Mostly boring filler.....they needed to waste an epsiode, and this is it.
So Picard gets arrested by Fox Mulder for no reason other then just to waste time.
Guess it's great for the plot that Gunain got to go to another room RIGHT before Q wandered in...er after being summoned? Er....but wait, HOW did Q wander in again? He bought an FBI vest at Wal Mart then just walked into the FBI office? And everyone was like "yup, he is an FBI guy...says on on his vest".
Gunain and Q waste some time talking.
And...er....so Q just followed Picard into the past because Q knew that Picard's Mum the Borg Queen was going to travel in the past and make Evil Earth. Ok?
And..wow....Gunain Sue just gets new powers every episode...now she can astral project! Maybe soon she will use a phaser sword with zero training to fight the Borg....
Gosh....sure is amazing that Fox saw aliens as a boy....but, er guess it's a closed time loop?
And wait....did 21st century Vulcans even have mental powers? But guess the hate writers never watched Enterprise anyway.
And so Rios and pretty doctor just utterly waste time..... Is pretending to play house a Spanish thing?
Oh....Cagney and Lacie find the borg queen....and loose a fight for the plot!
And oh no horrible monster character Riffi gets a cry as she killed um..dumb sword elf guy . And, yes, Rafi Monster has all the blood on her hands. And it started when she had to have a "romulan pet boy"....
And poor not-Soji...
But um, when, why and how did Q make an A.I. inside the Soong vurtial house?
How does Q know the cure for being a vampire clone again?
And...um...was Q's plan to make not Soji run away? So the borg queen could not assimilate her?
The borg queen sure "SUDDENLY" just goes to Soong....bit of an odd jump.
Guess Soong makes tank solders for the military? So Soong can call up a black opps team in like an hour?
Geee...maybe E9 will be the black opps borg vs the broken future people.....exciting, wonder who will win.