D&D 5E PHB Races in a Post-MotM 5E


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Exactly. My Strixhaven game has a fairy from Witchlight, an Owlin from Strixhaven, a Minotaur and a Centaur from Ravnica, alongside a bog-standard half-elf from the PHB. Absolutely no issues.
Nice. My Strixhaven game starts tomorrow evening, and so far for sure has a Fairy and a homebrew frogperson race called Bullagorg, and the third player will probably be a dragonborn.

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Based on how they're doing MOtM, if you have the old material in DndBeyond, you'll still be able to access the old version they'll just be labeled "legacy". In addition, WOTC isn't going to break into my house and steal my old books.

I just don't see what the issue is. The new races, like the new monsters, may be slightly different. Most of it though, will likely be in presentation. Some people will complain like they always do and most of us will just shrug and move on either picking up the new version and running with it or continuing to use the old.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Like I said, the math is the only measure of compatability for a lot of folks here.
I've seen exactly one person say that, and even then I think you're oversimplifying. Also...okay? What incompatibility do you see in the motm races and the phb races?
Both of the races noted above also show a real dearth of lore, but that doesn't seem to matter either.
How much lore do you need? I can't think of anything more I'd need to sit down and play a character.

How could there be jarring inconsistencies? I keep being told over and over that they're 100% compatible, since apparently only math matters for most folks.

I converted all the races I'm using to Level Up's heritage/culture/background/destiny system anyway, which i believe to be far superior to anything WotC's been using.
I have been told that both woTc is never wrong but I also can't count any other edition (or mid edition) things they said as broken promises or lies becuse things changed... but nothing can change this time... and I think I am going cross eyed


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Like I said, the math is the only measure of compatability for a lot of folks here. Both of the races noted above also show a real dearth of lore, but that doesn't seem to matter either.
I've generally seen lore having very little to do with race selection, in general. The driver pre-Tasha's tended to be ability scores, but since then, race selection among my groups has been driven almost entirely by aesthetics.

My player who picked the Owlin literally opened up the Strixhaven book to look at options, saw the Owlin entry and said "OHH, an Owl person! I'm playing that!" That kind of reaction is not driven by lore or mechanics. :)

Not really. They are different, but can play together fine.
so far I agree. you need maybe 3-5 lines of 'update' the only jarring parts are if subraces count as the race now that they are not subraces (can shadar kia take elven accuracy?) and what happens with race feats now built into the subrace/race...

my only issue (and it is more funny then a problem per say) is taking a mtn dwarf swittching the +2/+2 to caster stats then trading out the profs in weapons and armors for skills and tools makes dwarves smarter more well rounded casters then 90% of the game... half elves pose a similar but not as bad issue.


Perhaps I’ve misstated my intent. I’m not trying to suggest that the books are so mechanically varied that standard, RAW play is inhibited enough (or at all) to the point that gameplay somehow fails. But if we can see WotC’s design intent shifting and know that further updates are already in the pipeline then surely we can make attempts at looking ahead to expected, or better yet, anticipated changes.

When nobody at the table has an interest in or concern about approaching in-universe oddities like certain common races (Halfling, Dwarf) being arbitrarily slower than newly revised and comparably-sized uncommon races then, sure, the math still meshes and playability above board isn’t impacted. We can throw a check mark next to that because the marketing passes muster. I am, after all, theorizing on matching up the mechanical logic of an inherently fantastical setting.

However, if there are some consistency updates so obviously forthcoming and easy to implement as base speed or language options then the barrier for not simply applying them now in my own games falls away. And that then spirals out into considering the more nuanced updates WotC might apply as an exercise in design theory. Those with no particular interest in that or the playtest loop can of course continue to mesh all available materials with no negative impact, and I don’t mean to suggest otherwise.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
What does interest me is, what will Mountain Dwarves look like in 2024?

They have always been effective but boring, now they're weirdly versatile for a stalwart and conservative people.

I'm guessing a choice of X number of weapon and armor proficiencies and artisan's tools, and powerful build. Maybe an ability to keep going when others would drop, modeled by some sort of ability to mitigate exhaustion?

I don't think Hill Dwarves will change much, tbh.

Are there any other races that seem like they'll change a lot? TBH I don't think Half-Elves or Half-Orcs will actually see much change. Why would they? They're basically subraces, anyway, and closer to how subraces are being handled going forward, so, little bit of cleaning up at most, IMO.

I don't think any of the elves will change more than Shadar-Kai and Sea Elves did.

Forest Gnomes, I'm more on the fence about, and Rock Gnomes are the only race that i really hope gets a decent reworking. Obviously I think Dragonborn will look more like their Fizban's counterparts, and I could see halflings just having "choose one of these traits" instead of lightfoot and stout races.

Tieflings IMO will only see their ASI's change.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
so far I agree. you need maybe 3-5 lines of 'update' the only jarring parts are if subraces count as the race now that they are not subraces (can shadar kia take elven accuracy?) and what happens with race feats now built into the subrace/race...
These aren't actual questions, though. The answer is very very clear. Shadar-kai and aquatic elves count as elves, explicitly, for any prerequisite or effect that depends on the character being an elf or not. Same with deep gnomes, duergar, and all the goblinoids. So, yes, they will all be able to take the same racial feats they could before.

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