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[Planescape/Gestalt] Coils within Coils

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
ByteRynn said:
Question: Can we "Save" the free 2nd level feet for when we meet the prerequisites for it, for example, my character wouldn't have 2 ranks of COncentration at level 2, the prereq for Cipher Trance, but he would definitely have them by level 4. Can I go ahead and take Cipher trance then?


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Shoel Sweeny

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nonamazing, Dog Moon, ByteRynn and Ferrix: I 've checked through your characters, you may post your characters to the Rogues Gallery.

Going to work now, I'll get to everyone else's posts Tuesday morning.
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First Post
Aki the Unchained, Neraph Scout/Rogue and Indep

[B]STR:[/B] 14  [B]BAB:[/B] +3
[B]DEX:[/B] 18  [B]HP:[/B] 32
[B]CON:[/B] 16 (incl. +1 level bonus)
[B]INT:[/B] 10
[B]WIS:[/B] 14
[B]CHA:[/B] 10

Tactile Trapsmith
Slippery (bonus faction feat)
Iron Will
Quick Draw (bonus Scout feat)

Sleight of Hand: 9 (5 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Tumble: 14 (8 Ranks + 4 Dex + 2 Misc)
Jump: 14 (5 Ranks + 2 Str + 7 Misc)
Spot: 12 (8 Ranks + 2 Wis +2 Misc)
Search: 14 (8 Ranks + 4 Dex + 2 Misc)
Disable Device: 12 (8 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Survival: 7 (5 Ranks + 2 Wis)
Balance: 6 (4 Dex + 2 Misc)
Hide: 12 (8 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Move Silently: 12 (8 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Knowledge (Nature) 3 (1 Rank + 2 Misc)

Gear and secondary stats will have to wait for the moment.

Personality and Affiliations.
[SBLOCK] Unlike most Neraphim, Aki the Unchained embraces the chaotic tinge bred in him as a native of Limbo. He recognizes the need for order and structure on occasion, but woe to anyone who thinks to oppress him and his hard-won freedoms. He's jovial, and oftentimes his strange ribbit-like laugh can be heard echoing through the halls of a tavern in Sigil. He'd rather avoid conflict if he can help it, but has no problem bringing a swift end to it should it occur.

He's an Indep if he's anything, but by their nature and his that's really not saying much.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Shoel Sweeny said:
I haven't seen Ferrix's character yet, but it looks like he'll be making a tank as well. Remember that no slot's filled until I give the final okay on a character, and that okay has mroe to do with the "fluff" of a characer then his/hers class. How do you plan to integrate the Warforged backstory into Planescape?

Despite my interest in the setting, my knowledge of Planescape is not deep. :heh:

Posit: The laws of conservation of matter & energy must apply on some level to magic. Therefore, it stands to reason that a Creation Forge can't actually create a Warforged, much less their inhabiting consciousness out of nothingness. That power is reserved for the gods.

So if the Creation Forges aren't actually creating warforged, where are they (at the very least, their souls) coming from?

The origin of the warforged lies within Mechanus. On one of the larger gears exists a race of intelligent machine people serving the Inevitables. Of late, many have begun dissappearing without a trace.

Seeking answers, Tolen leaves the comforting order of the gears heading to Sigil, seeking answers.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Shayrui: Alright then, we'll see once you get him posted.

Lord_Raven88: Archivist would definately be more recieved then Ur-Preist. Looking forward to seeing the new character. Would Dread Necromancer still be his secondary class?

Amazing Triangle: Sounds good, looking forward to seeing.

All:Is it just me, or does there seem to be a general Eastern flavor to this character line-up? :)

Dog Moon: There's a few charismatic characters, but yours seems to be the most socialy skilled ( :p ) Which is good, the group is probably going to need a face. By the way, I adjucate bluff and diplomacy rolls according to dialogue. If the NPC thinks your words are convincing (or that you're telling the truth, etc) then it'll be as if you rolled high, and vice versa. We still need to work on your last location. Perhaps a Gate Town, or even with a party that happens to have a close on hand portal to Sigil or The Outlands or X?

Aereas: A lotta info in that post. Make sure to get the players permission for their characters in your history (looks ok to me though).

Ferrix: Post an alignment for Magnus when you get the chance. Additionally, have you considered the Sodkillers for faction allegiance? Their beliefs seem right up his alley.

Planescape Campaign Setting Chapter 3 Factions said:
The Sodkillers are of a mind that any dilemma can be resolved with force. Might makes right. And since they see themselves as being mighty, they see themselves as being right. The more cynical of the Mercykillers (or simply the meaner ones) who didn’t think that the Sons of Mercy’s way would work decided if Arwyl Swan’s Son was going to revive an old faction, so were they. This time they wouldn’t make the mistake of sharing the reins of power with anyone, much less annoying idealistic do-gooders like the Sons of Mercy. Now they hire themselves out as mercenaries, proving their philosophy works. They’ve already cemented themselves in Sigil behind the cover of the Minder’s Guild, biding their time until the factions regain their status. When that time comes, they’ll seize their goals with all of their might until they have everything they want in their grasp.

