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Return to White Plume -- IC


First Post
Upon his return to Greyhawk, Svoldgar made his way to his favorite haunt, the Green Dragon Inn. The usual faces greeted him at the door, and his usual room was cleared out for him to enjoy a night of peace, with a roof over his head for a change.

The next morning, however, there was something out of the ordinary. An expensive packet, of finest quality, had been slid under the door while he slept. The seal was unfamiliar to him, and when he broke it, he found a message for him inside in large, flowing script:
To the emminent warrior,
Blade from the North,
Wielder of Kelretna,
Scourge of the craven,
Svoldgar the Slayer:

Greetings!  Even in a city such as the Gem of the Flaeness,
the renown for your inspiration of men in battle precedes
you.  As such, it is my pleasure to extend to you an
invitation to enjoy a meal at my table, and discuss the role
of leadership which I hope to offer you in what (I should
humbly suggest) shall be your greatest adventure to date.
As it shall have the greatest reward, so shall it have the
greatest dangers, and you shall return to Greyhwawk to the
greatest acclaim you have known; such is as it should be.

Among the topics of discussion will be the blade, Blackrazor;
I know that you have made subtle inquiries into it's
whereabouts, and I believe that to accept my offer would
present you with an opportunity for its acquisition.  The
meeting will be held under the auspices of peace, for the
stakes of this expedition shall be so great, the implications
stretch the length and breadth of the Flaeness.  Strange
associations may be made here, for many nations have an
interest in the object of this quest.  If you wish to
participate, I encourage you to arrive with an open mind,
and a thirst for adventure.

The meeting will be held on the evening of the 22nd of
Fireseek, at the ancestral manor of my family.

Cordially yours,
Roland Shadowlark
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First Post
The rumors all brought him here, to the cosmopolitan city of Greyhawk, in search of the blade that would end his people's tribulation. Valerie Romaine, having just crossed the Nyr Dyv to get here, made his way out from the waterside areas and into the heart of the city.

After just a day of making inquiries with the right people, he came across a most unusual response: a well-dressed courier waited at his inn, looking out of sorts and uncomfortable sitting in an establishment meant for small-folk. Upon sighting Valerie, he rose and handed him a sort of packet, exquisitely and carefully made, before bowing curtly and hustling out into the streets. The seal was a bird on a branch; when he broke it, he found a message in fine ink for him inside in large, flowing script:
To He who pierces mysteries,
Master of the Hidden Arts,
Finder extraordinaire,
Valerie of the Rhenne:

Greetings!  When a Finder such as yourself sets his mind
to the acquisition of some object, the deed is as good as
done.  So when it reached my ears that you had set foot
in this fair City in search of the ancient blade, Frostedge,
I knew at once that it would be fruitless to compete with
you in this regard.  However, I considered giving you an
offer, that we might be united in purpose in this thing, and
thus combine our efforts to achieve a success greater than
either of us could make working alone.

As such, it is my pleasure to extend to you an
invitation to enjoy a meal at my table, and discuss the role
of finder which I hope to offer you in what (I should
humbly suggest) shall be your most exquisite find to date.

The meeting will be held under the auspices of peace, for the
stakes of this expedition shall be so great, the implications
stretch the length and breadth of the Flaeness.  Strange
associations may be made here, for many nations have an
interest in the object of this quest.  If you wish to
participate, I encourage you to arrive with an open mind,
and a thirst for adventure.

The meeting will be held on the evening of the 22nd of
Fireseek, at the ancestral manor of my family.

Cordially yours,
Roland Shadowlark
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First Post
Aunil, having left Celene for the first time in his many years, came into the Free City with a restless sort of hope. His voice was one of the few that dissented from the isolationist views of his people. As such, it fell on his shoulders search for a famous divinatory item, whose power could secure the lands of the fey from the wars that wracked the lands. That search brought him to Greyhawk, where he began to seek the aid of all the Queen's allies.

