• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Planetouched Peril

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like speech to be in "quotes," thoughts to be in italics, and actions to be between *asterisks.* If you want to use colored text, that's fine, but it must be light enough for me to read. When in doubt, please go with the lighter color.

Our Cast of Characters

Fangor the Fierce - Ashlie - Female Dust Genasi Rogue 1
Jolmo - Kani Icebreath - Male Ice Para-Genasi Druid 1
Lady Shatterstone - Fianna Glade - Female Human Druid 2
Ghostknight - Helliad Noman's Son - Male Human Cleric 2 of Pelor

Inactive Players and Characters
Emperor Valerian- Aeron Malthis - Male Radiance Genasi Sorcerer 1
wolfheart - Pharos Victorix, "The Lion of Pelor" - Male Half-Elf (Black Pine) Fighter 1/Cleric of Pelor 1
Temujin - Sakurai 'Saku' - Male Human Fighter 2
Cannibal Kender - Zafira - Female Fire Genasi Fighter 1
Verbatim - Jabin Jarek - Male Ooze Gensai Diviner 1
Rhia - Azure Rentlon - Female Radiance Genasi Bard 1

Out Of Character Thread
Rogue's Gallery Thread

And now, the story...


Today is a quiet day in the small city of Willow Grove. Set in the vast grasslands of mid-eastern Low'verok, there is little but rolling hills and moors for many dozens of miles. Streams criss-cross the landscape, and the occasional trees line the watercourses. Though it is not particularly strategically placed, it is at the crossroads of major roads going east to west and north to south. Trade is one of the biggest businesses here, and all that goes with it. The town boasts a thriving Adventurer's Guild in addition to its Caravan, Moneychanger, Trader, Tanner, Smithy, and other various guilds, in addition to its famous Horse Trainer's guild.

In a land usually bathed by sun, and in a town with so much trade, it is no surprise that the two largest temples here are to Pelor and Waukeen, with Tymora running a close third. Pharos, Lissandra sent you to the temple of Willow Grove to gain some experience in a smaller parish, and one that was far away from Andeluvian politics. Several other faiths showed unseemly interest in your unusual investure into the priesthood, and The Daughter of the Sun thought it best to have you go elsewhere. She said you would be able to find yourself and your faith better on your own.

The temple here is rich and well-appointed, with five priests and twice as many acolytes, in addition to the laybrothers and sisters. Your training as a guardsman has proven to be quite valuable, as most of the priests here are not particularly martial-minded, preferring the healing arts to those of war. However, the head priest, Darqu Felfire, has suggested that one such as yourself should not be confined to one small town. He hinted that your skills would be more needed outside the city.

The Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild, a lightning genasi called Sarwen Tash, has said she would be happy to help you assemble a group. There's more than one group of travelers or traders that could use a group of adventurers. There's actually a small party of pilgrims that will be going to a sacred site that requested a party with a priest in it. But they've found none as of yet.

Aeron, your last adventure led you to this small plains city. Adventure is ripe to be had here... if anyone needed a group to form. Few will take single adventurers, unless they are nigh-legendary. Which you will be in time, you're sure, but until then you'll just have to make due. Unfortunately that means biding your time at the White Swan inn, providing the evening's entertainment alongside their resident bard in exchanged for their excellent foot and accomidations. There's rumors of a new group forming, so you'll probably have to go see what misfits have come to claim gold and glory.

Zafira, your latest caravan with a temporary group have led you to the city of Willow Grove. You've heard of it before; a trade city famed for the quality of its horses. Several people give Chaos, your horse, an appreciative glance as you ride through the town. The word at the Adventurer's Guild is that there's a possibility of a new group forming, one for a long journey of some peril across the more trackless areas of the central plains.

You can find comforable lodgings both for yourself and your horse at the Saddlebag Corral and Saloon, a place that caters to the large number of horse breeders, trainers, and riders that live and pass through here.

