D&D 5E PHB Races in a Post-MotM 5E

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I just don't see how the current version of Rock Gnome survives under the new paradigm of only physiological or magical traits for races. Constitution bonus? Gone! Artificer's Lore? History knowledge is aquired, not intrinsic. Tinker? Got to learn how to make a clockwork toy, music box and a lighter.

Fadeaway should be folded into the Forest Gnome suite of abilities and Deep Gnome should be added to the PHB (they've been reprinted four times in the life of 5e!). Tinkerer should be a background that is common to, but not exclusive to, gnomes.
True, I didn't consider that. Forest (fey) Gnome is the most likely default. (As a bonus, incorporating Fadeaway once again gives that trait to the default gnome, as it was in 4E.)

i have a question-for those of you DMing are you worlds fulll of all these humanoids? i cant my group to embrace anything outside of the core races and even then none have a dragonborn. Are you mixing warforged in with bugbears and all other strixhaven races etc.

on youtube i watch a channel try and keep up current builds/concepts with whats banned content etc. I watch this video series how a bunch of races got nerfed and how the bugbear if 2 classes are taken can almost do a 100+ damage a turn at early levels with the latest book.

I feel like they have gone off the rails with all these choices

i have a question-for those of you DMing are you worlds fulll of all these humanoids? i cant my group to embrace anything outside of the core races and even then none have a dragonborn. Are you mixing warforged in with bugbears and all other strixhaven races etc.

on youtube i watch a channel try and keep up current builds/concepts with whats banned content etc. I watch this video series how a bunch of races got nerfed and how the bugbear if 2 classes are taken can almost do a 100+ damage a turn at early levels with the latest book.

I feel like they have gone off the rails with all these choices
Depends on the game. My Ravnica game used all the normal Ravnica races, plus a few others I wanted to add (Dwarves, Half-Dwarves, Halflings). My Ravenloft game used all the normal Eberron races (since it started in Eberron). My current Strixhaven game was wide open, since I'm using Strixhaven as sort of a wide-open multiversal magic academy.

My next game I'm planning on will be more wide open; whatever races the players choose will be the common races in the starting area of the game, and I'll adjust some of the nearby political structures to accommodate those choices.

Unless I'm going for a very specific feel, which I do rarely in D&D, the choices the players make shape the races found in my world. I don't do much initial world building. We start very small and the world grows as needed.

It also depends on what kind of themes the players want. One time my players all picked "monstrous" races, so we decided to create a hidden village of misfits that would need defending from adventurers as well as other dangers.

I haven't found wide open choices to be a problem. We can fit in the oddballs easily enough, although we still have a lot of traditional races anyway.

I just don't see how the current version of Rock Gnome survives under the new paradigm of only physiological or magical traits for races. Constitution bonus? Gone! Artificer's Lore? History knowledge is aquired, not intrinsic. Tinker? Got to learn how to make a clockwork toy, music box and a lighter.

Fadeaway should be folded into the Forest Gnome suite of abilities and Deep Gnome should be added to the PHB (they've been reprinted four times in the life of 5e!). Tinkerer should be a background that is common to, but not exclusive to, gnomes.
To be fair, the features of the 5e forest gnome are what a pre-5e (4e? I'm not familiar with it) rock gnome would have. So if they just folded the rock and forest gnome subraces into the same race entry, it would actually be a "back to basics" approach to the race.

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