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Revised Ranger update


Oh, no, I'm referring to the Revised Ranger. Always. Because, well, that's the point isn't it? The PHB Beastmaster is very unpopular and not very good. So, they gave us the Revised Beastmaster and the problem is resolved. I'm still, frankly, baffled why this is even a conversation.

The PHB Beastmaster SUCKS!

Ok, here's the revised Beastmaster and it works.

It's not published between two hard covers!!! It doesn't count!!!

... ummm... we ... err... but we fixed... uh...

WotC sucks and anyone who defends them is a blind apologist!!!

... err.... but... it's fixed... we gave you what you wanted... errr

On and on and on, round and round.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Just to gather all my thoughts on your fighting style in one place, it would be a weird fix. You would gain the ability to command beasts at second level using your bonus action, for any beast (because the Urchin has a pet mouse I suppose). I am curious if it allows you a bonus action for one friendly beast or if that bonus action could cause a cascade of attacks, I'd assume it is only a single, but you haven't rewritten it to include the "any allied beast" language. Then, you get your subclass and become a "Beastmaster" able to command a single beast only with your action... Which is signifigantly worse than the ability you already have at second level. This of course would just highlight the problem with the Beastmaster's currently written version

Thanks for going back through the thread I think you caught most of that discussion.

Yes with the fighting style you'd be able to use a bonus action to give any allied adjacent animal an attack. Once you became a beast master, you could also give up an attack of yours to give them an attack, which would allow the beast to make two attacks that round, but of course you've lost both your bonus action and an attack of your attack action. I think that works pretty well. Yes, the bonus action attack is a "cheaper" cost than the attack action attack, but then you gave up other fighting styles to get it so I don't see an issue. It might not be a perfect patch, but it's a pretty darn good one, and better than what we have right now, and saves altering the entire sub-class (which WOTC is committed to not doing). I put it in the "good enough" category.

We also still have the situation of how few beasts are actually involved with the standard party, and how many of those beasts the players would even want to involve in the combat, because the fewer that number, the less useful your fighting style becomes

Right this is getting back to those spells I mentioned. those spells for the most part require a friendly beast be nearby (you touch a friendly beast with most of them). So it's already assumed you're making or otherwise accessing friendly beasts around you from creatures who likely do not start out as friendly. You're probably using your skills - and that's the biggest key to changing the attitude of animals to being friendly, a skill check. It might be a handle animal check, it might be a nature check to know something about the animal, it might be a check to track an animal, it might be a persuasion check if you can communicate directly by use of a spell or ability. But the game assumes you're accessing friendly beasts already with those spells and skills.

There are spells to locate animals, spells to talk to animals, telepathically link with animals, see through an animals eyes and ears, charm animals, and a skill to persuade animals to become friendly. So they either make an animal friendly, or assume you routinely access friendly animals.

Once you have a friendly animal, there are further spells to do special things with these friendly animals like get them to deliver a message for you, etc.. So the game does assume you can and likely do access friendly animals if that's the kind of character you're wanting to play.

There are other classes which access friendly animals as well. Some Warlocks can speak with animals at will. A Totem Barbarian gets some abilities with beasts. A Nature Cleric can charm animals with Channel Divinity. Of course Druids get plenty of animal related spells and abilities. You can buy animals, and the player's handbook lists these: Camel, Donkey, Mule, Draft Horse, Elephant, Mastiff, Pony, Riding Horse, Warhorse. It also suggests you can potentially access even more animals and mounts.

So the game does assume you can and likely do access friendly animals if that's the kind of character you're wanting to play. Which was my point.

Will a lot of people be interested in this fighting style if they don't plan on becoming a beast master? Probably not. But, they might. Particularly if they are themselves or if they are playing with a Nature Cleric, a Druid, a Warlock with Beast Speech, or possibly a Barbarian Totem Warrior, you might want this fighting style. You'd want to coordinate other friendly animals being around the party, but yes it has its purposes outside the beastmaster sub-class. But yes, of course it's primary use is for the beastmaster sub-class...which is the topic we were discussing.