Ashlie, you helped guard a funeral wagon from Gajin in the south all the way up here to Willow Grove, bringing home the bodies of those that perished at sea. Now you find yourself at loose ends, as no similar job is available. You could find one in the Adventurer's Guild perhaps, they usually have work. But for now you can find a place to stay in the fine White Swan, or the more lively Saddlebag Saloon. Or perhaps the Crossroads Tavern, a substantial building catering to rich merchants and adventurers.

Saku, the hunt for a cruel man brought you near Willow Grove, and once your message was delivered in both intimidating words and a few choice blows, you have found yourself in this city as a place to rest for a day or two. With your purse near empty, you will have to find a job, or a mark, sometime soon. The notices posted outside the Adventurer's Guild promise a great deal of money for caravan duty, guarding travelers, and slaying monters, so that might be a possibility. Or perhaps not, you will have to investigate first, life has taught you that hard and well.
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Ashlie getting acquainted

That sure was a long way to travel. I still don't see what the fuss was about, as they are dead, no matter where they are buried. Oh well, money is money, and we all need a little more than we usually have. Well, at least hey rest in peace. Now, what to do now...maybe a little sightseeing. I am sure there are things that can be found in a place as bustling as this.

"Right Shilo?" *She hands a piece of meat to her riding dog Shilo, and he follows closely behind her into the Saddlebag Corral and Saloon.*


First Post
I want to act. Darqu is right, I am not cut out for the contemplative life.

*Pharos strides out into the courtyard of the temple, lifting his head toward the sun to feel the warmth of the rays on his face.*

The long hours of prayer and meditation have shown many new truths, but they have dulled my reflexes. I feel rusty. It has been too long since I donned my armor, and training with these temple priests provides no challange.

*Pharos gets a determined look on his face and he marches out into the town, heading for the adventurer's guild.*

"Today we make some changes," he says to no one in particular.


First Post
*Zafira rides her horse to The Saddlebag Corral and Saloon.*

I'm glad that caravan duty is finally over. Long and boring. Didn't pay to well this time either. Maybe I should look into that job at the Adventurer's Guild. Sure to be more interesting. Well, first a quick meal. I am famished.

*She looks down at Chaos, and says in Nessarine* "You're probably hungry as well, right boy? Lets get you fed. We have to keep up your strength. Have you seen the looks people here have been giving you? Your probably the best horse they've seen in a long time".

*Chaos gives a neigh and tosses his head. Zafira laughs. "Don't let it go to your head", she says as they enter the corral.*


First Post
*Saku reaches town, pausing momentarily to get a feeling for the small city and to brush the caked on dust off his arms and shoulders. *

Time to clear the dust off. He thought. You've been wandering just a bit too long.

* As he shakes out his dusty hair, he jumps from foot to foot, landing on the balls of his feet. His legs now energized, he straightens up and stretches his back muscles, tense from a long days march. *

I guess its time to find a decent meal and a good fight. He thought. Maybe this place will offer some decent entertainment after all.

*Seeing a nice tavern to drink his fill for the night he makes his way towards the establishment's enterance. He smiles as he sees the sign, 'Saddlebag Corral and Saloon' and pictures the people that would cater to such an establishment. *

Let's have some fun.

*His calm exterior is broken as he trips up the short stairs into the building, and falls through the entranceway, sprawling into the small tavern.*
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First Post
*Pharos strides through the front door of the adventurer's guild, receiving many odd looks as he is in his cleric robes, and asks to speak to Sarwen.*

when Sarwen finally appears, Pharos asks, "How soon can I be on the trail? This temple lifestyle is sapping the energy from me. I would like to hear of any propositions you may have?"

That tavern-owner is nasty! Aeron mentally complained. He's a brute, his uncouth, and he's a cheat! I can't believe I fell for his tricks!

*Aeron would feel his pockets, knowing they were 5 gold lighter than they should have been from the barkeeps swindling*

I need to find something to get me out of here... his mind would mumble that morning. Something to get my name out...

