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Possible Epic PrC for an Alienist

This is one of several possibilities currently under consideration IMC. As always, all feedback is much appreciated.

I haven’t added a table, because I can’t format the damn things. Far Realm Naturalization, Insane Charisma and Dreadful Summons become available at first level.


"I cannot understand this," Eadric said.

"I know," Mostin smiled sympathetically. "For what it’s worth, I think that compacting with devils is unwise, but for different reasons than you. Shomei regards them as tools – I would argue that there are more efficient and less hazardous ones."

"Tools for what? Power? Dominion?"

"Only in the hands of the weak," Mostin replied. "That’s not to say that I haven’t had my share of power fantasies, because I have. But they are aberrant. Incomplete. It is an extension of the same ethos which informs the Great Injunction: the quest for power is ultimately futile, and is a misapplication of personal resources and energy."

"Knowledge, then?" The Paladin asked.

"Partly. But beyond gnosis, there are states so profound that there are no words to describe them. Why do gods, devils, demons – or whatever – meddle in human affairs?"

"I’m sure you’re going to tell me," Eadric said drily.

"They are afraid of us. They seek to limit and control us, Eadric. We threaten them, because we possess something which they do not: infinite potential."

"To become like them?"

Mostin shook his head. "To utterly transcend them."

"And magic is your vehicle in this process?"

"Magic. Yes."

"And what is this ‘final state’ which you aspire towards, Mostin? What is ‘Metagnosis?’" Eadric was intrigued. He had never heard Mostin speak as openly and as coherently about his own philosophy before.

"You misunderstand," Mostin replied. "There is no ‘final state.’ There is only
becoming. Infinite becoming."

"That is a somehow disquieting prospect," Eadric said.

"Yes," Mostin concurred. "It should be."

The metagnostic, also called the pseudonatural transcendentalist, the Uzzhin adept or the alienist of the second order is one who devotes his life to pursuing the goals of enlightenment and mastery with regards to the Far Realm – the insane region beyond time and space which, the metagnostic believes, is the key to understanding conventional phenomenal reality.

By harnessing the energies of the Far Realm – both through summoning and dealing with its inhabitants, and by venturing into those bizarre planes and states of consciousness – the metagnostic comes to realize his own destiny to step beyond the normal bounds which govern mortals and deities alike. To the metagnostic, the Far Realm embodies infinite possibility, and ultimate potential.

A wizard, cleric or sorcerer who has already adopted the alienist prestige class (see Tome and Blood, p. 45) makes the most obvious candidtate for the metagnostic epic prestige class, because of the Insane Certainty class feature which is a requirement.

Hit Die: d4.


To qualify to become a Metagnostic, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Skills: Knowledge (the planes) 24 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Spell Focus (Conjuration) or Spell Focus (Divination).
Epic Feat: Epic Spellcasting.
Spells: Ability to cast gate, monster summoning IX and foresight.
Special: The character must have personally visited the Far Realm and must possess the Insane Certainty class feature. The character must also have personally developed an Epic Spell which draws upon Far Realm energies or entities in order to achieve its desired effect.

Class Skills

The metagnostic’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the metagnostic prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A metagnostic gains no proficiency with any weapons, armour, or shields.

Spells per Day / Spells Known: At each metagnostic level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster, the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, metamagic or item creation feats etc.). If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a metagnostic, the player must decide to which class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Far Realm Naturalization (Ex): The metagnostic has a natural affinity with the Far Realm which renders him resistant to any spells and spell-like effects that would normally affect any creature not native to that plane (such as banishment). Furthermore, due to the time that the metagnostic has spent contemplating the nature of the Far Realm, he is no longer subject to its tendency to render visitors insane, nor do his spells suffer the usual chance of Wild Magic effects. See the Manual of the Planes (p. 212) for more details.

Insane Charisma (Ex): The metagnostic adds his class level to all Charisma Checks, and to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Innuendo Skill Checks he makes when dealing with natives of the Far Realm.

Dreadful Summons (Ex): Due to his prolonged contact with and exposure to Far Realm entities, whenever the metagnostic casts a summon monster spell he may choose to summon an epic pseudonatural creature (see the pseudonatural template in the Epic Level Handbook) in place of the normal creature. Such a summoning requires the use of a spell slot eight levels higher than the spell’s actual level: e.g. if summon monster I is prepared as a ninth-level spell, the metagnostic may summon an epic pseudonatural version of any creature on the summon monster I list.

Pierce the Veil of False Reality (Su): Starting at second level, the metagnostic gains the ability to perceive the pseudonatural currents which suffuse conventional reality. He must attune himself (a full-round action) in order to achieve this, but after so doing benefits from the effects of foresight (as the ninth level sorcerer/wizard spell) for ten minutes per class level. The metagnostic can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one additional time per day every five levels thereafter (7th, 12th, 17th etc.).