Philosophy: Might makes right.
Nicknames: Brutes, Sellswords.
Headquarters: Vorkehan in Acheron. The Tower of the Wyrm in Sigil.
Majority Races: Bladelings, githyanki, half-orcs, humans, khaasta, tieflings.
Favored Classes: Fighters, monks, rangers.
Factol: Nijul P’iuy (LN female aasimar Rng10/Justiciar5 Sodkillers)
Prominent Members: Grubby Garrin (LN male half-orc Mnk10), Tall Tally (LE male osyluth), Nagaro (LE female human Ftr7/ex-Pal7), Coirosis (LE female rust dragon)
Alignment: Any non-good, non-chaotic.
Symbol: A rust-red colored fist on a blood-red-colored disc, surrounded by a border of green serpents.

Then again with all the faction allegiance already spread through the party, I can see why you'd want him to remain independant.

Kafkonia: Your numbers add up, but how about the characters personality? Contacts or allegiances within Sigil or the planes (outside of Sigil or other party members)?

Pyrex: Most everything you need to know about the setting can be found In chapter 6, and then in chapter 3. Chapter 7 details Sigil. The gist of the locations and the planes can be found in the Manual of the Planes, it's alot more about tone and style then hard facts.

All: Did I miss anyone?
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I actually considered the sodkillers, but they don't really fit his personal philosophy.

I think he's going to end up being Chaotic Neutral... but definately more of the incredibly strong individualist rather than an erratic or indeceisive character.


First Post
Shoel Sweeny said:
Pyrex: Most everything you need to know about the setting can be found In chapter 6, and then in chapter 3. Chapter 7 details Sigil. The gist of the locations and the planes can be found in the Manual of the Planes, it's alot more about tone and style then hard facts.

*goes looking for a copy of the Planescape book*

Edit: Aha!


First Post
At long last...

I ditched the monk build. While more viable in personal combat, it was weaker magically (and this is meant to be a primary caster build) and used material from Complete Adventurer that might not be approved.

This character is a Favored Soul/Sorceror combination, using both divine and arcane magic spontaneously and innately. I plan on making the character a "planar mage" of sorts, with summons, planar callings, and dismissals/banishings. Spell Focus in Conjuration (and Augment Summons) and in Abjuration. -Possibly- Improved Familiar if I have the featage left over. :) There will also be plenty of "blasties" mixed in, for combat fun...but with two spell lists to choose from, I have room for more utilities than spontaneous casters usually get.

Here she is so far!

[sblock]Name: Mei-Ying
Race: Human
Class: Favored Soul 5 / Sorc 5

Desc: Mei-Ying is a tall, stately woman of slim build and asiatic features. She is dressed in
an opalescent silk robe of fine make that obscures her form save for her head...which is bald and adorned only with a magnificent jeweled circlet that comes to three peaks and sits high on her head. A fingernail sized green stone, jade or emerald perhaps, is affixed to her forehead, just above her eyeline. Her fingernails are long and curved, and laquered in brightly colored patterns, with several ornamental rings. Her skin is usually pale, nearly white...though this is a minor magical affectation. Her natural skin tone is a perfectly normal flesh color. Her eyes are dark, but often shimmer green when she casts spells.

Str 9 -1 1
Dex 14 +2 6
Con 14 +2 6
Int 12 +1 4
Wis 16 +3 10
CHa 18 +4 13

HP 41/41
BAB +3
Melee +2
Ranged +5
Grapple +2
Init +2
Move: 30'
AC 13 (10 +2 dex +1 natural)

Will +9
Reflex +8
Fort +8

Race Abilities
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill points

Class Abilities
Summon Familiar
Deity Weapon Focus: Staff
Energy Resistance: Fire 10

1 Spell Focus: Conjuration
1 Eschew Materials
2 Harness Divinity
3 Extend Spell

Skills (16+16)
Concentration +10 (8 ranks +2 Con)
Knowledge Arcana +6 (5 ranks +1 Int)
Diplomacy +15 (8 ranks +5 Cha +2 synergy)
Sense Motive +11 (8 ranks +3 Wis)
Spellcraft +6 (3 ranks +1 Int +2 synergy)

Sorceror Spell Slots (base DC = 14)
0 6/6, 1 - 8/8, 2 - 5/5

0 Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Disrupt Undead, Message, Prestidigitation
1 Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, Mage Armor
2 Scorching Ray, Glitterdust

Favored Soul Spell Slots (base DC = 13)
0 6/6, 1 - 8/8, 2 - 5/5

0 Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Guidence, Mending, Read Magic, Purify Food/Drink
1 Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Bless
2 Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon

Money: 100gp

MW Quarterstaff 1d6, +3 to hit, 600gp

Noble's outfit, 75gp (+125gp jewelry)

Mundane Gear:

Circlet of Charisma +2, 4000
Cloak of Resistance +2, 4000
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, 2000
Handy Haversack, 2000

Familiar, 100gp
Tiny Magical Beast (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice: Special (5HD) 20/20
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/–10
Attack: Talons +8 melee (1d4–2)
Full Attack: Talons +8 melee (1d4–2)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link,
deliver touch spells, speak with master
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +16
Feats: Alertness, Weapon FinesseB