As for the discussion about people not wanting to treat companions as disposable as being too "old school" I disagree. The Ranger is no longer required to be a "good" alignment, like they often were in prior editions. I think it's actually rather "new school" to be a neutral or even evil aligned Ranger and treat companions as disposable things which you renew each 8 hour long rest as needed. But even if you view it as old school, I don't think it's that much of an unappealing concept to a lot of people. As I mentioned earlier, I appreciate the irony that I am a vegetarian in real life and I am the one advocating that approach, but others agreed it had it's appeal. If it's not for you, that's fine. But I don't think it's as anathema to as many people as you seem to think it is. I don't think the game has "moved on" from that concept, and it may in fact be moving closer to it these days.
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Eric V

Oh, no, I'm referring to the Revised Ranger. Always. Because, well, that's the point isn't it? The PHB Beastmaster is very unpopular and not very good. So, they gave us the Revised Beastmaster and the problem is resolved. I'm still, frankly, baffled why this is even a conversation.

The PHB Beastmaster SUCKS!

Ok, here's the revised Beastmaster and it works.

It's not published between two hard covers!!! It doesn't count!!!

... ummm... we ... err... but we fixed... uh...

WotC sucks and anyone who defends them is a blind apologist!!!

... err.... but... it's fixed... we gave you what you wanted... errr

On and on and on, round and round.

Is it, though? I mean, I like it myself, but it seems it might be a bit overpowered...like a lot of UA material before it gets edited and printed in an official book. Maybe people were hoping for that process?


Oh, no, I'm referring to the Revised Ranger. Always. Because, well, that's the point isn't it? The PHB Beastmaster is very unpopular and not very good. So, they gave us the Revised Beastmaster and the problem is resolved. I'm still, frankly, baffled why this is even a conversation.

The PHB Beastmaster SUCKS!

Ok, here's the revised Beastmaster and it works.

It's not published between two hard covers!!! It doesn't count!!!

... ummm... we ... err... but we fixed... uh...

WotC sucks and anyone who defends them is a blind apologist!!!

... err.... but... it's fixed... we gave you what you wanted... errr

On and on and on, round and round.

Yeah, I get that.

I guess for me personally, I kind of would have liked them to admit it is an official variant of the class. I don't need it in print, but JC saying "There is one Ranger, the one in the Player's Handbook" really puts a damper on things if I'm ever talking to a guy who wants to play a ranger, but refuses to play "unofficial" material.

I actually just ran into a player like that. Not in a game I'm running, but one I'm playing. They are completely against all UA and Homebrew options, and doesn't want another player to use the Revised Ranger. Not my call or my problem (I'm not the GM and I don't even know if the Ranger wants to use the Revised Version, it just came up in table talk) but stuff like that just makes things more complicated than they need to be.

Thanks for going back through the thread I think you caught most of that discussion.

Yes with the fighting style you'd be able to use a bonus action to give any allied adjacent animal an attack. Once you became a beast master, you could also give up an attack of yours to give them an attack, which would allow the beast to make two attacks that round, but of course you've lost both your bonus action and an attack of your attack action. I think that works pretty well. Yes, the bonus action attack is a "cheaper" cost than the attack action attack, but then you gave up other fighting styles to get it so I don't see an issue. It might not be a perfect patch, but it's a pretty darn good one, and better than what we have right now, and saves altering the entire sub-class (which WOTC is committed to not doing). I put it in the "good enough" category.

A few points.

Biggest one, in terms of RAW, how does this work for the Beast's Action Economy. Are we saying this is similar to Haste or Action Surge in that the beast is given an action to use, because I didn't assume you could do both. This could also allow the beast to Dodge and Attack on the same turn, which is relatively nice, even though the Ranger is forgotten by that point, having to use their action and bonus action. (Something I had not realized, Beastmasters can only give up an attack if they want the beast to attack, if the beast is helping, dodging, ect, they need to give up their full action until they hit level 7)

Secondly, an adjacent beast ally? That is awfully harsh, since it means a beastmaster will be in melee scrums even as an archer if they want to use this. If you want to limit it so the Ranger and the beast need to be near each other, at least make it 30 ft so the archer has a chance to stay out of melee.

