D&D 5E PHB Races in a Post-MotM 5E

These aren't actual questions, though. The answer is very very clear. Shadar-kai and aquatic elves count as elves, explicitly, for any prerequisite or effect that depends on the character being an elf or not. Same with deep gnomes, duergar, and all the goblinoids. So, yes, they will all be able to take the same racial feats they could before.
they aren't questions FOR YOU

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I have been told that both woTc is never wrong but I also can't count any other edition (or mid edition) things they said as broken promises or lies becuse things changed... but nothing can change this time... and I think I am going cross eyed
I'm struggling to think of any thread on these forums wherein anyone has been told any of those things.

I'm struggling to think of any thread on these forums wherein anyone has been told any of those things.
okay... good for you, I am literally arguing that I don't trust WotC to mean compatible when they say it, and I was told that they already know what the 2024 books will have for rules and it can't change.
When I brought up the 3 to 3.5 changes I was told that didnt count


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
they aren't questions FOR YOU
They objectively aren't questions. The RAW is extremely clear. The entries for the races in question literally say, "you are also considered an [elf/dwarf/goblin/gnome] for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be an [elf/dwarf/goblin/gnome]."

It geniunely is not a matter of opinion.

This is like acting like "Sneak Attack doesn't require advantage is you have an ally threatening your target in melee" is a matter of opinion.

They're both literally just what the rules very plainly state.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
okay... good for you, I am literally arguing that I don't trust WotC to mean compatible when they say it, and I was told that they already know what the 2024 books will have for rules and it can't change.
When I brought up the 3 to 3.5 changes I was told that didnt count
You were told they aren't the same situation, because...they aren't. That isn't the same thing as what you're claiming when you blatantly misrepresent what people have told you in order to pretend there is a contradiction.

They objectively aren't questions.
if they aren't questions how are we asking them?
You think you have the answer to the question (and you might) but that doesnt mean they aren't qustions.
The RAW is extremely clear.
This is like acting like "Sneak Attack doesn't require advantage is you have an ally threatening your target in melee" is a matter of opinion.
and again, you knowing the answer to "can I sneak attack without advantage if an ally is threatening the target" does no in anyway make it not a valid question.

I will go out on a limb and say almost every question has an answer. Lots of questions have different answers for different people because of Point of View.

using YOUR concept that no question is a valid question if someone knows or thinks they know an answer means that there are almost no questions at all.


Maybe an ability to keep going when others would drop, modeled by some sort of ability to mitigate exhaustion?
This sounds a bit like the survival equivalent of Relentless Endurance, which doesn’t seem off brand.

TBH I don't think Half-Elves or Half-Orcs will actually see much change. Why would they? They're basically subraces, anyway, and closer to how subraces are being handled going forward, so, little bit of cleaning up at most, IMO.
I suppose I was sneaking in the additional sentiment of wondering if they make the cut in an official revision at all, which I have seen pop up elsewhere. With a decreased focus on prescribed flavor and an increased focus on extensibility, I’d be surprised if the questions of when and why do Half-X’s exist hasn’t crossed WotC desks. But that veers into a vastly different conversation.

As far as a strict revision goes, I would hope Half-Orc gets a more unique identity officially, but Menacing and Savage Attacks provide enough gameplay variance and balance to account for the consistency updates elsewhere. Half-Elf takes a small hit with the Fey Ancestry revision, but perhaps not enough to justify additions elsewhere.


Me as the DM: Yes Anon?
Player: DM, how come my Yuan-Ti Pureblood Cleric doesn't have the same Spell Resistance as the Rogue Yuan-Ti PC that Other Player is playing as at our table?

Me as the DM: Oh yeah, your right! Well now your Yuan-Ti Pureblood Cleric's Spell Resistance will get adjusted to be the

same as the original Volo's version like the Rogue Yuan-Ti PC that Other Player plays as.

Anon: Thanks DM!

Me as the DM: No prob, see ya tomorrow for Saturday's session. You got a ride?

Anon: Yup!

Me as the DM: Cool.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:
A couple of you seem to be getting a little hot under the collar. This is your friendly warning that cooling down is in order.

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