Picard season 2 (spoilers maybe unmarked)


I guess... but doesn't it seem pretty obvious at this point that
Jurati is the Borg queen who showed up back at the start of the series?
Sure, go the Occam's Razor route and make all of Picard's flesh rending be meaningless :ROFLMAO:

You're most likely right.

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Sure, go the Occam's Razor route and make all of Picard's flesh rending be meaningless :ROFLMAO:

You're most likely right.
I don't think Picard's journey this season has been meaningless, I think it just wasn't about the Borg queen, despite her using that particular phrasing.

No, Picard's acceptance of the truth of his mother's condition is all about him learning to understand what Renee is going through. That's where it's going to pay off next episode.


I don't think Picard's journey this season has been meaningless, I think it just wasn't about the Borg queen, despite her using that particular phrasing.

No, Picard's acceptance of the truth of his mother's condition is all about him learning to understand what Renee is going through. That's where it's going to pay off next episode.
Indeed, and I also think it may provide a link to Season 3 with the return of the remaining Enterprise crew (at least according to most rumours). We could see him fully integrating with them in a more emotional way now that he has worked through some issues. Plus, he might end up dating a Romulan. :)



Well, lots of B plot filler to waste time....

The Borg Queen makes a useless army of Stormtroopers. How do we know they are Stormtroopers...well, easy: they can't hit anything. Shoot off hundreds of rounds...hit nothing. Guess she somehow fixed the nano probes?

And...ok......Jariti locked out the command codes, er, somehow.......and put the code in the

Emergency Holographic Ninja? Er, what?

So sure the ship can make a holo image of anyone that comes on board. But who created and programed the EHJ? Did Jariti just make the Emergency Holographic Ninja in her spare time?

And..er...how, when, where and why did the Emergency Holographic Ninja program download the mind of 'elf Romulan sword guy'? How does the program have his memories right up to death?

And...why...why...WASTE the time with the beyond dumb scene where messed up Raffi does the little cry to the EHJ of "I know your not really him, but...I'm sorry" just to make HER messed up emotions feel better? It's like a super dumb C plot....but the season is almost over so they have to get rid of it. And good thing the EHJ has a perfect copy of elf Romulans brain so he can say 'oh he forgives you" or whatever.

Then we have to waste time with Picard playing hide and seek......sigh.

And waste even more time with Picards dumb vision memories......

And then Picard finds a 70+ year old WW2 loaded gun and shoots back at the bad guys! And the bad guys jump away in fear! What excitement!

So when Stormtrooper Goon #6 gets distengerated...er...how/why does he drop the skeleton key? Would it not just be gone with him?

Then borg queen impales Seven with her tentacle...but Raffi just gets the "light gentle toss away".....

Then the borg queen has a change of heart...and saves Seven...by making her a Borg Lite? Er...kinda ruins the character to take such a big step back.

Then everyone is just like "oh, ok, goodbye Jerati" and UTTERLY don't care as she just goes away. They don't know about the whole new Borg of Helping. But they just accept that Jerati wants to be half borg in the past forever?

And...um...er....um...so the new Helpful Borg Queen is now going to the Delta quadrant to merge with the Baby Borg there and then...um..er....save people? Does this not ALTER all of Star Trek history JUST as bad as anything else?

And everyone just lets lets Helpful Borg Queen zoom off with the ship? Um....so how were they planning to get back to their home time after they save the day? Does Lars have a Quantum Leap Time Tunnel that she has not mentioned yet?

And.....for the worst part of the episode....yup, young idiot boy Picard is an accessory to murder. THIS alone would make it impossible for Picard to ever be in Starfleet. And it's SO BEYOND DUMB that the writers think that this was somehow HIDDEN for like 70 years. Picard's mom committed suicide would be RIGHT at the top of Picards personal file.....or do the writers think it just says "oh mom Picard just VANISHED one day, no story here''. And guess Picard just "forgot" he had a mom for 70 years? Like people would say "Picard where is your mom?" and Picard would say "who?"...