Third, just thought of this since you have double-dipping for the attack action, how does this interact with the level 11 ability Bestial Fury? If the Ranger gives up an attack and their bonus action does the Beast get 4 attacks?

It isn't a bad offensive buff, I will admit, and the Ranger acting as body shield for the Beast if they are adjacent and attacked (does nothing against spell saves, since those aren't attacks) is nice defensively too. You just need a beast that can deal enough damage and have a high enough AC.

Right this is getting back to those spells I mentioned. those spells for the most part require a friendly beast be nearby (you touch a friendly beast with most of them). So it's already assumed you're making or otherwise accessing friendly beasts around you from creatures who likely do not start out as friendly. You're probably using your skills - and that's the biggest key to changing the attitude of animals to being friendly, a skill check. It might be a handle animal check, it might be a nature check to know something about the animal, it might be a check to track an animal, it might be a persuasion check if you can communicate directly by use of a spell or ability. But the game assumes you're accessing friendly beasts already with those spells and skills.

There are spells to locate animals, spells to talk to animals, telepathically link with animals, see through an animals eyes and ears, charm animals, and a skill to persuade animals to become friendly. So they either make an animal friendly, or assume you routinely access friendly animals.

Once you have a friendly animal, there are further spells to do special things with these friendly animals like get them to deliver a message for you, etc.. So the game does assume you can and likely do access friendly animals if that's the kind of character you're wanting to play.

There are other classes which access friendly animals as well. Some Warlocks can speak with animals at will. A Totem Barbarian gets some abilities with beasts. A Nature Cleric can charm animals with Channel Divinity. Of course Druids get plenty of animal related spells and abilities. You can buy animals, and the player's handbook lists these: Camel, Donkey, Mule, Draft Horse, Elephant, Mastiff, Pony, Riding Horse, Warhorse. It also suggests you can potentially access even more animals and mounts.

So the game does assume you can and likely do access friendly animals if that's the kind of character you're wanting to play. Which was my point.

Will a lot of people be interested in this fighting style if they don't plan on becoming a beast master? Probably not. But, they might. Particularly if they are themselves or if they are playing with a Nature Cleric, a Druid, a Warlock with Beast Speech, or possibly a Barbarian Totem Warrior, you might want this fighting style. You'd want to coordinate other friendly animals being around the party, but yes it has its purposes outside the beastmaster sub-class. But yes, of course it's primary use is for the beastmaster sub-class...which is the topic we were discussing.

Okay, the game does have spells that assume animals will be nearby and utilized occasionally. That does not mean the game assumes they will be involved in combat, nor that they will stick around.

I've seen more people use Speak With Animals to try and pump alley dogs and Guardsmen's Horses for information than I have ever seen them convince a badger to go on an adventure with them. Also, of the animals you listed for sale every single one is a beast of burden, except maybe the mastiff but they are also listed with a carrying capacity (BTW, how did I never notice Elephants for sale in the PHB?).

Your fighting style is by necessity a combat buff, and I can't imagine any sane ranger giving up their bonus action for a mule's +2 to hit 1d4+2 attack. It exists as an option, but it isn't relevant if no one would do it.

Those spells are situational uses at best, utilizing the animals you find during an adventure, but for your fighting style to be useful before a Ranger get's their companion, or after their companion dies and before they get a new one, that there are viable, combat ready beasts on the battlefield. And you have to actually try to even get beasts on the battlefield period, let alone ones that would be worth giving up your bonus action to make attack while you are standing next to them. This isn't a question of "can you convince a wild bear to follow the party and fight for you" or "can you buy horses and get them to fight for you" it is a question of "Will these beasts be common enough and combat capable enough for it to be worth this fighting style." And I don't think the sparrows the druid occasionally uses to send messages or the old plow horse you borrowed from Farmer Johnson to carry the McGuffin really count towards that.

