D&D General [Poll] How do you prefer psionics to work?

What is your preferred approach to psionics?

  • Point based (similar to spell points). Powers based on levels like spells are

    Votes: 17 18.3%
  • Point based. Powers are not broken down into levels, but spell point investment power effects

    Votes: 42 45.2%
  • Inherent skills to be used more often, but you only get fewer of them in total, recovery is per hour

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • Inherent powers, fewer in total, and cast them like Vancian magic (per day)

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Exhaustion based. Many powers don't raise exhaustion, but more powerful ones do

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • Specialize at 1st level, those options grow as you level but you don't get more choices

    Votes: 6 6.5%

I modified a version of Arcane Lock for use for a Shadow Sorceror basing it around the idea they spent a sorcery point during the casting causing the door or opening to be sealed up with shadow energy making it more difficult to enter, but rather than a password the shadow sorceror can pass through it without problem.
But not anybody else, so its a work in progress.
I wonder would a DM allow such modified spells in their game if it passes D&D Beyond restrictions on homebrew spells?

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The same way cleric, druids, bards, and wizards feel different. Unique spells with a limited area of expertise.
Bard/wizard spells and cleric/druid spells really don't feel that different to me. They feel arcane samey and divine samey to me. Most of the different feel of those classes comes from the class abilities. Psionics isn't arcane or divine, so it needs a different system like spell points to break out of the arcane/divine feelings. Class abilities won't do it by themselves.

simple but abstract, their abstractness is a weakness, like the old must be lawful good for paladins.
it needs more structure for both balance and the practicality of making more abilites.

It doesn't have to be abstract.

D&D has such a wealth of psionic options history that one could easily trap into them for long before ever becoming generalized. There's a whole lot of mind powers in D&D. From classics like telepathy and ESP to "originals" like soul knives and mantles.

The key is to me, Psionics should be like playing Jean Grey, Forge, and Psylocke instead of just mind wizard.

Psionics should be Psychokineticists like Magneto or Telepaths like Charles Xavier. A psychometabolist like Colossus or Kitty Pryde. The wizard directs arcane energy through precise patterns of language, movement, and ritual objects. The cleric focuses the energy of their faith through prayers and holy items to invoke divine effects. The druid channels nature. The bard taps into the power of creation. The psion is the power.
I am taking another look at 2E Complete Psionics with fresh eyes, less clouded by nostalgia. The power scope of 2E psionic was way off compared to the rest of the classes. The system needs an overhaul to sync up with 5E and its expectations. PSPs regained by short or long rest instead of per hour.

Psionics should be Psychokineticists like Magneto or Telepaths like Charles Xavier. A psychometabolist like Colossus or Kitty Pryde. The wizard directs arcane energy through precise patterns of language, movement, and ritual objects. The cleric focuses the energy of their faith through prayers and holy items to invoke divine effects. The druid channels nature. The bard taps into the power of creation. The psion is the power.
I am taking another look at 2E Complete Psionics with fresh eyes, less clouded by nostalgia. The power scope of 2E psionic was way off compared to the rest of the classes. The system needs an overhaul to sync up with 5E and its expectations. PSPs regained by short or long rest instead of per hour.
I love what you are saying. But it will never happen. Of course I would also love skills being replaced with roll under ability score mechanic.

I voted for the Skill-Like option, though the hourly recovery thing is :poop:

It's my feeling that Psionicists should look at the Warlock as a basis, with the various "schools" of psionics being the subclasses. Recovery could be on short rests, like a Warlock.

I voted for the Skill-Like option, though the hourly recovery thing is :poop:

It's my feeling that Psionicists should look at the Warlock as a basis, with the various "schools" of psionics being the subclasses. Recovery could be on short rests, like a Warlock.
why takes the warlocks thing?

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