The whole "Picard likes to help people because he feels guilty about being an accessory to murder" is just grade a moonbat psychobabble. The whole "you were a dumb little boy that did not understand what was going on" is SUCH a cheat. If Picard was old enough to understand words, he could have understood "your mom is sick, don't let her out of the dungeon". (But..um..er..WHY did dad Baltar Picard just LEAVE after he locked mom up? He left a crazy SUICIDAL woman...and a dumb emotional bratty disloyal kid....ALONE for like hours/maybe a whole day? And WHY, WHY would you LEAVE dumb boy Picard with a KEY? Or maybe how about locking mom up in a better place that has NO SKELETON KEYS LAYING ALL AROUND THE HOUSE to open. Is there some reason Dad Baltar Picard did not just call 911? The 24th century still has trained medical personel that can show up pretty quick if you call and say "my wife is crazy and is a danger to herself and others". )

The dumb emotional bratty disloyal could never have been the Picard of the Next Generation. See if you asked young Picard the simple question: would you follow orders OR would your over emotional helping people obsession bratty disloyal mental illness just make you do whatever you "felt" like doing on a whim? And Picard answered "I'd help people" and cry.......well, see THAT mess of a person does NOT get to be in command or ever be a captain.

The whole Picard is obsessed with Helping People is just a dumb re-write to the character to explain why in season one....For No Reason......Picard becomes an emotioanl mess of "we must save the Romulans, waaaaaa!"

But.....hope that is all over now.....back to the A plot. And go AMAZING timing that the Borg B plot did not take like 24 hours as then the space mission would have left or blown up or whatever. Just good luck Picard did not go into another dumb memory coma and wake up in a week and be told "oh Renne was killed days ago while you were laying around in your memory coma".


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I was kinda confused about how the hologram had access to Elnor's memories?

For this episode (and I guess the whole show) if we'd been Jurati building that little Borf army slowly over the course of a couple of episodes it would have had more impact.

Picard and Moon Knight both being episodes of flashbacks to childhood and their mothers this week. It's a conspiracy, I tell you! (I generally hate flashbacks and dream sequences, especially to childhood, so this was not a good week for me!)

Looking forward to the finale next week. But even more looking forward to the launch of Strange New Worlds!

For this episode (and I guess the whole show) if we'd been Jurati building that little Borf army slowly over the course of a couple of episodes it would have had more impact.
I do feel we are getting into more D&D morality than Star Trek morality here. It's okay to borgify then horribly kill mercs because mercs are always-Evil. If she had collected ordinary folk she had met along the way we would have had to worry about trying to save them rather than just killing them.


I do feel we are getting into more D&D morality than Star Trek morality here. It's okay to borgify then horribly kill mercs because mercs are always-Evil. If she had collected ordinary folk she had met along the way we would have had to worry about trying to save them rather than just killing them.
Also, they apparently would have had no effect on the course of human history. Killing butterflies is bad, but integrating a bunch of corpses into the decor of Chateau Picard is just fine.


Also, they apparently would have had no effect on the course of human history. Killing butterflies is bad, but integrating a bunch of corpses into the decor of Chateau Picard is just fine.

They pretty much have to go with the pebble in a river theory of time travel at this point (changing events in the past is mostly like throwing pebbles into a raging river - not going to have a significant impact). Except, of course for major events like the Europa mission - because reasons.

If they go with the butterfly effect theory? Well they've borked things up so badly in the past that whatever future that return to will barely resemble their original one!

I guess we have a final cleanup episode, but boy did they leave a lot of lifting for the season finale.

Of course, if Picard & Co weren't such Good guys, they had the perfect opportunity to save the timeline by shooting Soong at the end of his parley - his men started shooting before he was in cover, so it wouldn't even have been breaking a truce.


For those wondering how they might be able to get back the their own future, the race that Tallinn serves have at least some knowledge of time travel, or at least time viewing. In the TOS episode that introduced Gary Seven they either had knowledge of, or projected forward to know that the orbital weapons platform launch had to fail, in order to turn the arms race around. Oh, and that race might just be:


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