PCGen 5.12.0 RC4 released

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Kralin Thornberry said:
Maybe I'm just overlooking it, but how do I add my own classes/feats/PrC/etc to PcGen?

There are help docs included with PCGen (in the 'docs' directory). Start there. Specifically, open "index.html" and look at the "List Files --> List Files Help". There might be a link w/in PCGen, but I've always gone through the directory structure.

Yeah, AFTER I posted it, I found it by searching around. I read the online documentation, but didn't find it there. Found it (actually) by one of the start up tips. :D

PCGen, ok, how do I...

I have searched and read through the help files and all of that, but how do I create and import my own data sets? I have been entering data through the LST editor, but how do I import them in so I can use them?


Kralin Thornberry said:
I have searched and read through the help files and all of that, but how do I create and import my own data sets? I have been entering data through the LST editor, but how do I import them in so I can use them?

In your PCC file, make sure you have something like the following:

That will make it automatically available for that mode. You'll find the name of the mode either in currently functioning PCC files or by digging into the ~/system/gameModes/<modeName>/miscinfo.lst file and looking for something like this:

As you can tell, I use the CMP baselines. Unfortunately, I've deleted the default modes, so I can't tell you what those are.

As a side note, I strongly advise you to use a similar structure for your files to whatever baseline you're using does. I think cmp and the default PCGen are pretty similar. I use:

~/data/rules_system_v35e/<setting name>/<book name>/xxx.lst

For example, my Tome of Battle looks like this:

It's a small thing, but I run a heavily modified ruleset and have found that it is significantly easier to organize standard things in a standard way and then mod the snot out of stuff in a campaign specific mode. Since I also run a by-the-book Eberron game besides my homebrew, it keeps me from having to enter the same information multiple times and makes it easier to upgrade, organize, and keep track of what I've actually entered.

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