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Problem solved, please ignore...


First Post
Just for the info of those who thought they might use the old lst files with 3.0, the programme reads those files as illegal and won't load them or any character created with them. Hey Leo, was that intentional, or just a side effect of the new version?

Either way, I guess I'll be using the 2.6.6 files. Unless someone knows how to get around this. If you do, I would like to know how, as without the Oriental Adventures, Psionics and Class books, 3.0 is about as useful as ETools to me.

Of course, I'm sure that was WOTC's whole reason for doing that in the first place. Screw them, I'm definately not buying ETools after this fiasco and I still have the 2.6.6 files that just happen to work great on my computer anyway, so unless they think they can slap a C&D on me...:p
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Just for your info:

Get your facts straight before you run around and say screw them.

They took the files out before Wizards had spoke to them.

PCgen and Wizo's are talking trying to making PCgen compliant.


First Post
Strictly speaking from an economics standpoint (and maybe reaching the business gurus that run hasbro/wotc), I was far more inclined to purchase the latest and greatest WOTC products AFTER they became integral to PCGen. I saw the great new skills/feats/prestige classes/etc. and just HAD to have the source material! Now that much has been stricken from PCGen, my appetite isnt whet for further wotc material that I see pop up in my PCGen interface. I purchased E-Tools, and all pejorative commentary aside, if you continue to support it, so will your user base. We are hungry for good tools, please let us use them! Empower us by expanding the SRD and allowing us to have contact with new wotc products before we buy, so that we will WANT to buy! :)

Ranger REG

If PCGen will still allow me to put in the information by myself (manually with user-friendly interface), then that great. That is the desired purpose of this software. To accomodate our house rules, whether it is from other sources or future publications or of our own design.


The Laughing One
Nathanael, if you don't know what your talking about... SHUT THE FnCK UP!!!

Yelling things like this is going to hurt initiatives, which i don't mind, UNLESS they are untrue.

The old datafiles (2.7+) do still work with PcGen 3.0.0!


First Post
Beore you start swearing at me, maybe you should gather a little reading comprehension, you foul-mouthed twit. And if your accusing me of 'yelling,' what about an immature little git who uses foul language and all caps? And what are these 'initiatives' you're babbling about?

I have tried using the files, in many ways, with no success. For me or another person who got the list files from me. Hence my question. Wanker. I have also asked if there was a way around it. Apparently you know, but instead of imparting that info, you have decided to act like a huffy three year old instead. You don't like my opinion, then use adult discourse, not that immature spew you think passes for argument.

As for RangerREGs comment. That would be great. Know how it's done?


I am using 3.0.0 with 2.73 sources..i am not having any issues at all. AS for sabotoaging the new program for the old sources i don't think that occured. In fact I know allot of people are still using the 2.7.3 release withthe 3.0.0 client.

Have the files changed from 2.7.3 to 3.0.0. Yes they went through a complete and utter revamp before put in the release.

If that doesn't work for you just run the 2.7.3 client normally and don't use the 3.0.0 release.

Let me know if that helps..


The Laughing One
*pulls his tumb out of his mouth and adjusts his diaper*


I'll make no excusses for my behavior, it was bad, but certainly not uncalled for. There are multiple discussions about this subject around these boards, you know, you've posted in more than one of them. Thus you know what's going on. And what do you do, throw a little gasoline on the fire by starting a thread labeled "WOTC truly hobbled PCGen 3.0...". You could have asked nicely, like "Shuks guys, i can't seem to get my old 2.6.6 files working with 3.0.0, whats up with that?", the reply you would probably have gotten from me would be allong the lines of "Hey they don't work, try these...".


First Post
The implication wasn't as severe as sabotage, but I thought it might have been part of the agreement you reached with WOTC to include a modification to 'correct' the use of non-SRD material, Leo. Hard to tell. The lack of information, which I assume is to let WOTC put their ducks in a row, but is also emblematic of their usual stifling of information, didn't help much either.

As for Cergorach, point taken, and thanks for apologizing. The venom in my post is from the fact that I've invested in quite a few WOTC lines that have been cancelled outright or unsupported for stupid reasons. The idea of them doing it to a non-WOTC programme I positively love so they can sell more ETools, which is largely unavaiable, incomplete and from what I hear, not very well designed, just makes my blood boil. By the way, were those the 2.73 files you sent me?

As an addendum to anything I've ever posted, I have a good reason to be irritated with WOTC. Despite their usual cancelling of lines that don't meet their inflated Hasbro profit margins, I had high hopes for ETools after talking to Scott of Fluid. I was ready to go out and buy the thing based on what he assured the public.

Due to WOTCs disastrous marketing strategy of limited release (no doubt to save them time on determining whether they wanted to cancel it early), price gouging that directly resulted from their selling the game to distributors at almost full price (one supposes to encourage store owners to raise the price to make a minimum profit which in turn encourages gamers to buy from SVGames directly) and a product that seems more like an extended beta test from all reports and which requires the customers to do most of the work, I have had it with this company and want to see someone else helming the D&D ship.

My original question was legit: how do I get PCGen to work with my old files? The tone was coloured by my extreme exhaustion with the way WOTC does business. Sorry. But I love D&D and I'd hate to see it disappear due to bad management and this seems to be the way it's going.

As an ex-employee of the corporate world, I also have very personal feelings (hey, I admit it) about the way they do business and hate to see employees, customers and everyone not at the top of the company get the shaft so an executive can buy a new 100 foot boat. I think a lot of other people screwed by the way corporations run our economy into the ground would agree...

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