[Rant] It's Springtime!!!

Relique du Madde

drothgery said:
... which is generally a good thing, but leads to the SoCal driver's panic reaction to rain, and complaints about "cold" 50-degree winter days in January.

Wooot! I'm superior to all other so-Californians then because I complain when it hits 60 degrees :D.

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Tolen Mar

First Post
Well, now it seems that the weather predictions are warm weather with rain for the rest of the month, making all of this just an annoying waste of time. I bet we forget to buy one in the fall when they get restocked.

Tolen Mar said:
Well, now it seems that the weather predictions are warm weather with rain for the rest of the month, making all of this just an annoying waste of time. I bet we forget to buy one in the fall when they get restocked.

Yeah, the advance season stocking that stores do is annoying. I have a 6 months old baby girl. It has been over 35 degrees celsius for 10+ days now. Do you think that the stores stock summer pyjamas/summer clothes for babies? Of course not, it's autumn now so they've got winter stock in! :confused:

This is par for the course for adult clothes but with babies they grow so fast you don't want to buy clothes 6-12 months in advance. They may have already outgrown the clothes before they get to wear them. It's just stupid.

So I feel your pain.

Olaf the Stout

Ranger REG

freyar said:
Ice on the sidewalk is dangerous! :eek:
So's ice on the freeway. Saw it on the news. It's one thing to have a 500-lb gamer slip and collide into you on the icy sidewalk, it's another when a tractor-trailer truck hitting a Kia or one of them Smart [clown] car.

Relique du Madde

TracerBullet42 said:
For Hitler...and Germany...

(Sorry, it's what popped into my head when I read the thread title.)

Damn you and your producer's reference... now I have to watch the movie to keep the several of the songs from replaying in my mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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