[Rant] It's Springtime!!!

Tolen Mar

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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Beyond some thunderstorms and other normal things like that, its great here in Florida, too.

So nyah! :p

Hey, I'm comin down to there this summer, you better watch out the teasing. I'll bring a big tornado or something with me. I've done it before.

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Tolen Mar said:
Hey, I'm comin down to there this summer, you better watch out the teasing. I'll bring a big tornado or something with me. I've done it before.
Pfft. Last two Fridays we've had tornado and flood watches. By the summer I figure it'll just be normal Friday weather. :cool:


First Post
Up here, 80 miles north of Seattle, it's alternating between cold and clear, and cold and wet.

During the summer months, this part of Washington gets the same sort of weather as San Francisco and the bay area. During the winter, we twice as much rain as they do. Go figure.

It's damned lucky I was born here, and am used to it...a lot of the kids who come to the UW or WWU (where I'm currently enrolled) from other states call it quits after our 29-day stretches of rainy days.


Extradimensional Explorer
We've been unseasonably warm this winter, but it's come with extra snow. This past weekend, we got probably the biggest snowfall of the winter, and the city says we'll be digging out all week (this in Canada, where they really know how to deal with snow!). To be honest, though, I wish it weren't so warm. I hate having the snow melt and then freeze again at night. Ice on the sidewalk is dangerous! :eek:


Fallen Seraph said:
Aren't you getting a massive wind/rain storm right now?
Yeah - but it's warm rain for the time of year ;)

Combination of Spring tides and an Atlantic storm have hit the West coast pretty badly.


First Post
Relique du Madde said:
What are you talking about? The weather's perfect here in so cal.. </duck>

... which is generally a good thing, but leads to the SoCal driver's panic reaction to rain, and complaints about "cold" 50-degree winter days in January.

The no-scrapers-in-spring is analogous to the problem of no-lunchbags-after-the-start-of-school problem I've had. Just wait till next fall till the kids go back to school, I guess.

Voidrunner's Codex

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