RFC: Iconic D&D Cities

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I suggest Baldur's Gate, because of its place as a major city of the major region of a major setting. And also because the video game(s) is/are still a big part of my own D&D experience.


The obvious baselines ones are the Free City of Greyhawk (Greyhawk), Sharn (Eberron), and Barovia (Ravenloft).

I'm not familiar enough with Dragonlance or Dark Sun to know their primary city.


Lately I have been getting a lot of use from Phandalin. Years ago I ran a Daggerford campaign for several years and milked that town dry. Both are not cities if you are looking for that though.

The obvious baselines ones are the Free City of Greyhawk (Greyhawk), Sharn (Eberron), and Barovia (Ravenloft).

I'm not familiar enough with Dragonlance or Dark Sun to know their primary city.

Palanthas is the big Dragonlance metropolis. And the free city of Tyr would qualify in Dark Sun.

Ravenloft would have been Il Aluk prior to the Grim Harvest event. Following that it would be Port-a-lucine or the Island of Terror, Zherisia/ Paridon.

Sigil is the city for planescape.

For Eberron I'd suggest Sharn and Stormreach as the most iconic to the setting.

Mystara, I'm drawing a blank because I can remember the nations, but none of the cities seem to encompass the setting as a whole.

Is Ravenloft too small? - Are there any actual cities in it?

Forgotten realms has lots of cities, but outside the ones that are more general knowledge due to being in computer games like Neverwinter or Baldur's Gate, I couldn't say whether there are any particularly distinctive ones that could be considered iconic to the setting as a whole.

Voidrunner's Codex

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