Picard season 2 (spoilers maybe unmarked)

Well, that's different.
Looks like all was forgiven after season one with the main characters. I wonder if Guinan will be on earth in 2024.
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I haven't seen the episode yet. But I learned today that there is a scene that includes 4 ships originally made for Star Trek Online, with Picard and STO artists collaborating to to get the game models into the ship. Fans of the Clear Skies webseries might also be interested, the STO ship designed based on their exploits one of those 4 ships (Ross Class Exploration Cruiser, a Galaxy Class variant). And apparently, models from pre-existing canon ships from Star Trek Online and Eaglemoss were also used. The game models and the models used for the molds are apparantly now higher quality than the original big screen models! (Models likely to be STO are the Akira, and the Sovereign)

I guess that's a good way to avoid the somewhat emberrassing cut & paste job in the final Season 1 episode - a lot more ship diversity. And it's also fascinating because there aren't many times that pieces of beta canon actually gets fed back into alpha canon. Ship models are of course nicely sized bits of material with little baggage, but they are also pretty cool.

Stream about that from the STO perspective: (link goes directly to the announcement trailer, there is a bit before that, but the actual talk about the ships and all that is after this.) Don't watch if you want to guess yourself, but my guess is that it will be a bit of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it things.

Finished season 1 rewatch last night (Elnor really needed a hug). and watched ep 1 last night.

Season 1 oddities recap: if Oh sent the order for Rios' captain to shoot Jana and Flower, then she knew roughly where they were picked up (the Vayt sector). Why didn't they comb the region?

Back to season 2:
I'm too lazy to rewind (plus wife ain't got time for that nonsense), but when they first panned the camera across the Stargazer, I swore it had a >4 digit NCC number. When Elnor is talking to Picard next to a blue kiosk stand, that said Stargazer and had a 4 digit NCC number. Did they screw up or did I blink? This mismatch made me wonder if we were looking at a parallel worlds anomaly, just like the final "All Good Things" in TNG.

Turns out everybody we saw in the ep was all in the same universe, as they ended up at the same event, of course.

Also, since these ships were clearly newer models of old ones, how come they didn't do the letter on the end, like the Enterprise A-E?

It was nice to see Q in all his nefarious, mocking glory. Though part of me wished he'd just cut Picard some slack and be nice to him for a change. But, it occurred to me. Picard and co, basically died when the Stargazer blew up. And Q stepped in, perhaps in the guise of a test.

One other thing, in the season previews after the episode, they show a clip of Q asking somebody to remove a piece from the board. As Kirk once asked, "What does God want with a starship?" Q can just do anything he needs to happen. Why would he ask somebody else?

Some observations after S02E01...

I would watch Picard if he retired and the show became Jurati and Rios flying around in the Stargazer doing official Star Trek's version of The Orville. Because they're doing comedy better than MacFarlane's crew. Though, arguably, The Orville doing a better impression of TNG-era Trek. Maybe it would be Star Trek's version of Moonlighting? I mean, in a perfect world...

Is it me, or did some of the CGI look dodgy? Like future San Francisco. Especially compared to Discovery this season.

The episode felt like First Contact. Which is both high praise and mild criticism. Didn't need the flashback to young Picard. Didn't need the shoot-y cold open, shot in a way as to kinda hide what was going on (that's just cheap). Was nice to see Guinan, though.

Can fan service be art? I believe that question was put to rest for me as soon as John DeLancie spoke.

Overall, a pretty exciting start. But not as good as S01E01. That first episode... it had poetry in it. This one didn't.

I liked that more than s1. Also, Trek to me is Starfleet and starships, so I always like it when they do that (yes, I know the rest of the season won't be that).

I didn't get why the Borg would only speak to Picard. They didn't speak to him, and his presence made no difference to their plan to take over all the ships. I feel like I missed something?

I liked that more than s1. Also, Trek to me is Starfleet and starships, so I always like it when they do that (yes, I know the rest of the season won't be that).

I didn't get why the Borg would only speak to Picard. They didn't speak to him, and his presence made no difference to their plan to take over all the ships. I feel like I missed something?

I'm thinking Picard was needed because of what comes after.

And possibly, "speaking to Picard" was just our limited comprehension of "borg multi-temporal non-linear communication". (I just made that up.) The queen implies in other borg stories that there are deeper ways of perceiving time. Possibly, the borg need to speak to Picard in a similar deeper fashion.


I liked that more than s1. Also, Trek to me is Starfleet and starships, so I always like it when they do that (yes, I know the rest of the season won't be that).

I didn't get why the Borg would only speak to Picard. They didn't speak to him, and his presence made no difference to their plan to take over all the ships. I feel like I missed something?
yeah, that was a little odd. Like "hey, Borg. We have radios. Let's talk. What's the rush?"

Why even the pretense? They clearly have a big ship with plenty of energy to transform into a bigger ship. Other than getting all the ships to show up, which pretty much happened when they came through the rift.

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