The city was far from his normal hunting grounds, and this weapon presented a new type of quarry. Frustration built as the city-folk's ways clashed with his own, and he tried to reconcile his beliefs with these new experiences. When hope began to fade, luck arrived in the form of a small packet, fancy in the fashion of the pretentious city dwellers, sealed with a lark on a branch; when he broke it, he found a script in his native tongue, penned out in fine ink inside in large, flowing script:
To the seeker of Seeker,
Valorous Knight of Luna,
Servant of the Faerie Queen,
Aunil of the Wilds:
Greetings!  The devotion of the Knights of your Fair Lady is
well known, and weighed with no small regard, amongst the
folk of the noble City of Greyhawk.  As such, it is without
hesitation that I offer my service to you in regards to the
object which calls you so bravely from your homelands.

Under these circumstances, it is my pleasure to extend to
you an invitation to enjoy a meal at my table, and discuss
the role of scout which I hope to offer you in what (I should
humbly suggest) shall be the most meritorious act in the
distinguished history of your career with the Knights.

The meeting will be held under the auspices of peace, for the
stakes of this expedition shall be so great, the implications
stretch the length and breadth of the Flaeness.  Strange
associations may be made here, for many nations have an
interest in the object of this quest.  If you wish to
participate, I encourage you to arrive with an open mind,
and a thirst for adventure.

The meeting will be held on the evening of the 22nd of
Fireseek, at the ancestral manor of my family.

Cordially yours,
Roland Shadowlark
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First Post
Having worked the ports around Wooly Bay, Gerdan came by way of Hardby into the Free City of Greyhawk. Seeking information on the hidden relic Wavecaller, he also made connections among the captains and crews that sailed the Nyr Dyv. He followed up on rumors and old sea legends, trying to separate fact from myth.

After a few weeks of this business, having purchased quite a few wasted ales for old seahands, he finally had a breakthrough, in the form of a queer sort of packet that he found with his belongings. It stuck out for its oppulence amidst his travel-worn gear. Breaking the seal, which was some sort of bird, he found a message for him in a large, flowing script that may have been exactly what he was looking for:
To the mystic of Procan,
Sailor across many waves,
Wanderer of many Seas,
Gerdan of the Storm-Lord:

Greetings!  For most of the winter season you have wasted
nights in taverns, paying to hear the fables of old salty curs.
Wavecaller, like the sea from whence it came, is a fickle
mistress, and won't be found by the likes of the folk you
have questioned to date.  Its worth is as far beyond any of
them as you are above the average barge-poller.  

As such, it is my pleasure to extend to you an
invitation to enjoy a meal at my table, and discuss the role
of navigator which I hope to offer you in what (I should
humbly suggest) shall be a much more fruitful pursuit.

The meeting will be held under the auspices of peace, for the
stakes of this expedition shall be so great, the implications
stretch the length and breadth of the Flaeness.  Strange
associations may be made here, for many nations have an
interest in the object of this quest.  If you wish to
participate, I encourage you to arrive with an open mind,
and a thirst for adventure.

The meeting will be held on the evening of the 22nd of
Fireseek, at the ancestral manor of my family.

Cordially yours,
Roland Shadowlark


Aunil reads the letter with interest. "At least it would appear that someone finally cares about the future of this world. It would seem I have a date then." His destination was not far from his current location, but he figured he should make his way there immediately. He gathers up his belongings and leaves immediately.


First Post
Having scoured the Free City for recruits in the past, it was no stretch of the imagination to believe that Percivilis and Jerivan were at it again: banging the drums, mustering men, arms, support, provisions, and everything else the the great machine of War needed to press onward. Most men on the streets would offer support, in words, to the sad situation that lingered on across the waters of the Nyr Dyv, but few would answer the call and fight for the liberation of the Shield Lands against the newly risen forces of Iuz.

However, this trip to Greyhawk was entirely out of the ordinary. Having heard whispers that Iuz was after a secret weapon, an ancient weapon, the Knights of the Holy Shielding had sent two of their most trusted lieutenants to put an ear out in the city for news of its location. They stuck to their most trusted allies, and proceded with the utmost secrecy, according to their orders.

