PbP WFRP2 - The Marius Gambit OOC [FULL]


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State your interest here, choosing one of the core races to play. Then I will post all the rolls necessary to begin character builds. Provide a good background, ending it with a reason you might be in Middenheim. Characters can come from other Old World countries (Bretonnia, Estalia, Tilea, Border Princes, Kislev) as well as Norsca & Araby, but you'll need a really good backstory! If some of you want to be travelling together, work that in too. The idea is to have some fun, as well as kill off...er.....challenge the characters :D .
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I'd be interested in a WHFRP game. I'd like to play an Imperial human. Beyond that, I'd let the dice figure out where I go from there.


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Whee the last WFRP game (my first PbP) i played in died in the big ole server crash from last year

I just got the nerve to start looking again. I'd like to play a dwarf ( from Middenheim) if you like, but if not then from the Mountains nearby from one of the units helping throw back the Storm of Chaos.


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omrob said:
Whee the last WFRP game (my first PbP) i played in died in the big ole server crash from last year

I just got the nerve to start looking again. I'd like to play a dwarf ( from Middenheim) if you like, but if not then from the Mountains nearby from one of the units helping throw back the Storm of Chaos.

All I care about is a plausible background, so he can come from wherever you'd like. I'll post stat rolls soon.

Welcome aboard!

Karl Green

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Ops... well I posted over on the other thread but will repost interest here also...

I am interested in a Human... roll away for me please :D


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So far I have :

Lot (Human)
Omrob (Dwarf)
Karl Green (Human)

I'd like to try to get one or two more, but three could work too. I will post stats soon.

I think I'll try it this way: I will roll 2d10 8 times, and you can then distribute among the main profile as you like (adding racial stats). I will roll twice for your career choices, reversing the numbers as well to give you 2-4 choices for careers (yes, you will get these along with the stat rolls). I will roll for wounds and fate points as normal, and I'll let you guys fill out the rest. I'll post them soon in spoiler mode.

Thanks for the interest guys!


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Looking forward to this. Now, we're just at the mercy of the dice. Who gets the squire, who gets the apprentice, and who gets the ratcatcher.


I love WFRP, and I own most of the main books for the new version. I'm a little hesitant, though, because both games I have joined in the past six months on this board have died a slow death.

That said, I would like to play, if you need or want more people at this point.

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