D&D 5E Planescape 5e - everything we know & some speculation

And we shouldn't forget the Abyssal and Athasian genasi.

It is curious but I imagine ooze genasi as "it was a very crazy night, I had drunk too much and I started to flirt a plasmoid...".


  • I don't know who are you but I know one among you now is imagining an ice paragenasi bard named Elsa singing "let it go".

Spikers (3.5 Planar Handbook) are potential interesting as tienfling cousins, but the racial touchs could need a retouch. I don't imagine as them the type of monster girl a bard wanted to date in the Staturday night.


* The bariaurs are too iconic to not appear yet.


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Hard to guess what they could put into the Bestiary, because there are basically no limits and so many possibilities. The Rilmani, as the native Outlanders, seem highly likely.

In regards to the 3e Cat Lord, I would note that while he does seem to be intended to represent the titular planar entity in question, he is specifically listed in a section dedicated to Greyhawk NPCs.

While I am by no means an expert on Greyhawk lore and so can't comment on how prominent of a figure the Cat Lord was in that setting, a cursory look at a GH wiki notes that he was also a character of some import in Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue novels...

2e Planescape lore indicates that this Cat Lord (or another male successor) was hunted down and killed by a cult of Malarites in the adventure background for the module Something Wild, which gave rise to the female Cat Lord replacing him that is introduced in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium I, Planes of Conflict, and the Something Wild module itself.

Perhaps the version of the Cat Lord included in the 3e Epic Level Handbook was intended more as an homage to that original Gygax character than as a canonical statement on who was the current holder of the position as of 3e, particularly given how Planescape lore was generally neglected and/or ignored all throughout 3e.
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Hard to guess what they could put into the Bestiary, because there are basically no limits and so many possibilities. The Rilmani, as the native Outlanders, seem highly likely.
I hope they can spice them up a bit - the rilmani were the blandest of all the "alignment" planar races. From the art we've seen, it looks like demodands have made the cut, but I would like to see the hierarch modrons and some of the celestials (archons and guardinals mainly) before the rilmani.

I hope they can spice them up a bit - the rilmani were the blandest of all the "alignment" planar races. From the art we've seen, it looks like demodands have made the cut, but I would like to see the hierarch modrons and some of the celestials (archons and guardinals mainly) before the rilmani.
I expect all sorts of exotic Outsiders

There ethergaunts were too interesting to fall into the oblivion.


The kaorti also have got an wasted potential as grimm antagonists.

And the nerras from the plane of the mirror. These are perfect if you wanted to write a D&D creepypasta story. Something like the horror movie "Mirrors" with Kiefer Sutherland.

What if a section within the infinite stair was invaded by creatures from the Far Realm?

Let's imagine a new demiplane is discovered, is a toroid, as Sigil but a megalopolis so big as Los Angeles. There are "visitors" from Ravnica, New Capena, Union (a demiplane created by arcanes to trade, in 3.5 Epic Levels) and Sigil.

After checking out Dragon Magazines #321 and #344, 3e Monster Manual II and the 3e Draconomicon, here are what I think the breath weapon damage types and resistances could be for any 5e Planar Dragonborn that might appear in 5e Planescape. For some of these, I looked at what a Half-Planar Dragon would get as a breath weapon damage type, and downgraded their immunities to said damage type to a resistance instead. For others, I had to look at the actual dragon and tweak what they had for their Dragonborn counterpart.

Planar Dragonborn / Damage Type / AoE / Resistance
Battle / Thunder / Cone / Thunder
Chaos / Special* / Line / Psychic
Ethereal / Force / Cone / Force
Howling /Thunder /Cone /Thunder (or Psychic?)
Oceanus / Lightning / Line / Lightning
Pyroclastic / 1/2 Fire,1/2 Sonic / Cone /Fire/Thunder?
Radiant / Radiant / Line / Radiant
Rust / Acid / Line /Acid
Styx / Poison /Line /Poison
Tarterian /Force / Line / Force
Adamantine / Fire / Line / Fire
Arboreal / Piercing / Cone / Nonmagical Piercing?
Axial / Force /Cone / Force
Beast /1/2 Cold,1/2 Lightning / Cone / Cold/Lightning?
Concordant / Psychic /Line / Psychic
Astral /Slashing / Cone / Nonmagical Slashing?
Chloe / Psychic / Cone /Psychic
Elysian / Thunder** / Line / Thunder**
Gloom / Psychic / Cone / Psychic
Hellfire / Fire / Cone / Fire

*A Chaos Dragonborn can change the damage of it's breath weapon from Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid and Thunder. The DM should roll % dice to determine which damage type is in play whenever the Chaos Dragonborn uses their breath weapon.
** Tempted to have it as poison damage (alcohol poisoning) or psychic damage (as in a major hangover) 😋 Maybe both. 😋

Feel free to add to this list for any I missed. :)

Also pardon the mess, I do not know how to make a table and transfer it to here.
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In case anyone is curious, here is a list from Wikipedia on the number of Planar Dragons from 3e.

Planar dragons inhabit the outer planes. These include:
  • Shadow dragons which inhabit the Shadow Material Plane.
  • Adamantite dragons which reside in the Twin Paradises of Bytopia.
  • Arboreal dragons which reside in the Olympian Glades of Arborea.
  • Astral dragons, ectoplasmic dragons, and kodragons which reside in the Astral Plane.
  • Arboreal dragons which reside in the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus.
  • Battle dragons which reside in the Heroic Domains of Ysgard.
  • Beast dragons which reside in the Wilderness of the Beastlands.
  • Chaos dragons which reside in the Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo.
  • Chole dragons which reside in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss.
  • Concordant dragons which reside in the Outlands.
  • Elysian dragons which reside in the Blessed Fields of Elysium.
  • Ethereal dragons which reside in the Ethereal Plane.
  • Gloom dragons which reside in the Gray Waste of Hades.
  • Howling dragons which reside in the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium.
  • Oceanus dragons which reside in the Upper Planes
  • Pyroclastic dragons which reside in the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna.
  • Radiant dragons which reside in the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia.
  • Rust dragons which reside in the Infernal Battlefield of Acheron.
  • Styx dragons which reside in the Lower Planes.
  • Tarterian dragons which reside in the Tarterian Depths of Carceri.
  • Hellfire Wyrms which reside in The Nine Hells of Baator.
Does Mechanus have it's own planar dragon? ;) Or is it sharing the Arboreal Dragon with Arborea? 😋

Of those Astral Dragons and Chaos Dragons have MtG cards.

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