Mei Ying is a young human, born on Arcadia and raised by the parents of her father; a stern and very traditional couple living in a small fishing village outside the jade walls of the fabulous, plane-spanning Imperial City - the seat of the Jade Emperor's throne and center of the Celestial Bureaucracy. As a youth, her days were filled with chores and toil, and lectures about keeping to her place. Questions about her parents were deflected. They were not among the living, and that was that. When she began to manifest her magic, the lectures redoubled. Your place is here, they said, you must not reach above your station; your lot in life. Save your wishes for your next life, and if you are faithful and true to your destiny now, you will advance on the Great Wheel next time. They told her of her parents then, to illustrate. Her mother had been a minor goddess of fortune; now stripped of her power and made a mere Immortal for daring to love a mortal man; an adventurer who courted her. He had been their son...now dead, and they blamed that ill-fated dalliance for it.

Mei-Ying's imagination was fired by the tale though, and while she continued to present the face of submission, in secret she practiced her powers and wondered if they came to her from the divine blood that beat in her heart.

Then, one day, the gates of the Imperial City opened, and a great mass of soldiers marched forth from inside, in full armor and painted masks. Villagers huddled in their huts until they'd gone by. No one knew why or what had happened...but Mei Ying would later count this day as the one marking the beginning of the Faction War. However, the war would not touch her, or her village, for some time yet.

Mei Ying was sixteen when the strangers came. Ragged, many wounded, they were refugees from some far off conflict, begging for food and shelter. They spoke of strange thing, exciting things. Philosophical groups erupting into mutual violence in distant worlds beyond the ordered perfection of Arcadia. A great city turning like a wheel suspended in the air over a mountain of infinite size. The planes themselves ablaze with a colossal war that rivaled the Blood War, in ferocity if not in duration. Mei-Ying's house took in one of the refugees, and though her grandparents were vigilant there were times when she and he could speak alone. It was not war stories that he spoke of, but rather of himself...his beliefs and the others that shared them. The multiverse, he explained, was defined by belief. Any thinking being had the potential to reshape reality by act of will...in theory. In practice, it was difficult to cast off the shackles of one's senses, and come to terms with the true divine self; the seed of godhood that waited in everyone. His words found purchase in Mei Ying, who had more reason than most to believe such about herself. She healed him, to show him what she meant. The power came not from worshipping a god, she explained, but from somewhere inside her. The refugee became most excited at this, and asked if he could introduce her to some others he knew. His name was Goran Able, and he was formerly of the Godsmen; now of the Mind's Eye.

The next morning, Mei Ying defied her grandparents openly for the first time. There was very little raising of voices though. They repeated their warnings, repeated the dire tale of her parents. Mei Ying pointed out that it was as great a sin to reach too low; to ignore the potential of her destiny out of fear, as it would be to overreach herself. In the end, only she could know her place, and could only find out by experimenting, and finding where the multiverse had put her. She believed that her place was in the Imperial City...where no mortal could set foot unless dead (and thus no longer mortal). She believed magic was but the first steps along a path she could follow to Immortality, and perhaps to divinity.

In the end she left, learning from Goran the basics of the Mind's Eye. He brought her to the new Factol, for approval. When Mei Ying demonstrated her abilities, and spoke of her lineage, she was accepted into the faction's ranks. She studied there for nearly two years before deciding that she was ready to seek her fate among the Planes. After research, and consulting with other, high ranking factotums, Mei Ying had decided how to proceed. She would defeat magical beings, and distill their essences...then consume them. Their power would add to her own, and expand her abilities. In time, she believed, a point of critical mass would be achieved, and her divine nature would find fuel enough to manifest directly. Thus she earned the nickname, 'Magic Eater.'

Current Contacts:
Goran - Her initial introduction to the Mind's Eye, she and Goran remain friends and often enjoy verbal sparring over minor points of disagreement.

Factotum Ungol - An ogre mage member of the Mind's Eye that she made friends with during her time there. Ungol dresses in rather nice, almost foppish garb, and wears a pair of thin-rimmed spectacles that bely his physical and magical power, as does his cultured manners and mode of speaking.

Nira Keegan - A rival at the Mind's Eye, who has long held Mei Ying's divine parentage against her, stating that it's 'the easy way out.' Crediting Mei's successes to her bloodline, and missing no opportunity to mock her failures, Nira and Mei have not yet actually come to blows...but it has been close at times.

Yukio Kawansara - Mei Ying's best friend from the village in Arcadia. Yukio is the only one outside of Mei Ying's grandparents who knows of Mei's powers or her parentage. Anytime Mei learned a new spell, she would show it to Yukio in secret. By the time Mei Ying left the village, she and Yukio had grown apart somewhat, but were still close enough for tearful farewells.

Kuro and Chiya Hin - Mei Ying's grandparents in the Arcadian village of Shu-Ya. They are her presumed-dead father's parents, still blaming her Immortal mother's love affair for the death of their son (it is thought he sought out a fight he could not win, so he could enter the Imperial City as a soul to be reunited with her when she was forbidden to leave again after being demoted).[/sblock]
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