Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?


....grumble..... WRONG ORDER!

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That's unfortunate, as... well, I don't feel it is very good.

I'd recommend How Much for Just the Planet, by John M. Ford, in which the Federation and Klingons compete over a planet that defends itself in farcical ways. Very, very non-canon, but a lot of fun.

Ford also wrote The Final Reflection which has a fascinating alternate image of Klingons - it was written before they'd solidified Klingons as a "warrior race", and imagined them instead valuing strategy more than personal battle prowess. We get the idea that Klingons are, in a sense, honorable, from this book.

Come to think of it, Ford was also a game writer and designer - The Klingons for the FASA Star Trek RPG, and Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues for WEGs Paranoia, and GURPS Time Travel were his work.
No, it wasn’t very good. In fact, it may be why I don’t read fiction based on TV/Movies .

The FASA take on Klingons was my foundation for how I believed they should be. It explained the differences in their look from TOS to NG with cross breeding and genetics. It was, at the time, considered universe canon. Until it wasn't.
Look, speaking of Star Trek, if I want a strategic warrior race, I go with Klingons. If I want a tactical warrior race, I go with Kzinti.

Then again, everything I know about Star Trek canon comes from Star Fleet Battles...

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