Return to White Plume -- IC

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"Since I already have accomdations, I shall return there and gather my things for the morrow. It looks like a charming place we'll be visiting."


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Gerdan looks up from where he has been studying the astrolabe so intently that he lost track of those around him. I am sorry, of course I can find us passage. There are a few able seamen who call this port home. I'll skim the wharf and see what floats, then book us passage. Any who would like can join me at the tavern I stayed at last night, right down by the docks. It's loud and salty, but charming in its own way.

That map seems a bit light on details, however. I'll do my best to navigate by it, but without proper coordinates, it'll all be estimation.
He turns to puzzle over the astrolabe again, wondering if there's more to this one than the standard version. One thought, based on the map, we might want to stock up on antitoxin.

OOC: Sorry all, with the return of the subscription tool I haven't checked manually, and I never subscribed to this thread. That's fixed now, and I promise not to disappear again.
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"Very good Gerdan. I shall seek you before dawn at the dockside inn you mentioned." He guestures vaguely at the map. "I think you may be right about the toxin. What of the encoded book. Has anyone had a look at it. Perhaps if we think on it tonight someone will have an idea of how to solve it by morning. There could be valuable information in there that will affect our planning."


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"As Percivilis and Jerivan are staying here for the night, I will reveal to them all that I have gathered about the code in the journal. Aunil, you are welcome to stay here as well.

The map is only of the local area, it should not be useful for any extensive sort of navigation. I will do my best to provide some antitoxin by morning, and the ship will be provisioned with enough to last you well beyond the Shieldlands. Your movements there should remain beyond my knowledge. I don't want any of our plans to be undone should I be compromised. To some of the players in this little game . . . not even the mind is a safe enough place for your secrets. I have gone out of my way to avoid certain pieces of information, lest I give you up."



Their host's words chill Valeire. "If there is nothing more I think we should retire for the evening and perpare ourselves for the journey ahead."


First Post
Tomorrow, then. Good rest to you all, may you sail peaceful seas in your sleep.

With that, Gerdan heads back to the inn he stayed at the night before, stopping to see if any of the captains he made a connection with is currently in port.


First Post
Roland spends the remainder of the evening discussion the contents of the journal and the secret code with the Hieroneans. He gives it's general form, and voices his suspicion that the cypher switches periodically throughout the chapters. Upon a plain reading of the text, it all seems like routine travel logs of a journey into the marshes of the Great North. It doesn't discuss any of the locations found on the map given to Aunil, nor does it mention Keraptis or the weapons. The important information is all encoded.

OOC: if you have any additional questions about the journal or code, feel free to intersperse them in sblock while the travel is happening


The next morning, each member meets his decoy, who uses a pinch of dark powder to take on their likeness, and assumes appropriate garb.

It is bitterly cold as the group meets up at the dock appointed by Gerdan, who has arranged berth on a small gnomish ship. The Malii Vantri (gnomish for Fair Winds) is not much to look at, but her crew have spent their lives on these waters, and they take advantage of the tides, and set sail before sunrise with airs of non-chalance that would make most any land-lubber quite nervous.

The requested supplies have been provided to the best of Roland's abilities. There are enough rations to take them across the Nyr Dyv, and to last the expedition through the Shieldlands and beyond.

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