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Compare to Gaze of Defiance, which gives a similar bonus (+1 to hit, or +3 if the enemy attacks you), and does damage. Astral Seal in comparison is just trading out gaze's damage for healing.
Best comparison is with Demorilizing Strike, from the Ardent (another leader) who also reduce defenses by 2.
Demorilizing strike is a Weapon power that use Cha vs. AC and does [W]+Cha damage.
Astral Seal is an implement power that use Wis+2 vs. Refl and heal 2+Cha.
The +2 to hit offset a bit the low healing and as I said earlier, healing 10 damage is probably better than doing 10 damage. Healing 5 damage (Cleric with 16 Cha) is probably as good as doing 8 damages (average damage of an Ardent with Cha 18 and a longsword).