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[PbP] WOT: Prophecies of the Dragon

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At that moment a peal of fanfare from down the street announces the arrival of Logain.

The crowd surges forward, straining at the line of Guards who barely hold the street clear. As the lead elements of the procession round the corner, the air is split by the pealing of trumpets and the resounding roar of the crowd. Rank after rank of trumpeters appear, followed by scores of drummers. As these musicians pass your position, a hundred ranks of horsemen flanked by scores and scores of archers and pikemen file around the corner, the first ranks carrying aloft the banners of Andor: white lions on fields of red. Armor glitters in the cold sunshine, lances are held proudly aloft, and crimson banners flutter in the breeze.

Then a massive wagon appears. Four hitches of four giant workhorses pull the enormous vehicle, upon which sits an iron cage surrounded by stately women, two at each corner - Aes Sedai, surely. As the wagon appears you can make out a dozen men on horseback around it, wearing strange cloaks that shimmer and seem to disappear as they blow in the breeze. Their eyes scan the crowd relentlessly.

But it is not they who holds your gaze as the wagon draws nearer. For there, in the cage, is Logain himself. The false Dragon is a tall man, with long dark hair that hangs in curls about his shoulders. He stares out at the crowd defiantly, suddenly making the the processional seem a regal escort rather than a capturing army; the cage a stately coach rather than an iron prison. As he passes, his eyes seem to fall, for just a moment, on you, and you sense the power of the man.

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Jorad pulled a book from a bulging coat pocket and some ink and a pen from his vest and began scrawling notes.

Can't witness an event like this without writing about it, the Ogier thought. By the Light, if he isn't the Dragon Reborn, I don't ever want to meet the man who will be.
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The parade draws to a close, and the crowd begins to disperse. You spend some time exploring the streets of Caemlyn on your way back to the Golden Stag.

A short time after your return, a bustle at the doorway attracts your attention. A servant is turning to look your way, and beyond her you can see the hunched form of the beggar in the daylight of the street. After a few more words and gestures are exchanged, the maid heads your way.

"Your pardon, sirs and maam," she says apologetically, "but it's that beggar fellow again. He says that lieutenant from the Queen's Guard has sent him, with a message meant only for your ears."


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"I don't see the harm in hearing him out," Jorad replied. "No need to be hasty and send him off."


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"Let's listen to it outside. No sense in disturbing everyone with the smell. I can tell from here he hasn't bathed yet."


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Master Ferrin doesn't want the beggar inside the Stag, so you approach him by the door.

"That lieutenant from the Guard sent me for you," he croaks. It's immediately clear that he didn't accept the bath Ferrin offered him. He turns to point, extending a clawlike hand toward the gates of the New City. "He bids you join him - I will take you there."


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"Why didn't he come himself? Oh very well, perhaps acting as a messenger is one way to get a little cash."


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The beggar mumbles something about soldiers being "too busy after the parade." He turns and lurches several feet away from the Golden Stag. "You coming along, then?"

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