As for the discussion about people not wanting to treat companions as disposable as being too "old school" I disagree. The Ranger is no longer required to be a "good" alignment, like they often were in prior editions. I think it's actually rather "new school" to be a neutral or even evil aligned Ranger and treat companions as disposable things which you renew each 8 hour long rest as needed. But even if you view it as old school, I don't think it's that much of an unappealing concept to a lot of people. As I mentioned earlier, I appreciate the irony that I am a vegetarian in real life and I am the one advocating that approach, but others agreed it had it's appeal. If it's not for you, that's fine. But I don't think it's as anathema to as many people as you seem to think it is. I don't think the game has "moved on" from that concept, and it may in fact be moving closer to it these days.

I don't think the game is moving closer to "Dog Fighting the Class" whether or not you want to play an evil ranger. I think my biggest gripe with it is the idea that it was the intended goal of the design, because... man does that worry me. It just goes completely against the cultures I've seen at the various tables in my area, which means there is a massive cultural disconnect somewhere..

It just breaks my enjoyment of the game I suppose, to imagine someone throwing animals to their deaths against massive monsters. "This manticore is tougher than I thought, I'll open cage #3 and send the badger in next, he'll probably survive a round or two while I patch up that bear I caught." It just sickens me, and I can't imagine a player at my table even attempting something like that.

And yeah, double standard for the Beastmaster, who takes in a single beast instead of a menagerie, but perceptions and tastes aren't always rational and one bothers me far more than the other.


Of course there's still something very wrong with the PHB Beastmaster.

Anyone tell you different is just full of Crawford's corporate bullshuck.

Theoretically it could be that everyone likes it. But the simplest explanation I'd often the correct one.

And instead of trying to wrap my head around the magic wand wave explanation where people suddenly change opinion completely, here's a simpler explanation for ya:

They want the problem to go away.

Boom. Done.

I find this explanation much more plausible. As an added bonus, I don't have to come across as a company stooge.


Oh, no, I'm referring to the Revised Ranger. Always. Because, well, that's the point isn't it? The PHB Beastmaster is very unpopular and not very good. So, they gave us the Revised Beastmaster and the problem is resolved. I'm still, frankly, baffled why this is even a conversation.
You appear as if you haven't listened. At all. Here, let me summarize the thread for you:

1. WotC says the revised Beastmaster isn't needed, since everybody loves the PHB Hunter.
2. Some of us call BS.
3. You point out the UA revision still exists.
4. We point out it is still not official.

In short, you are entirely and completely wrong. There is no solution and WotC pretends there is no problem.

There. Any questions?


Of course there's still something very wrong with the PHB Beastmaster.

Anyone tell you different is just full of Crawford's corporate bullshuck.

Theoretically it could be that everyone likes it. But the simplest explanation I'd often the correct one.

And instead of trying to wrap my head around the magic wand wave explanation where people suddenly change opinion completely, here's a simpler explanation for ya:

They want the problem to go away.

Boom. Done.

I find this explanation much more plausible. As an added bonus, I don't have to come across as a company stooge.

I dunno, sounds like something that somebody on Fantasy Flight Games payroll might say (since goofy nonsequiter is the rule of the day). :p

I mean, Heaven forbid anyone might actually disagee or anything.
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You appear as if you haven't listened. At all. Here, let me summarize the thread for you:

1. WotC says the revised Beastmaster isn't needed, since everybody loves the PHB Hunter.
2. Some of us call BS.
3. You point out the UA revision still exists.
4. We point out it is still not official.

In short, you are entirely and completely wrong. There is no solution and WotC pretends there is no problem.

There. Any questions?