Shatter the Walls Between the Worlds (Sp): Starting at third level, once per day, the metagnostic may rip a hole in the fabric of normal reality and open a two-way gate to the Far Realm which lasts for one hour. Every five levels thereafter (8th, 13th, 18th etc.) the duration of the gate increases by one hour.

Moment of Deranged Lucidity (Ex): Starting at fourth level, the metagnostic gains the ability to suddenly apprehend larger cosmic and metacosmic patterns which pertain to his current situation. As a free action, the metagnostic may invoke a moment of deranged lucidity, gaining a +15 insight modifier to his next Skill Check or attack roll. The metagnostic can use this ability once per day at 4th level, plus one additional time per day every five levels thereafter (9th, 14th, 19th etc.).

Bonus Feat (Ex): The metagnostic gains a bonus feat at 5th level and an additional bonus feat every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, 20th etc.). These bonus feats must be selected from the following list: Augmented Alchemy, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Combat Casting, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Efficient Item Creation, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Familiar Spell, Forge Epic Ring,, Ignore Material Components, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Intensify Spell, Multispell, Permanent Emanation, Scribe Epic Scroll, Spell Focus, Spell Knowledge, Spell Mastery, Spell Opportunity, Spell Penetration, Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic.

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First Post
I really can't comment on whether it's balanced or not (I don(t have the ELH and can't compare), but the class is good.

What about a boosting of the pseudonatural familiar to its greater templated version ? Maybe at level 10...


First Post

I also don't have the ELH so take this with a whole shaker of salt...but it seems that there is no decision at all between taking this class and to take wizard levels. I realize that the requirements are a possible cause of concern;but for Mostin, it won't be.

So I guess what I am trying to say is...it looks like it is way over balancing. Poor Shomei...she is gonna be way underpowered simply because she doesn't have a prestige class. More importantly, Nwm being a straight class charachter might catch the short end.


A few quirks would seem to be in order. Like the taboos that afflict a wu-jen in oriental adventures. Or different kinds of insanity, with more in-game implications.

With regard to the gate to the far realms... isn't that a bit dangerous? What if some colossal black pudding (epic pseudonatural, with divine rank 18) tried to squeeze through? It could be the end of the world.


Penguin Herder
The non-Epic Alienist balances its cool powers and full spell advancement by giving the character a DM-assigned phobia.

What form of Epic drawback is the Metagnostic going to require?

I'll suggest a few:

- Phobia of an element, environment or terrain

- One additional prohibited school of magic (as Red Wizard)

- Phobia of a common situation (Vertigo, Agoraphobia, etc.)

- Insane hatred of a specific uncommon word ("avian", "feather", etc.) which causes Barbarian-like Rage in the character

- Alien dietary requirements (e.g.: must eat one live pseudonatural spider each day to prepare spells) -- keeping a source of these aliens could be provide interesting situations

- Alien Antipathy: animals, fey and other "nature-tuned" beings are uneasy around the character (some charisma penalty which increases with level).

- Alien Attunement: the character takes full damage from Holy, Unholy, Lawful and Chaotic weapons and effects as though he were of an opposite subtype. This is due to his nature being alienated from the universal duality which allows such effects.

Without some kind of a drawback, this class is somewhat overpowered. With one, it could be a bit more fun.

-- Nifft


No Trouble at All
Firstly, the Epic stuff is beyond my experience to comment on. I must say I'm wondering what psuedonatural template could be so nasty as to make it a +8 spell level adjust.

On the phobias - maybe it's just because I'm on this side of the story (i.e. the reader, not player) but it doesn't seem that Mostin is totally unhinged. He could be unplayable if he was too much more unhinged and I worry that adding a phobia to all blue things might push that over the edge into silly. [grin]

This, however, I think is great:
- Alien Attunement: the character takes full damage from Holy, Unholy, Lawful and Chaotic weapons and effects as though he were of an opposite subtype. This is due to his nature being alienated from the universal duality which allows such effects.

Plus Mostin seems to want to alienate himself from such small ideas as gods and alignments and such.

Hmm... what if after a few levels the Far Realm Naturalization goes to the next step and he becomes no longer a native of the prime. Banishment and Protection from... starts working on him as it would a summoned/called creature.



First Post
I would avoid any increase insanity etc. As the class stands it is pretty balanced. The abilities are pretty good, I would actually worry that the class is a little weak. Look at many of the Prc for epic progression and in many cases the feat acquistion is much higher. A base wizard with feats every three levels or a Hathran with a level every two levels is arguably a lot tougher.

What you might want to invesigate is adding some spell resistance a trait found in both templates. If you really feel the need to punish for the alienist class for his percieved power (I would oppose this) have it change or warp his physical form - both templates discuss the gruesome nature - I would prefer alien personally.


