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Ptolus- Palace of the Silver Princess (Campy)


"Hmm unless those are vampire bats you might be onto something Petey." replies Thym as he does what every Warlock does best and hucks another spear at a stirge.

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Deuce Traveler

Thym misses the dive-bombing swarm with his next shot, but the weakening Renard stabs and kills another with a broken arrow. Four of the still-flying creatures dive-bomb towards the foxman once more and all but two are able to latch onto him. Carl and Samuel wind up and fire sling stones with both connecting with their shot and killing the airborne stirges with their respective shots. Meanwhile, Guy misses with his blades as he is careful to avoid stabbing Renard. Thorg goes for the more direct approach, grabbing one of the squirming creatures with both hands and peeling it off of his friend. He squeezes hard and smashes the thing in his hand before it can poke at him. His new white ape friend finally springs into action and grabs at another, peeling it off and tossing it to the ground before bashing it excitedly with his fist.

There is another sucking sound from the remaining stirges and Renard moans before collapsing into a heap. These last fattened creatures begin to detach from him and fly away, but in this bloated state they are easy pickings for ranged weapons and are slaughtered. Poor Renard, however, is lifeless and his depleted corpse sags like a half-empty waterskin.

Mista Collins

First Post
Standing over Renard's furry body, Carl remains quiet as a small tear is shed. It appears he will need to find another target of his banter, maybe Thorg will do.


If Thorg pronounces Renard dead, Thym offers a cryptic eulogy, "Oh ye of the furred gods, your swashbuckling kin has passed beyond. May his sword fight on for the glory of fur. Though his time at our party has concluded here is to his cake in the beyond. Guess we should all take care when our blood is drunk."

Mista Collins

First Post
"I ain't drinkin' no blood. Unless it is the juice of a blood orange. Those are delicious! They are excellent in fruit salads." Carl says once all the mourning is over with. "No where to? Do we go through that door?"


"Uh, gee, Mr. Fluffy doesn't look too good..."

Thorg looks over Renard's wounds, notes his lack of vitality, movement, continuing character development...

"Oh, no! Mr. Fluffy got NPC disease! He's a goner for sure!"

He sobs and throws himself over the furry corpse.

"Mr. Fluffy! No! Why he gotta be an NPC???"

Voidrunner's Codex

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