Picard season 2 (spoilers maybe unmarked)

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I was expecting that cop to be another Q!

I suspect the next episode will have a heavy interrogation component. So the guy COULD be a Q "taking over" the trial, maybe even bring in Original Q and have them interrogated opposite each other.

But not likely, probably this is exactly what it looks like, Picard gets interrogated and at some point gets beamed out (though I hope not, too many "rescues" this season).
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Hooray.....we get nearly a whole episode about that dumb vision nightmare. I've been dreading this all season, as the Picard mom horror story is so dull and dumb. Yea, yea, yea, Picard is a worthless, weak, flawed person because of French Horror Story and Little Boy Picard.....sigh, whatever.

And...well, it's bad show pacing. You get six sort of "end of the universe" shows.....then come to a huge dead stop with Picards Nightmare. Good thing EVERYTHING froze in time so Picard could have his problem.

Good thing Q or Soon did not kill Renne while Picard was having his dumb nightmare. Like when Picard wakes up he just gets told "too late she is dead, you failed. she was killed while you were laying there having your dumb nightmare."

Same thing with borg queen Jarti.....oh, but the queen needs "more control" or something . Just good thing she does nothing so Picard can have his dumb nightmare. Like if Picard would wake up and be told "oh the borg assimalated Earth while you were having your dumb nightmare."

But look its...its Dr. Guyis Baltar ...er,psychologist. So Picard has a nightmare where he has a psych evaluation? Ok..... and Picard tells a dumb non story about a queen that pains monsters that try to kill her....er, kind of like his mom does?

And...ok....so Baltar is really Picards dad.....ok. Oh, and Picards mom was crazy...so he locked her up in the basement? Guess they had no hospitals in 24th century France?

Then we get the sad, sad cheat that Picard is(WAS back durning TNG) so great because he was..er...so sad his mom was locked up. And, guess this is some sloop saying that crazy broken people that have crazy broken people in their family can then be demi gods even when they are a broken mess of a non human monster on the inside. Sigh.

And.....ok.....Callen IS a Romulan. Ok...sure, guess that is possible.

And Picard is all like "wow cloaked ears! We could use them in the future(to hide Romulan illegal aliens on Federation worlds?) But is there some reason it does not exist? If Callen has the tech in the 21st century.....they have not made it by the 24th? Even if Romulans only invent cloaking in the 23rd century...you'd think they could create 'ear cloaks" in 100 years. And does the Federation not have "holographic headbands" yet that can do the same thing?

It sure is dumb when Picard is like "oh, I want to talk to Q" and FOR NO REASON just randomly says "oh I know Guinen can help". And amazingly Guinen is just like "oh, sure I have a magic bottle that can summon a Q like a genie "
Woah....are Q genies?

And...er.....so the Q and the El Arueans had a war? Um...how? The Q could snap their fingers an obliterate the El Arueans from existence.....so how do you have a war?

And then Picard and Guinen get arrested...by......The Men in Black? Homeworld Security? S.H.I.E.L.D. ? Torchwood?

And...hey....that actor....he was the first officer on the USS Relativity, the Federation Time Ship from Voyager.....wonder if he will be that character undercover or be a all new character?

They chase borg queen Jariti for a couple minutes. And ohhhh....Jariti breaks some glass..wow..exciting. (Oh, and that is Patrick Stewart's wife Sunny Ozell singing in the LA Bar........)

And...I'd sure watch a Rios and pretty doctor show....maybe Star Trek:La Estrella? It's fun when he takes them to the ship though.


Dr. Gaius Baltar interogating a Cylo...err, synthetic Picard.
Did US army provide him with a small nuke for his cylon detector?


Yea, yea, yea, Picard is a worthless, weak, flawed person because of French Horror Story and Little Boy Picard.....sigh, whatever.
Picard's always been flawed. But he's never been worthless (not even in Picard). What's with contemporary fandoms's allergic reaction to humanizing protagonists?
The Q could snap their fingers an obliterate the El Arueans from existence.....so how do you have a war?
Remember the scene in TNG when Q walks into Ten Forward and Guinan sticks her hands out like she's going zap his smug as... posterior with some Space Magic of her own?

(the actress playing Guinan in Picard makes the exact same gesture, BTW).

The idea the El-Aurians could hold their own against the Q has been around for a long time. And it's not like there's a shortage of space gods/demigods in the Star Trek universe...

Dire Bare

Dr. Gaius Baltar interogating a Cylo...err, synthetic Picard.
Did US army provide him with a small nuke for his cylon detector?
James Callis does a really good sinister . . . . I didn't expect the twist towards the end that he was Picard's father, Maurice, and he WASN'T a "monster". I was fully expecting some sort of alien intelligence monitoring or testing Picard . . . .

Dire Bare

Picard's always been flawed. But he's never been worthless (not even in Picard). What's with contemporary fandoms's allergic reaction to humanizing protagonists?

Remember the scene in TNG when Q walks into Ten Forward and Guinan sticks her hands out like she's going zap his smug as... posterior with some Space Magic of her own?

(the actress playing Guinan in Picard makes the exact same gesture, BTW).

The idea the El-Aurians could hold their own against the Q has been around for a long time. And it's not like there's a shortage of space gods/demigods in the Star Trek universe...
True. Wil Wheaton interviews the actress playing the younger Guinan, Ito Aghayere, in "The Ready Room" this week, and they discuss that quite a bit. I enjoyed her performance much more this episode than the first time we saw her a few episodes back.

The "anti-Q" gestures both Guinans make . . . that was the actress Ito Aghayere asking if she could add that in! She's a big TNG nerd!

But . . . . the El-Aurians can hold their own against the Q Continuum, but get spanked by the Borg? That's never sat too well with me.

But what makes me sad is the writers deciding yet again to "expose" the bright future of Star Trek as a bit of a facade. Namely their take that: apparently in the future, humanity still has no clue about mental illness and how to properly treat it.
Sometimes Trek utopianism has to take a back seat to keeping Trek humans as humans we can relate to. And the show was unclear on what treatments were available, only that she refused treatment.

Whether forcing treatment for mental health upon unwilling people is utopian or dystopian I will leave to everyone to decide for themselves. I'm just glad they did not trivialize mental health issues by having a perfect, convienient techno-solution.

Voidrunner's Codex

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