*He'll continue walking, arriving in front of the Adventurer's Guild*

It'll be just like the last time... except this time you'll find a group that doesn't include a bunch of old codgers... a group that'll be together for a while...

*Aeron will walk in... and undoubtedly stand out in his finer cut clothing and fine walking stick (really his staff)*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Pharos, Sarwen's short white hair stands straight out from her head, making her easy to locate in the Guild hall, even if she does somewhat resemble a dandelion.*

"Ah! I'm finally glad you came around. Well, let me tell you, we've had an influx of traders and visitors recently, which always means people looking for work for show up. I'm confident I can get some people together in a few days. You'll have work right off too, the Halaran pilgrims are getting pretty eager to go," she says, her pale blue eyes cheerful. She'll lead you to the counter at the back, then go around and start inscribing your intention to work in the ledger.

"The first-time fee is fifty gold, which can be taken from your advance pay of your employers, if you don't have that kind of money on you," she explains.


*Ashlie, as you arrive at the Saddlebag Saloon, you can see that the stables are large, with several paddoks to let the animals run around in, should that be the owner's wish. There's even a small kennel with a halfling dogboy for those with riding dogs. For a silver you can stable Shilo, the dogboy smiling at him and ruffling his fur.*

*Inside the swinging doors you can tell that this is a place to unwind. Here you won't find the horsebuyers, or at least not the ones that buy for nobles. You won't find the traders or the merchants here. Here you will find those that raise the horses, train them, drive them to market, and care for them. A gnome with a fiddle is providing some lively music along with two others playing drums and a flute. Several people are actually dancing in a spot clear of tables near the musicians. The place has several lamps placed high on the wall, to avoid breaking, and many heavy tables and chairs.*

*Games of dragonbones, knucklebones, and cards are going on near the back, opposite the musicians. Across from the door is a long bar with several barrels behind it, and to the right is a broad staircase. The place is busy, but not too crowded yet, and you can find a seat at the bar or at a table, if you don't mind sharing. Mostly you see humans, but there's the occasional earth genasi, half-orc, elf, half-elf, with a sprinking of gnomes and halflings. You don't see any dwarves, but you're awfully far from the mountains.*

*Zafira, you enter the fine stables and corral of the Saddlebag Saloon, quite pleased at what you see. They're easily the best stables you've seen since Benshay. A polite human boy comes to take Chaos, a smile on his face.*

"He's a lovely horse, ma'am," he says diffidently. Stabling will be two silver for your horse. If he needs more than hay, grain, and a run in the paddok, that will be extra.

*Entering in the saloon you see a lively crowd of people, obviously many of them experienced horsemen. Casting about, one person catches your eye, an ash genasi woman. They're one of the rarer types, but related to fire, in a convoluted way.*

*Both Ashlie and Zafira would notice a dark-skinned young man, very large in both stature and build, trip on one of the uneven planks outside the door and come pitching through the doorway. His thick, twisted locks of hair are woven through with copper rings, and he wears heavy gloves, as well as loose-fitting garments. Saku, right before your nose meets the rather dusty floor, you do hear very lively music and see a quite friendly atmosphere inside the Saloon. It's comfortably cool and dim compared to outside. One thing you did notice, before greeting the floorboards, was the brilliantly red hair of a young woman just inside the door.*


*Aeron, as you walk in the extravagently decorated Adventurer's Guild, you see the object of your search. The Guildmaster is wearing finely wrought clothes of pale cream, accented with silver, and bears the prominant badge of the guild on her right shoulder; a silver longsword crossed with a long red bone, over a starburst of yellow. It's meant to represent skills with both weapons and magic, as well as the guild's reputation for monster slaying. The guildmaster is obviously a lightning genasi, with that white-fluffy hair practically cracking with electricity. She is talking to a man in the clerical robes of a priest of Pelor.*


First Post
*Zafira walks over to the young dark-skinned man who fell through the door, and offers him a hand up.*

"Are you all right?", she asks."That was quite a fall."
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