D&D 5E PHB Races in a Post-MotM 5E

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I think mountain dwarves will change to the standard +2/+1 or +1/+1/+1 with the removal of armour proficiency as well. Not sure what they'll do to make them interesting but with the changes, I'm considering removing mountain dwarf for the time being and just using hill dwarf for both hill and mountain dwarves. I always found the differentiation between the two tenuous anyway.

I don't think we'll see anymore changes to dragonborn beyond what we have in Fizban's.


How could there be jarring inconsistencies? I keep being told over and over that they're 100% compatible, since apparently only math matters for most folks.

I converted all the races I'm using to Level Up's heritage/culture/background/destiny system anyway, which i believe to be far superior to anything WotC's been using.
I'm doing something similar in my current game, used A5E character creation for an O5E game. Hacking all of the pieces into DnDBeyond for my players using custom races, backgrounds, and some feats was definitely a pain, but they love what they got from the process!


Book-Friend, he/him
How could there be jarring inconsistencies? I keep being told over and over that they're 100% compatible, since apparently only math matters for most folks.

I converted all the races I'm using to Level Up's heritage/culture/background/destiny system anyway, which i believe to be far superior to anything WotC's been using.
Only the math requires any design work. Fluff can be changed like a tablecloth.

If two modular elements are designed to plug into the same mathematical structure and work together without problems, they are compatible.


Hacking all of the pieces into DnDBeyond for my players using custom races, backgrounds, and some feats was definitely a pain, but they love what they got from the process!
This is good to hear, as I’ve only ever used DnDB for their standard content and haven’t needed any of the VTT-compatible features. Might have to mess with the homebrew options to see how easy it is to jump off some of the PHB races. Trying to get the Tiefling variants into a manageable table or other format might be the crushing point. I’ve only ever jammed ideas into note-taking apps like Notion.

And I admittedly totally forgot about Fizban’s Dragonborn updates when I initially included them with my questions. I’ll blame being “at work” on that one.


My guesses:
  • Dwarves: Will be consolidated into one race, with extra features drawn from the Xanathar's racial feats to replace lost cultural traits (see how they handled the Deep Gnome in MOTM).
  • Elves: Pretty much agree with @Parmandur, elves will also be consolidated, except for Drow. Also agreed that the Astral Elf is likely a dry run.
  • Halflings: Consolidated into one race, maybe mix in Xanathar's feats.
  • Humans: Combine the traits of both 2014 default Human and Variant Human (since I assume feats will be standard). Maybe throw in some Xanathar feats.
  • Dragonborn: They'll just bring over the Fizban's version (minus the Gem Dragonborn).
  • Gnome: Consolidate, though I'm not sure if they'll lean Rock Gnome (because steampunk) or Forest Gnome (because fey).
  • Half-Elf: Not sure. Might stay (because elf), might become some sort of 2024 Human option.
  • Half-Orc: Likely replaced by the MOTM Orc. Half-orc ancestry may remain as a 2024 Human option.
  • Tiefling: They'll get a choice of traits at higher levels, like the MOTM Aasimar, that reflects the newly Legacy Content subraces formerly from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. Maybe not as many distinct flavors as they had in MTOF, though.


Book-Friend, he/him
One possibility, given the Background with a Feat rules,would be Cultural Backgrounds as options. So being from a remote Mountain Dwarf Hold might be an option to add in the Extra Dwarfiness, but also open to Humans or Gnomes or whoever raised in a Hold, and similar for other cultures.

Voidrunner's Codex

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