn't important, you ought to run back to your little wagon train."[/sblock]The leader's eyes go wide at the mention of Beastmen, and he lowers his bow. "That is dire news. If you're lying, you will all be sorry, especially the witch. But I believe you. The forces of Chaos have been on the march for a while yet, and the Beastmen here have always been vicious. You'll forgive us for ending this parlay abruptly, but we must away to the south." The three elves dart back into the woods.

After the elves are gone, Granny relaxes. "Well, that was a delicate situation. You've got quite the tongue, my child." She smiles at Winifred.


First Post
Ottokar smiles at Winifred with a nod.

"Well spoken. Elves can be tricky, especially when a human appears to be telling them what to do in their woods. Thank you for dealing with that situation. The last thing we need is more bloodshed amongst those whom should be allies against Chaos."

He turns back to Granny with a serious expression.

"You should know better than to wander through the forest at night. Elves are the least of your dangers out here and you see how ready they are to take your life. If you need something for the community, we can help you. Or at least escort you."

Iron Captain

First Post
Grimkrag watches the elves disappear into the forest a bitter frown upon his face. He mumbles something about arrogant bastards while he puts away his axe.

"Come on then. We best return to camp before we run into something really nasty."
He looks at Granny Moescher and then to Winifred giving her an approving nod but says nothing more as he starts to head back in the direction of the camp.


[sblock]Winfired regards the guard with an icy expression, as if anything he says is beneath her notice, "I am glad to see that in the face of dire peril people still cling to their own petty greivences like a drowning man clings to a log. I am not of Untergard, and my prescence there is an accident of circumstances. For the moment I have a job to do, and that duty is greater than any personal or corporate emnity," she lowers her voice so that only the guard can hear and hisses at him, "Which is why, worm, I do not gut you like a dog for addressing me in such terms."

She raises her voice, so that anyone within earshot can clearly hear her,

"Know this then and take heed, for I shall not tarry to repeat myself. Several hundred beastmen are on their way to Untergard, the people there were unwilling to die their and have fled towards Middenheim. If the valorous people of Grimminhagen wish a fight then they may have one, for you will surely be the next target. Do with this information as you wish, I would not pass by without having you know what awaits."

She spurs her horse into a light canter and moves off to rejoin the caravan[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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