I enjoyed the season, more than the first one, but one thing they do struggle with is finding enough interesting things for the secondary characters to do. I feel like the only reason they wrote out Elnor was because they were already having trouble stretching the material to accommodate the other characters.Picard season 2, bloating of a 2hr(maybe) worth script time.
Entire season should have been a (bad)TNG double feature length episode.
Well, they atleast gave Jurati some meaning in this series, otherwise completely useless character.
Raffi is still annoying, ah and we got our space ninja elf Elrond back, yaaay....
This series should have been Picard, Rios and Seven with Q and Guinan as deus ex machina
Adding a stronger B-plot that played more to the motivations of the other characters would have gone a long way towards helping the season, giving them more well-rounded plot beats and taking up some time that was otherwise devoted to filler, especially around episodes 7-8.