Note they all worship the same gods, just put a different set at the top. So PCs who argue religion get an earful.
My trick for handling this with a monotheistic religion was to take a leaf from IRL Islam and its 99 names of Allah: the One is understood by the Safiqi to be truly infinite, and thus not truly comprehensible to a finite mind. Instead, specific sects within the Safiqi priesthood revere a specific "facet" or "aspect" of the One. Of these, The Great Architect is generally held foremost, as Their aspect of wisdom, rulership, creation, and law, to the point that "The Great Architect" is sometimes used as though it were equivalent to "the One." However, several other facets are known, and a few used to be worshipped but have since been forgotten:
- The Stalwart Soldier
- The Unknown Knower
- The Resolute Seeker (apparently once known as "The Fleeting Shadow")
- The Soothing Flame
- The Leaf-Weaver
- The Whimsy-Lord
Different aspects focus on different things. The Soothing Flame, for instance, is primarily focused on healing, alms-giving, charity, and wise counsel. The Resolute Seeker is popular amongst both the Temple Knights (=Paladins) and the Hunters in the Waste (=Rangers and "Slayers," a playbook from the Grim World supplement), because that aspect emphasizes
hunting the wicked or horrible things that lurk in dark places and the deep desert. Etc.
How the faith has related to each aspect or facet has changed over time, but the underlying beliefs about what the One is generally haven't. Then again, the faith is only about 1500 years old, and was very intentionally cultivated by the last active celestials before their departure, so a consistent throughline is not entirely unexpected.