1. Every time there is a "monsters are too weak" thread, you argue that is true.
2. You also regularly claim that any who disagrees with you is on the WotC payroll.
3. If the monsters are too weak, then the PHB BM's pet is in no danger.
4. Since you are now claiming that monsters are not too weak, since they can obviously threatened the pet, you, [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION], are clearly on WotC's payroll.

So which WotC employee are you?

'Fess up. We have the right to know.


Jedi Master
I really don’t know what’s so complicated about this. At the start of 5e, most of the players were veterans to D&D and brought in expectations and habits from previous versions of the game. Those perceptions led to an initial misunderstanding of how the class would work in play and resulted in low satisfaction reporting in polls.

At this point, most people playing 5e never played another version, and without that bias find the Ranger class to be satisfying. Additionally, those who have played previously have been able to adjust their play style to the new system. Thus the change in polling results. It wasn’t the class, it was the players.

Given the evidence that tens of thousands of people are able to play a Beastmaster Ranger successfully, I can only conclude that [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION] lacks the skill necessary to do so, and wishes WotC to produce an easier version of the class more in line with his abilities.



Why do you find the melee hunter bad?

Sure, Hunter's Mark interfering with making the bonus action attack is aggravating, but if you pull it off you can get 2d6+2d6+1d8+modx2 by third level. That makes them a blender of death. 4th level (or v. Human) you can turn that into 2d8+2d6+1d8+modx2 and +1 AC. Get Warcaster for advantage on concentration checks and you are sitting relatively pretty

They have little spell support, but I'd argue the Archer ranger doesn't get a lot of spell support either once they hit mid-levels, since most of the "arrow" spells are kind of underwhelming, and most of the best ranger spells are non-specific.

In fact, I'd say the only really major loss is Swift Quiver, and the fact that Volley is superior to Whirlwind attack in most battlefields.
- Any class can be as good as a ranger tracking outside their favored terrain and a favored enemy, some classes are better if you choose to improve the proficiency with survival and other skills, or use spells like enhance ability.
- You can sense that some creatures are within 1-6 miles using your spell slots. I think this is a bad class feature, specially if I compare it to class features as sense evil.
- Hide in plain sight, 1 min of camouflage for a good bonus to hide in front of a solid surface, at lvl 10 this for me is another bad class feature. If the class didn't have spells it would have a purpose, but it has spells, not going to point what other classes can do at this level to be more stealthy.
- Vanish... Not sure what is this for, when someone hides on our games normally it has time to do it. You can not be tracked, but you could use pass without trace since 9 levels.
- Foe slayer, at last you get a damage or attack bonus beyond lvl 3, you only need level 20 for the +5 once per round.

For melee:
- Whirlwind attack is horrible because it is situational and it's always better to concentrate attacks, it also doesn't work with two weapon fightning, welcome to another trap.
Your real damage bonuses at lvl 3:
- Giant killer, if the campaign is long you must advice the player about the level 15 options, it's also extremely situational, large+ creature that fails an attack against you.
- Horde breaker, an extra attack, good, but only when the enemies are adjacent, situational and being melee sometimes you'll need to reach the position and that can mean OAs.
- Colossus slayer, the best one, you concentrate damage, better when you have another attack, but only 1d8 per turn.

At level 11 the rest of melee classes look better, at level 12 the warlock using pact of the blade looks better.
The spell that can give the ranger more damage is Hunter's mark and it needs concentration, as you are melee you are going to be hit easily and constitution is not one of your good saving throws. It also needs bonus actions, bad for two weapon melee.

If you are "seeing" problems with the Hunter Ranger without having played it, and you see a large number of people here who have actually had experience playing it and find it to be fine, then you should probably consider playing it first before deciding it's bad. You might be wrong. It's not "extremely bad" in the opinions of many, many people who have actually played it.
I don't have anything to consider, a lot of people have experiences I don't want to experience because of reasons, someone enjoying the ranger class is not a good reason for me to try it when I have my own reasons of why I don't like it and the experience is not an argument about balance, some people have played it and also find the class unbalanced and with problems.

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