[Recruiting (CLOSED)]Heroes of the Middle Reaches[4E : Wandering Star]

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I'm totally in!

And, Digger, if helium chooses one of my concepts and it's the 'smitten halfling one' then, yes. :D

Oooh oooh - me too, me too

Might be late to the party, but I have a fun concept for a human fighter.

Horto Dandorin, a twenty-something human, was raised an orphan in Helen's Reach. Always the class clown, he spent about as much time serving out punishments as studying and attending classes in the school next to the orphanage. One of his particular vices was cards - at one point, he had managed to win most of the (admittedly minimal) belongings of his fellow orphans.

When he was a teenager, and about to be released from the orphanage, he was out in the school courtyard playing some gambling game or other. Unbeknownst to him, Martros Berkstrom was watching at a distance, impressed with the youth's cunning. Martros took Horto under his wing, teaching him all about local trade, business, and handling money. Horto soon had more money then he knew what to do with, and ended up spending most of it on drink and women.

Eventually, his profligacy with women got him in a bit of trouble, and Martros had to fire him from the trade business. But Martros had grown to love the boy (now a man), and kept him in his employ, using him to collect on debts, track thieves, and guard important shipments around the Reaches. Horto discovered a love for the blade and fighting in general, and served well in his new capacity.

Now he can scarcely be seen without a sword on one hip and a flask of ale or something stronger on the other. Feared by some, loved by others, his good humor and loyalty to his friends is unwavering.

Horto's stats

Won't bother with a whole character until accepted, but would be a str/dex fighter with a greatsword, with above average intelligence and below average wisdom to fit with backstory. Could easily be a TWF ranger if necessary.

Won't bother with a whole character until accepted, but would be a str/dex fighter with a greatsword, with above average intelligence and below average wisdom to fit with backstory. Could easily be a TWF ranger if necessary.

Horto could be a very interesting partner for my elven rogue, also a bit of a gambler (see the "Day in the Life" piece in post 38). They could either have worked together in the gambling circuit, or could even be friendly rivals.

Both sound good - friendly rivals sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe they both tried to con each other at the same time? Or one got the other, then payback, then friends?

Horto could be a very interesting partner for my elven rogue, also a bit of a gambler (see the "Day in the Life" piece in post 38). They could either have worked together in the gambling circuit, or could even be friendly rivals.

I like the idea of them conning each other at the same time. Imagine if both are trying hard to lose the first few hands, then pull the shark switch at about the same time, and it becomes a true test of skill, much to both parties' surprise. That could be a great story, and growth experience for both of them.

Horto Dandorin char sheet

Oh heck, bored anyway. Rolled up the following:

[sblock=Horto Dandorin, Level 1Human fighter]
Initiative: +3
Senses: Perception -1
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Elven

Str 18 (+4)
Con 12 (+1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 9 (-1)
Cha 10 (+0)

HP 32; Bloodied 16; Healing Surge 8 (10/day)
AC 17; Fort 17, Ref 14, Will 11
Speed 5 (includes penalty)
Action Points 1

Skills: Acrobatics +3, Arcana +0, Athletics* +9, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0,
Dungeoneering +0, Endurance* +6, History +0, Insight -1, Intimidate* +5, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion +0, Stealth +3, Streetwise* +5, Thievery +3
* Trained Skill

  • Weapon focus (heavy blades): +1 damage when using a heavy blade
  • Toughness: +5 hp/tier
  • Powerful Charge: +2 damage on charge attack, +2 bull rush attempt

Adventurer's Kit
Falchion (+3 prof, 2d4, high crit, two handed)
Sling w/20 bullets (favorite item from childhood)
Scale Armor

Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, climbers kit, and a Waterskin.

Racial and class features:

  • Combat Challenge
  • Combat Superiority
  • Two handed fighting style (+1 attack roll with two-handers)
  • Extra at will
  • Extra skill
  • Extra feat
  • +1 fort, will def (human), +2 fort (fighter)

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC; 2d4+5 damage.

:ranged: basic ranged attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+5 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.

:melee: Cleave (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC; 2d4+5 damage, and an adjacent enemy other than the target takes 4 damage.

:melee: Reaping Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC; 2d4+5 damage.
Miss: 4 damage.

:melee: Tide of Iron (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC; 2d4+5 damage, and push the target 1 square if it is large or smaller than large. I may shift into the square the target occupied.

:melee: Covering Attack (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC; 4d4+5 damage, and an adjacent ally may shift 2 squares.

:melee: Villian's Menace (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+8 vs AC;
Hit: 4d4+5 damage, and I gain +2 attack and +4 damage against target until end of encounter.
Miss: I gain +1 attack and +2 damage against this target until end of encounter.
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