D&D 5E PHB Races in a Post-MotM 5E


With the official individual release of Monsters of the Multiverse upon us, the core design differences between the playable race reprints and the PHB races are abundant and apparent. MotM seems like a good stopgap and indication of what may be coming with the 2024 update. However, for those that intend to run or play in campaigns with MotM prior to a 5.5/6/Anniversary edition, how would you adjust the PHB races to be more in line with the reprints, if at all? As is, mixing the 2 without any updates to the PHB side of things seems like it would leave some potentially jarring inconsistencies.

Some updates seem simple to anticipate and adjust, like a base 30ft walking speed update for those races with 25 currently, Common + 1 for starting languages, and Tasha’s generic ability score increase options for everything (except perhaps Human). However, there are a number of other facets that seem more debatable and open to adjustment.
  • Which currently split subraces survive, or do you consolidate them all into single entries? Since weapon/armor proficiencies have been removed alongside the ASI updates, there is perhaps little reason provided to split out something like the Mountain Dwarf. What does a consolidated Dwarf option get to replace those losses, if anything? Conversely, something like Drow seems more likely to go the way of Deep Gnome/Duergar and receive its own entry with negatives like Sunlight Sensitivity removed. How might you make it stand on its own?
  • A lot of discussion has been given to if Half-Orc makes it through a rework, since many saw it as “Orc, but somewhat palatable” when a greater amount of the uncommon race flavor was built-in. Do you keep and rework it? What about Half-Elf?
  • Dragonborn has seen a number of variants over the years already. Would a rework treat Draconic Ancestry more like the reprinted Aasimar’s Celestial Revelation? Or would you perhaps take influence from the reprinted Kobold abilities like Draconic Cry?
  • Do you give Human any unique attributes or does it remain the versatile, mix-and-match option?
And so on, since there’s a lot more that can be theorized here, of course.

I know that this conversation has been touched upon in other MotM and 5.5E threads (and long, long before), but I was curious to see some more targeted thoughts and ideas on this in relation to running 5E games with MotM specifically. Especially since a full PHB rewrite later down line would obviously include a lot more than just racial option updates.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
How could there be jarring inconsistencies? I keep being told over and over that they're 100% compatible, since apparently only math matters for most folks.

I converted all the races I'm using to Level Up's heritage/culture/background/destiny system anyway, which i believe to be far superior to anything WotC's been using.


How could there be jarring inconsistencies? I keep being told over and over that they're 100% compatible, since apparently only math matters for most folks.
I converted all the races I'm using to Level Up's heritage/culture/background/destiny system anyway, which i believe to be far superior to anything WotC's been using.
I am impressed by the amount of work this must of taken. It really is a better system.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
As is, mixing the 2 without any updates to the PHB side of things seems like it would leave some potentially jarring inconsistencies.
Honestly, I'm not seeing any updates that would make any character made with either version of the rules cause an issue at the table.

The issues raised in the OP are for the designers to consider when making revisions for 2024; those considerations don't impact my play until the new books are released in the slightest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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