First Post
I think that pretty much all f Nifft's suggestions are excellent, especially Alien Attunement. Highly appropriate penalty.
Also, to be honest, the Epic Pseudeonatural template is a very strange one, and it's hard to judge how potent the ability to summon Epic Pseudeonatural creatures is because of that - But on first glance it seems far too potent.
As for Shatter the Walls Between The Worlds, I'd cut the duration down a whole hell of a lot. The Far Realms is the sort of place that corrupts and boils away normal reality just by touching it - Leaving a gate between them open that long is going to wreak ungodly amounts of havoc on the landscape.

Here's an idea for an ability, though:

Unwelcome Visions: A Metagnostic of X level or higher may, once per day, force all creatures within 90 feet and line of sight that he chooses to suffer violently traumatic visions of the Far Realm, while in turn allowing the Far Realm to, for a moment, look right back at them. As a result they must make a Will save (DC blah de blah) or be rendered permanently insane, and also Panicked of the caster for one round per caster level.

Thanks for input, everyone :D

I suspect (not having had much experience in this) that +1/level spellcasting classes are difficult to balance at epic level. Moreover BAB and Saves are fixed, so flexibility in that regard is impossible.

Mostin's player, of course, wants everything here (and more).

The Epic Hathran is hideously overpowered so it probably isn't a good idea to model the metagnostic off of it in any way - the Agent Retriever in the ELH was my guide as far as spellcaster level vs other 'kewl powerz' goes - although I'll admit that the metagnostic as presented here trumps it.

I realize that the requirements are a possible cause of concern;but for Mostin, it won't be.
This is true - and it's really just there for the sake of completeness. I could have just as easily written: character must be Mostin the Metagnostic (ahem)

So I guess what I am trying to say is...it looks like it is way over balancing. Poor Shomei...she is gonna be way underpowered simply because she doesn't have a prestige class. More importantly, Nwm being a straight class charachter might catch the short end.
Maybe. I just don't know. It depends on how important the bonus feats at Epic Level really are in play - and as we've not really been there, I can't say. A straight wizard gets one bonus feat / 3 levels, this class one / five levels. By 30th level, that's two extra feats for the straight-classed wizard; by 40th level, it's 3 extra feats for the Wizard - Mostin would enter the class at 22nd character level, btw.

Nwm is a concern - I'm inclined to increase the bonus feat progression from 1/4 levels to 1/3 levels for the Druid. Wild shape is only useful 'x' times per day, after all.

A few quirks would seem to be in order. Like the taboos that afflict a wu-jen in oriental adventures. Or different kinds of insanity, with more in-game implications.
I'm in general accordance with this - although until Nifft's suggestions (below) I was unsure how to implement them.

He could be unplayable if he was too much more unhinged and I worry that adding a phobia to all blue things might push that over the edge into silly.
This is another concern.

- One additional prohibited school of magic (as Red Wizard)
This was actually bandied around a while ago when we were talking about evolving a class, and I'd forgotten about it. There is one problem - Mostin would select Illusion as his second barred school, and it would have zero game impact because he seldom casts illusion spells anyway. And I couldn't, in all conscience, make him select either evocation, abjuration or transmutation without a forcing a total character reconception. That said, I may require the Illusion prohibition anyway. Restricting the options can often have unforeseen consequences further down the line - no more chained phantasmal killers, though.

- Alien dietary requirements (e.g.: must eat one live pseudonatural spider each day to prepare spells) -- keeping a source of these aliens could be provide interesting situations
- Alien Antipathy: animals, fey and other "nature-tuned" beings are uneasy around the character (some charisma penalty which increases with level).
I like both of these, particularly the second - it could have some very interesting consequences for party relations with a Druid and a Satyr in the group.

Hmm... what if after a few levels the Far Realm Naturalization goes to the next step and he becomes no longer a native of the prime. Banishment and Protection from... starts working on him as it would a summoned/called creature.
I like. Bear in mind that he's already a native outsider and 'Protection from...' spells already work on him. Banishment would suck. Heh.

What you might want to invesigate is adding some spell resistance a trait found in both templates.
I really want to avoid the 'gaining more epic pseudonatural template powers' line with this PrC (there is another possible PrC with reduced spellcasting level, half-developed, where this would be explored), although I'm open to the idea of a 'second transcendence' into the T&B template, providing it was adequately balanced.

Mostin's player wants it all, of course.

With regard to the gate to the far realms... isn't that a bit dangerous? What if some colossal black pudding (epic pseudonatural, with divine rank 18) tried to squeeze through? It could be the end of the world.
:eek: Oh, No! You're right...almost. You forgot 'paragon.'

Any more suggestions? Keep 'em coming :D


Penguin Herder
Glad you liked the suggestions.

Here's one more, which is simply "Insanity": The character loses one point of Wisdom when starting the Epic Alienist PrC, and loses another at every 5th level thereafter (at level 5, 10, 15, etc.).

-- Nifft

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