That is why it was such a shock to receive the letter, sealed with an unfamiliar bird, written out to them in flowing script, reveiling their secret plans:

To the Chosen of Hieroneous,
Staunch defender of the Fatherland,
Knight of the Holy Shielding,
Percivilis the Pure:

Greetings!  The weapon you fear is not yet in the hands of
the Ancient Evil, or any of his forces.  However, the same
questions that you ask in the temples of the Just are being
asked in far seedier places, with methods far more sinister
at the disposal of their inquisitors.  The bounds of honor
mean nothing to the followers of the Old One.  Of course,
you and your homeland have allies in places yet unlooked.

As such, it is my pleasure to extend to you an
invitation to enjoy a meal at my table, and discuss the role
of defender which I hope to offer you in what (I should
humbly suggest) shall be a much more fruitful pursuit of
our mutual interests.

The meeting will be held under the auspices of peace, for the
stakes of this expedition shall be so great, the implications
stretch the length and breadth of the Flaeness.  Strange
associations may be made here, for many nations have an
interest in the object of this quest.  If you wish to
participate, I encourage you to arrive with an open mind,
and a thirst for adventure.

The meeting will be held on the evening of the 22nd of
Fireseek, at the ancestral manor of my family.

Cordially yours,
Roland Shadowlark

P.S.: Jerivan is of course most welcome to be included.


First Post
OOC: This post is for everybody, once you make your way to the manor. Each character has a little time for other tasks in the city first, if they want to take care of them before this meeting. Once they decide to arrive, read these, and you can then react in the dining hall and get a chance for introductions.

[sblock=When you arrive at the manor]As you approach the manor of the Shadowlarks, there is a small contingent of nearly a dozen pikemen waiting outside the gates. Their livery is the same as the seal on the packet you received, a black lark on a field of red. Tall stone walls separate the gardens from the avenue. At your approach, they request an invitation to be admitted -- you remembered the invitation, didn't you?[/sblock][sblock=Once inside]Having got past the gates, a servant escorts you into a grand dining hall with a dozen seats, six to a side, and a large antique chair at the head. Settings on fine silver are laid out at each place, and the servant indicates a place at the table for you.[/sblock]


Aunil arrives and sits in the empty room. He glances around, not very impresses at this person's apparent love for "shiny objects." Aunil smiles, "Must be a human." No other race would employ human armed guards and have such rich decorations. Racial pride rarely allowed it to be so.


First Post
Before going to the manor, Gerdan walks through the streets of the Free City, finding himself predictably at the docks. There he climbs down to the rest his hand in the water, reaching out to his divine lord.

He bows his head in reverent prayer, Hear me, mighty Storm-Lord. I have been shown a new star by which to sail in my search for the caller of waves. I seek your guidance in this, as in all things. Will my navigation by this star result in safe passage, or will I run aground?

[sblock=ooc] Cast augury, which should just tell me if the stated action will result in weal or woe (the other phrasing is just for flavorful fun.) [/sblock]

[sblock=spells] Spells Prepared
0—Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
1—Bless Water, Command, Entropic Shield, Bless, Obscuring Mist (D)
2—Augury, Delay Poison, Resist Energy, Spiritual Weapon, Locate Object (D)
3—Create Food and Water, Dispel Magic, Wind Wall, Water Breathing (D)

Spells in Effect


Valerie Halfling Rogue/Wizard

Highly intrigued by the letter, Valerie spends a little time inquiring about Roland Shadowlark and searching his memory for anything about the Shadowlark family. Then he bathes and dresses in his best clothes for the dinner. He leaves his heavy weapons and his familiar with his mount and hopes that such a fine surroundings do not hold a trap.

OOC: Knowledge-nobility and royalty +4; Gather information +1 Usual 'finder' array of spells in place. He casts mage armor before setting out for Shadowlark manor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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