Quests From The Infinite Staircase

D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase


Book-Friend, he/him
Could you show a picture of a lost city map. Also do we get the empty maps for the bottom five levels?
I'll grab some screens in a bit: the Adventure proper covers the first 5 Levels, as with tge original module. The lower levels are not included, but there is a 6th Level that I'd Zargon's lair: if the players try to confront Zargon at Level 10 or lower, it's a social encounter (!), if Level 11+ it's a fight to the death. There is also a map of the Lost City itself and hooks for further Adventures.

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New Publisher
Tempted to buy this in hard copy.....but I rarely actually use my actual books anymore....which is I'll be selling nearly all of them soon. So, ya, unsure.....


Book-Friend, he/him
Could you show a picture of a lost city map. Also do we get the empty maps for the bottom five levels?
Here are Levels 1-3, original vwrsus Mike Schley:


Level 4:


Level 5:


"Expanded Ziggurat" is new:


And the .ap of the Lost City proper:



Book-Friend, he/him
That's really good to hear about the maps. While I love Dyson Logos' maps, my preference is full colored and more detailed maps for this collection.

Not surprised by the changes they made for the Barrier Peak maps, which were kind of a mess to begin with. In Goodman's update, they spent a fair amount of text explaining the fixes they had to do to make them consistent with the room descriptions and numbering. Throw in how massive and empty some areas were and they were ripe for a revision. Glad they did it.

And while a little disappointed, not surprised there's no mention of the elder one. Still plan on picking this up over the weekend.

Yeah, I like a variety of styles, and these maps are a good fit when the old simple style maps are cheaply available in PDF form (and I have the Godman Games stuff, too!). So these add a lot of value for me, personally.

Also of note, DMsGuild has a group bundle for the original PDFs of these 6 Adventures.

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